- AACE Journal (AACEJ)
The AACE Journal (AACEJ) was originally a print journal entitled Educational Technology Review (ETR). AACEJ provides a multidisciplinary forum and focal point for AACE members to exchange information between disciplines, educational levels, and information technologies. Published by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- American Journal of Distance Education
AJDE is an internationally recognized journal of research and scholarship in the field of American distance education. It is designed for a wide audience of teachers, trainers, adult educators, researchers and other specialists in education, training and communications. Edited by Michael G. Moore.
- CADE : Journal of Distance Education/Revue de l‘enseignement à distance
The Journal of Distance Education is an international publication of the Canadian Association for Distance Education (CADE). Its aims are to promote and encourage Canadian research and scholarly work in distance education and provide a forum for the dissemination of international scholarship.
- Campus Technologies
This monthly publication focuses on the use of technology in higher education. Launched in October 2004, Campus Technologies replaces Syllabus magazine. Subscription options to electronic newsletters are also available. The Web site contains focus articles, white papers, forums, and links to special sections.
- Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology
CJLT is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal published 3 times annually by AMTEC (Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada). Topics may include, but are not limited to: learning theory and technology, cognition and technology, instructional design theory and application, online learning, computer applications in education, simulations and gaming, and other aspects of the use of technology in the learning process. Manuscripts may be submitted either in English or in French. CJLT was formerly called the Canadian Journal of Educational Communication (CJEC).
- The Chronicle of Higher Education
Information Technology Section
The Information Technology section of the The Chronicle of Higher Education‘s Web site offers a daily update of news briefs relating to distance education and educational technology. You must be a subscriber to the Chronicle to view the articles.
- Contemporary Issues in Technology & Teacher Education (CITE)
CITE,an electronic publication of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), was established as a multimedia, interactive counterpart of the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. Published by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- D-Lib Magazine
D-Lib Magazine is a solely electronic publication with a primary focus on digital library research and development, including but not limited to new technologies, applications, and contextual social and economic issues. The primary goal of the magazine is timely and efficient information exchange for the digital library community. A convenient Title Index provides access to stories, briefings, and editorials in back issues.
DEOSNEWS is published monthly to the Web site of the American Center for the Study of Distance Education (ACSDE). Established in 1991, DEOSNEWS promotes distance education scholarship, research, and practice. Publication was suspended temporarily after Volume 12.3, but resumed as of January, 2004 with Volume 13.1. It is produced by The Pennsylvania State University.
- Distance Education
Distance Education is a journal published by Carfax Publishing, part of the Taylor & Francis Group and is available online. An online subscription provides full text access for this journal. Non-subscribers can browse the contents pages of online issues free of charge.
The Distance Education Systemwide Interactive Electronic Newsletter interactive is a searchable newsletter which was delivered via email to subscribers until December 2003. Archived issues offer original articles which emphasize distance education themes or focus items. DESIEN was published by the University of Wisconsin-Extension.
- EContent Magazine
EContentmag.com is the Web counterpart to EContent Magazine. It offers its readers "insight into the latest content technology, tools, and trends." The Research Center is divided into sections such as Content Delivery, Digital Asset Management, Rich Media and many others. Each section contains news items, white papers and featured articles on the particular topic. Users may also search the site by keyword. Copyright 2003, Online: a Division of Information Today Inc.
- Educational Pathways
Educational Pathways (EP) is a paid-subscription, monthly newsletter available in print and online. It focuses on brief articles about the latest developments in higher education distance learning and teaching and features in-depth interviews each month. Educational Pathways is a member of the Sloan Consortium, the Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications, the Education Writers Association, the American Library Association, and the Distance Learning Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries. EP is published by Lorenzo Associates, Amherst, New York.
- Educational Technology Review (ETR)
ETR, an International Forum on Educational Technology Issues and Applications, was originally a print publication. It provide a multidisciplinary forum and focal point for AACE members to exchange information between disciplines, educational levels, and information technologies. Published by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- EDUCAUSE Quarterly
EDUCAUSE Quarterly is a practitioner‘s journal for college and university managers and users of information resources—information, technology, and services—published quarterly by EDUCAUSE.
- The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries (EJISDC)
An international forum for "practitioners, teachers, researchers and policy makers to share their knowledge and experience in the design, development, implementation, management and evaluation of information systems and technologies in developing countries." EJISDC is a joint publication of City University of Hong Kong, Erasmus University of Rotterdam and Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands.
- eSchool News online
eSchool News online is the Web site for eSchool News, which is "a monthly newspaper developed to provide the news and information necessary to help K-12 decision-makers successfully use technology and the Internet." Users are able to browse table of contents, news updates and reports, but content is reserved for paid subscribers.
