CoBaLTT provides professional development and online resources that help foreign language and immersion teachers create content-based lessons/units using technology to enhance students' language proficiency and content or cultural knowledge.
Read about
what CBI is and why it has been identified as a highly effective curricular approach in the field of language education.
Visit the CoBaLTT
online instructional modules, which were designed to support face-to-face instruction on CBI and provide information about and resources for the main topics. Even those teachers who are not implementing CBI should find many of the resources useful.
• National Language Standards
• Principles of CBI
• Curriculum Development for CBI
• Instructional Strategies for CBI
• Assessment for CBI
• Technology for CBI
Browse the
lesson plans and units developed by CoBaLTT participants and other teachers of many levels and languages.
Develop your own CBI units by using the online
CoBaLTT unit template. Teacher educators can also use the template to support professional development for teachers.
Search the
bibliographies on CBI, Assessment, and National Standards.
information about the CoBaLTT project, project publications and presentations, and the CoBaLTT staff.
Each summer CARLA offers a wide array of professional development opportunities for K-16 language teachers.
The CARLA bibliography contains more information on publications and presentations by faculty and staff involved in the CoBaLTT project.