1.An eye for eye, a tooth for tooth. 以眼還眼,牙還牙
Add fuel to the flames. 火上澆油
Armed to the teeth. 武裝到牙齒
2.Blood is thicker than water. 血濃于水
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 情人眼里出西施
Behind one’s back 背地里
3.Castle in the air. 空中閣樓,空想白日夢
4.Don’t be a dog in a manger.
5Face to face . 面對面
From the bottom of one’s heart. 發(fā)自內心
Flesh and blood. 血肉之軀
Feast one’s eye. 一飽眼福
6.Give an ear to. 側耳傾聽
7.Hang by a hair. 只被一跟頭發(fā)懸掛著,不難理解為“千均一發(fā)”
Have an eye for sth. 對….有眼力
Have eyes in the back of one’s head. 后腦勺上張眼睛
8.In one ear and out the other. 一耳進一耳出
9.Know like a palm of one’s hand. 了如指掌
Kill two birds with one stone. 一塊石頭打死兩只鳥——一箭雙雕
Keep somne at arm’s length. 與人保持一臂之距,避免太親近。
10.Lazy bone. 懶骨頭
Lock the stable door after the horse is stolen.
Look for a needle in a haystack.
11.Misfortunes never come singly. 禍不單行
Make heads of tails of something. Head “頭”,tail “尾”——從頭到尾了解此事
Make one’s mouth water. 讓人流口水——垂涎三尺
12.No way! 沒門!
13.Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不見,心不凡。
Open one’s mouth too wide. 獅子大開口。
On the tip of one’s tongue. 就在嘴邊,在舌尖。
14.Rack one’s brain. 絞盡腦汁
15.Strike while the iron is hot. 趁熱打鐵
Stand on one’s own legs. 靠自己的腿站著——自食其力
Skin and bone. 皮包骨
Save face. 保全臉面
Shake hands with. 握手
16.Thorn in one’s flesh. 肉中刺(喻眼中釘)
Throw cold water on. 潑冷水
Turn a blind eye to sth. 睜只眼,閉只眼。
Turn a deaf ear of. 充耳不聞
17.Walls have ears. 隔墻有耳
With one foot in the grave. 一只腳踏進墳墓(喻離死亡不遠)
With one’s tail between one’s leg. 夾起尾巴