2. Dolphins
Anyonewho’s been to Sea World will tell you that dolphins are freakishlysmart. What’s amazing is that most of the “tricks” they’re taught to doare actually behavior they would engage in on their own. Dolphins loveto play, race, and generally enjoy life to the fullest. They possess alanguage we have yet to completely understand and like all civilizedcreatures, dolphin mothers remain with their young well into the child’sadolescence, providing guidance and, possibly, love.
3. Great Apes
TheGreat Ape family primarily consists of gorillas, chimpanzees, andorangutans. Their brain chemistry and physical orientation is so similarto humans that NASA once used chimpanzees in place of astronauts duringmany dangerous missions. They won’t let some humans be astronauts!Another chimp in Japan can use a computer, and is likely at this verymoment getting addicted to World of Warcraft. Gorillas have been taughtsign language and orangutans exist in complex familial relationships.There may be slightly more than opposable thumbs separating man fromape, but not a lot more.
4. Elephants
Everyonehas heard the phrase, “an elephant never forgets.” What most peopledon’t realize is how that saying came to be. Elephants establish longterm friendships, recognizing and remembering their friends (human andelephant) years later. They exhibit the ability to empathize,illustrated by their compunction to bury their dead – sometimes evendead humans. If they come upon a fallen friend, an elephant has evenbeen known to grieve the loss. They exhibit problem solving and usetools; they exist in families. If they were smaller, they would probablyall have Facebook pages set up and know how to use Twitter better than Ido.
5. Parrots
Asevidenced by this list, birds are very smart. They are also the onlyanimals listed who can actually hold a conversation. Some parrots knowhundreds of words, and by “know” I don’t mean they – well – parrothumans. The birds are actually capable of retaining words and using themintelligently in response to situations. This news makes the MontyPython “Dead Parrot” sketch unintentionally tragic.
6. Crows
Crowsare wily things, even if they are fooled by stereotypically dressedstraw men. Your typical, garden variety crow has been known to liberate awalnut from the picnic table, then fly the morsel out into traffic,drop it, wait for a passing car to crack the nut open, then swoop downand enjoy the results. And that’s not even the cleverest a crow can get!The New Caldedonian Crow is especially intriguing given its ability touse crudely fashioned tools as it hunts for food, including knivescreated from cut leaves or grass. Yes, that’s right: a crow with aswitchblade. Hitchcock never saw this coming.
7. Rats
Iknow what you’re thinking. “How smart could they be if they carried theBlack Plague all around England?” Despite the perception that rats arelittle more than filthy disease carriers, rats are actually among themost inventive creatures on the planet. There’s a very good reason thatscience uses rats and mice more than any other animal forexperimentation, and no, it’s not because puppies are cuter. Theirbrains are capable of finding loopholes and shortcuts in mazes and otherexperiments that your three-year-old would probably have difficultywith.
我知道你在想什么: “給整個(gè)英格蘭帶來(lái)了黑死病,它們還聰明?"盡管老鼠是個(gè)骯臟的疾病攜帶者,它們依然是最善于創(chuàng)造的生物之一。所以科學(xué)實(shí)驗(yàn)都使用老鼠是有原因的,而不是因?yàn)樗蝗缧」穫兛蓯?ài)。老鼠的腦部善于發(fā)現(xiàn)迷宮或?qū)嶒?yàn)中的漏洞和捷徑,說(shuō)不定你三歲的時(shí)候都無(wú)法解決這些問(wèn)題。
8. The Pigeon
Possiblythe most disturbing looking creature on the list, the pigeon has longterrorized big cities with spacious balconies. While its body movementscan be off putting, the pigeon is an incredibly social creature. Pigeonscan tell the difference between other pigeons, and, unlike some peopleyou get stuck talking to at parties, use behavior to create theirresponses. And anyone who’s heard of a “homing pigeon” is well aware thebirds are capable of returning to and from long distances without evergetting lost. However, in a knife fight, the pigeon would probably loseto its craftier crow brother.
9. Pigs
Everheard the term “spread like wildfire”? Well, it should really be“spread like pigs.” Every time the pig is introduced to a newenvironment, it becomes devastating to the native species, showing asurvival ability that screams of intelligence over brute strength. Whilethey get a bad rep for being messy, pigs are actually merely adaptableto their situation. If you make them live in mud, they’ll do so, quitehappily; give them a clean environment, however, and they’ll keep itthat way. This is more than can be said for your teenage son who wantsto move above the garage for “privacy.”
10. Squirrels
Sure,they’re like rats with really bushy tails, but like the rat, squirrelshave hidden depths. They successfully hunt for food in a variety ofintriguing places most species wouldn’t consider. In addition, they planahead, “squirreling” away much of what they find in secret food storagein preparation for a long winter, or because they anticipate catchingup on a full season of “Grey’s Anatomy” and won’t want to leave thehouse for awhile.