- European Journal of Open and Distance Learning
This journal is available online and by subscription. It offers "a forum for discussion of ODL issues at all educational levels and in all training contexts." Information includes open and distance learning, education through telematics, multimedia, on-line learning and co-operation.
- Inside Higher Ed
This free site provides news and commentary about higher education. A recent article about distance education and/or higher ed technology is: by Doug Lederman. Also, users may search the Jobs Section for openings where ‘distance education‘ or other key terms can be entered.
- Interactive Educational Multimedia (IEM)
Interactive Educational Multimedia is a online publication "intended as a space for dialogue and reflection about the application of the multimedia technologies in education." It is published in association with Barcelona University.
- International Journal on E-Learning (IJEL)
IJEL serves as a forum to facilitate the international exchange of information on the current research, development, and practice of e-learning in corporate, government, healthcare, and higher education. Formerly International Journal of Educational Telecommunications and the WebNet Journal. Published by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL)
The purpose of IRRODL is to disseminate scholarly knowledge in open and distance learning theory, research, and best practice to distance education practitioners and scholars worldwide. IRRODL also links to sections on Book Notes, Conference Notes and Technical Notes. The referred e-journal is published by Athabasca University.
- The Internet and Higher Education
The Internet and Higher Education is a quarterly journal designed for faculty, staff, and administrators charged with the responsibility of enhancing instructional practices and productivity via the use of Information Technology (IT) and the Internet.
- Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks (JALN)
"The aim of the Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks is to describe original work in asynchronous learning networks (ALN), including experimental results." JALN is a publication of the Sloan Consortium. The ALN Magazine is no longer published, but archives devoted to topics in Asynchronous Learning Networks are still available.
- Journal of Distance Learning Administration
The Journal of Distance Learning Administration is a peer-reviewed electronic journal offered free each quarter from the State University of West Georgia. The Journal welcomes manuscripts based on original work of practitioners and researchers with specific focus or implications for the management of distance education programs.
- Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society
The Italian e-Learning Association published this journal in both a print and an online version. The Journal is aimed at researchers, educators and professionals involved with technological innovation and online education as well as knowledge management. First published in 2005.
- Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH)
JEMH is designed to provide a multi-disciplinary forum to present and discuss research, development and applications of multimedia and hypermedia in education. Published by Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems
The Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems (JIDS) is a quarterly publication sponsored by the Society for Applied Learning Technology® and published by the Learning Technology Institute® which is devoted to the issues, problems, and applications of instructional delivery systems in education, training, and job performance.
- Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR)
The Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR) publishes papers related to the underlying theory, design, implementation, effectiveness, and impact on education and training in interactive learning environments. Published by Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Journal of Interactive Media in Education (JIME)
JIME has "developed a journal review environment in which submitted articles and open peer review are tightly integrated with each other, and central to the journal‘s operation." Published by the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University.
- Journal of Research on Technology in Education
JRTE publishes "articles that report on original research, system or project descriptions and evaluations, syntheses of the literature, assessments of the state of the art, and theoretical or conceptual positions that relate to educational computing. JRTEòs audience includes teachers, teacher educators, technology coordinators, educational policy makers, and industry leaders." JRTE is published by the International Society for Technology in Education.
- Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (JTATE)
JTATE serves as a forum for the exchange of knowledge about the use of information technology in teacher education. Journal content covers preservice and inservice teacher education, graduate programs in areas such as curriculum and instruction, educational administration, staff development instructional technology, and educational computing. Published by Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Learning and Training Innovations Magazine
This is the former elearningmag.com Web site. It contains articles from past issues of LTI and e-Learning. The site also features a news archive and interactive buyers guide. Learning and Training Innovations Magazine is associated with Advanstar Communications.
- Sloan-C View: Perspectives in Quality Online Education
A publication of the Sloan Consortium. The intention of the Sloan-C View is to provide you with useful information about online learning, commentaries about the field and pointers to more details about the work of the Sloan Consortium. The Consortium currently has approximately 225 active member institutions, including colleges, universities, consortia, and vendors.
- T + D Magazine
Training & Development is an official publication of the American Society for Training & Development, a not-for-profit association of professionals in the field of human resource development, workplace learning, and performance improvement. Some free articles, others for ASTD members only. Back issues and reprints of individual articles are available for purchase. ASTD members receive the print publication with their membership.
