Private Sub CopiMemo(SrcRow As Long, DetRow As Long)
Dim i As Integer
With fpdOutmemo2
If DetRow > .MaxRows Then ‘如果需要復制的行超過目的的最大行
Exit Sub
End If
.Row = DetRow: fpdOutmemo.Row = SrcRow ‘定位行
For i = 1 To fpdOutmemo.MaxCols ‘復制一行中的每一列
.Col = i: fpdOutmemo.Col = i
.Text = fpdOutmemo.Text
Next i
End With
End Sub
Private Sub InsertMemo(SrcRow As Long)
With fpdOutmemo2
.MaxRows = .MaxRows + 1 ‘增加一個行
Call CopiMemo(SrcRow, .MaxRows)
End With
End Sub
Private Sub DelMemo2(DetRow As Long)
Dim i As Long
With fpdOutmemo2
.Col = 1‘選擇框
.Text = 0
End With
End Sub
Private Sub DelMemo3()
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
With fpdOutmemo2
j = 0
For i = i To .MaxRows
.Col = 1
.Row = i
If .Text = 0 Then
.DeleteRows i, 1‘刪除行
j = j + 1
End If
Next i
.MaxRows = .MaxRows - j‘更新最大行記錄數(shù),否則會出現(xiàn)空白行
End With
End Sub
Private Function FindMemo2(SrcRow As Long) As Long
Dim strOutMemo As String
Dim strProductid As String
Dim strOutMemo2 As String
Dim strProductid2 As String
Dim i As Long
FindMemo2 = 0
With fpdOutmemo2
If SrcRow > .MaxRows Then
FindMemo2 = 0 ‘沒有找到
Exit Function
End If
.Row = SrcRow
strOutMemo = .Text
strProductid = .Text
End With
With fpdOutmemo
If .MaxRows = 0 Then
FindMemo2 = 0 ‘沒有找到
Exit Function
End If
For i = 1 To .MaxRows
.Row = i
strOutMemo2 = .Text
strProductid2 = .Text
If strOutMemo = strOutMemo2 And strProductid = strProductid2 Then
FindMemo2 = i ‘返回找到的記錄的行
Exit Function
End If
Next i
End With
End Function