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World of Warcraft takes place in a 3D-representation of the Warcraft universe that players can interact with through their characters. The game features tiffany two continents on the world of Azeroth. In this game world, players use their characters to explore locations, defeat creatures and complete quests.The Death Knight is the first announced Hero class for Wrath of the Lich King.Death Knights, according to Blizzard developers, will be able to fulfill the tank and DPS roles sufficiently. Death Knights can use plate armor and new rune weapons like Runeswords and Runeaxes,but they cannot use shields.
World of Warcraft players often participate in the virtual community in creative ways, including fan artworkand comic strip style storytelling.It offers ten playable races: Dwarves, Gnomes, Humans, Night Elves, Draenei, Orcs, Tauren, Trolls, Undead and Blood Elves. The game's races are further divided into two warring factions: the
Play as the game’s first hero class, the fearsome death knight, and command the power of blood, frost, and unholy runes. In addition, every class in the game can learn wow buy gold powerful new spells and abilities of their own, as the level cap has been raised to 80.Hero Class: Death Knight.New Continent: Northrend.Massive World PvP,Brand-New ungeons and Raids.New Profession: Inscription.
Wrath of the Lich King builds upon the innovations that The Burning Crusade brought to World of Warcraft’s dungeon and raid game. In addition to heroic 5-person dungeons, all raids now come in both 10-person and 25-person varieties, each offering independent cheapest wow gold challenges and rewards. Northrend’s rich history serves as the backdrop for encounters that are more intense, more fun, and more epic than anything that’s come before.In addition to delving into the new quests, zones, and dungeons in Northrend, players will also be able to earn hundreds of new achievements in Wrath of the Lich King, along with new titles and other in-game rewards. Learn more on our achievements page.
Northrend is a crescent-shaped continent in northern Azeroth.The continent is roughly half the size of the Eastern Kingdoms, but is expected to match Outland in length and width. Although Northrend is known for its snow and ice, developers stated that only parts of the continent will be frozen over.Northrend will feature ten zones with content for levels as low as 68, though players may travel to Northrend at any level.Players will land by boat either at the Howling Fjord or the Borean Tundra zones, located at opposite ends of the continent, when they first arrive. Howling Fjord is home to evil half-giants called the Vrykul as well as Utgarde Keep, the first dungeon to be described in the expansion. The Dragonblight and Grizzly Hills zones are located the southern central part of the .(hy)