- Technological Horizons in Education (T.H.E.) Journal Online
T.H.E. Journal includes monthly features, editorials, news, an Educator‘s Evaluation section, Industry Perspective, product reviews and other areas of interest. Included are articles from educators involved in integrating technology on their campuses and into their curricula.
- The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-(TOJDE)
International in scope, this e-journal publishes refereed articles focusing on the issues and challenges of providing theory, research/ information services to students enrolled in any level of distance education on open learning applications. Published by Anadolu University Yunusemre Campus, Turkey.
- The Virtual University Gazette
This is a free electronic newsletter for distance learning professionals from geteducated.com. It covers the Internet University movement, emerging trends and issues related to online learning at the adult and continuing education levels, and offers stories on industry/university collaborations. The Virtual University Gazette is published by geteducated.com, LLC, founded by Vicki Phillips, CEO.
Collections Distance Education of Articles - AACE Digital Library
Users may search current and past issues of the journals published by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) To access the full text of articles online subscriptions options are available. New items are being added continually to the collection. Users may opt to browse the table of contents of each of the AACE journals.
- ACM Digital Library
The ACM Digital Library is the full-text repository of papers from publications that have been published, co-published, or co-marketed by ACM and other publishers. The Guide is a collection of bibliographic citations and abstracts of works published by ACM and other publishers. Subscription and registration is available, but some limited free service is also offered. A search of the subject term ‘distance learning‘ returns over 200 citations. The ACM Portal is published by the Association for Computing Machinery.
- Bibliography on Computer Based Assessment and Distance Learning
This fully searchable collection of hundreds of references is maintained by Sal Valenti, University of Ancona, Italy. About half of the references are available online, with links to their original sources. Key topics covered in the bibliography include Distance Learning, Education and Computer Based/Assisted Assessment. This resource has not been updated since 2003, but archives are available.
- Distance Education Certificate Program Article Listing
Every month, the Distance Education Certificate Program of the University of Wisconsin-Madison adds links to three or four articles relating to distance education techniques, issues, or developments. The collection spans from 1999 to the present, and is a good representation of key issue of the time.
- EDUCAUSE Information Resources Library: Distance Education
The EDUCAUSE Information Resources Library is an international repository for information about managing and using information resources in higher education. This Distance Education section includes campus documents, such as policies, RFPs, and strategic plans, conference papers, articles from EDUCAUSE publications, and useful Web resources, many of which are available electronically. There are scores of other terms to search in the EDUCAUSE Library collection.
- The Educator‘s Reference Desk: Distance Education
ERIC citations from 1966- 2004 are available for searching from The Educator‘s Reference Desk. (All ERIC Clearinghouses plus AskERIC was closed permanently as of December 31, 2003.) For example, a simple search of the phrase ‘distance education‘ reveals almost 10, 000 references from the ERIC database. In addition to the ERIC references, The Educator‘s Reference Desk also provides a section of distance education guides for both higher education and K12 communities.
- ICDL Literature Database
The literature database of the International Centre for Distance Learning (ICDL) contains bibliographic information on over 12,000 books, journal articles, research reports, conference papers, dissertations and other types of literature relating to all aspects of the theory and practice of distance education. Abstracts of all references are provided, with links to those available via the Internet. Users may choose to link to a listing of newly added items. Although ICDL ceased most of its activities in 2003, the literature database is still being maintained.
Bibliographies of Distance Education Books and Journals - Amazon
Link to Amazon‘s Distance Learning browsable collection
- Distance Education Journals and Publications
This list of journals has been developed as part of the Faculty Resources section of the UT TeleCampus of the University of Texas. Annotations for all titles are provided. The focus of the collected titles is online teaching and learning.
- Journals
This selected list of journal titles has been complied by Maggie McVay Lynch of Portland State University as part of her Virtual Teacher‘s Center. The publications have been collected for faculty and are focused on teaching and learning research. Titles include both online and print, peer-reviewed and non-referreed.
- Open and Distance Learning Journals and Newsletters
This annotated list of journals and newsletters has been developed by IRRODL (International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning). Each selected item is linked to its title. IRRODL is published by Athabasca University - Canada‘s Open University.
Publications on the Web: Journals, Magazines, and Newsletters Collection
Developed by the Center for Instructional Technology at the University of North Carolina, this is an alphabetical list of scores of journals, magazines, and newsletters covering "educational technology, multimedia development, computers and computer programming, the Internet, and related topics that can be accessed, in whole or in part, on the World Wide Web. Links are also included to newspapers and other publications that may be of interest to faculty and staff."
Reading List from degree.net
In addition to the general reference books such as those by John Bear, Petersons and others, this collection of books includes some specific references to areas such as financial aid and medical schools.