Erikson believed that during this crucial stage of life it was important that a consistent and attentive caregiver meet an infant’s basic needs for nourishment and comfort. If the infant’s needs are met then the child will develop trust in himself and in the word around him, if not then he will grow to be distrustful, suspicious, and withdrawn.
In the worst-case scenario, a child could eventually grow to develop depression and even paranoia. It is also at the critical stage that a child develops his/her attachment pattern, which will affect all future relationships. Successfully completing this stage of development leads to feelings of hope and optimism.
Erikson believed that a toddler needed to be given the freedom to explore his world and that it was essential for caregivers to provide praise and positive support. Given this opportunity, a child would develop a feeling of independence. If not the child would learn to doubt himself.
Erikson believed that failure at this stage could later lead to feelings of obsessiveness or avoidance. Those who successfully completed this stage of development would gain a sense of determination and willpower.
According to Erikson during this preschool period, a child begins to show initiative and imitate the actions of adults. If he is permitted and encouraged to do so he will develop initiative and later gain the virtues of purpose and courage. Failure at this stage would result in feelings of guilt and could later develop into antisocial (criminal) or narcissistic behavior.
School age children begin to master skills and take on new challenges and activities. If a child is successful at this stage he will become industrious and gain self-worth. Failure to support a child's efforts at this stage can lead to feelings of inferiority and incompetence. Ultimate failure at this stage can lead to lifelong feelings of helplessness and low self-worth. Children who are successful at this stage acquire the virtue of confidence.
This is the stage of adolescence and the goal here is to discover “who you are”. The teenager must discover his identity in terms of interests, goals, occupation, and sexual orientation. Teens that are successful at discovering their identity will know their place in the world and can move forward with a sense of purpose.
Those who do not generally remain confused about who they are and what exactly their role is. In the worst case, a person may forever suffer from a sense of 'role confusion' and a fragile self-image.
This is the stage where young people attempt to develop intimate relationships with friends and members of the opposite sex. Intimate relationships are those where we can be ourselves and allow ourselves to be vulnerable. If we are successful at navigating this stage of life, we learn how to love and be loved.
Erikson believed that failure at this stage could lead one to become either promiscuous or to isolate oneself from others and reject close relationships.
Generativity refers to the concern for future generations. One way which humans show generativity is by having and raising children. However, anyone who has made valuable contributions to society and has made a mark in the world shows generativity.
Individuals who are dissatisfied with their life and who have not achieved anything worthwhile become bitter, self-absorbed, and stagnate. Successfully negotiating this stage of life leads to feelings of love for future generations and all of mankind.
This is the stage where one reflects on his/her life. When one reaches the final stage of life the crisis is about accepting your life and feeling that you have lived thoroughly and loved thoroughly. Those who have will develop 'ego integrity' or a sense of acceptance about their life and they will not dread death.
Those who have failed to achieve their goals or who have serious regrets about the life they've lived will develop a feeling of despair and a greater fear of death. Wisdom is the ultimate virtue achieved at this stage of life.