如果說(shuō)從web Pages 能夠轉(zhuǎn)到web app時(shí)代,那么css3和html5其他相關(guān)技術(shù)一定是巨大的功臣。
于是,客戶端還算統(tǒng)一的移動(dòng)端開始成了一個(gè)大的試驗(yàn)田。能夠讓眾人大肆的在上面舒展拳腳。諸如眾多新起的ui庫(kù)或者框架(jquery-mobile, sencha, phoneGap ...),可見在移動(dòng)終端上確實(shí)還有不小的田地。縱使如此,效率仍舊成為一個(gè)最大的瓶頸。
/* webkit */
-webkit-transition-duration: 500ms;
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( function (name, fn) { return function () { var temp = this ._super; // 當(dāng)前子類通過(guò)_super繼承父類 this ._super = _super[name]; //繼承方法執(zhí)行完畢后還原 var ret = fn.apply( this , arguments); this ._super = temp; return ret; } })(name, prop[name]) : prop[name]; } //真實(shí)的constructor function Class () { if (!initializing && this .init) { this .init.apply( this , arguments); } } Class.prototype = prototype; Class.constructor = Class; Class.extend = arguments.callee; return Class; } // 樣式為數(shù)字+px 的屬性 var map = { 'top' : 'px' , 'left' : 'px' , 'right' : 'px' , 'bottom' : 'px' , 'width' : 'px' , 'height' : 'px' , 'font-size' : 'px' , 'margin' : 'px' , 'margin-top' : 'px' , 'margin-left' : 'px' , 'margin-right' : 'px' , 'margin-bottom' : 'px' , 'padding' : 'px' , 'padding-left' : 'px' , 'padding-right' : 'px' , 'padding-top' : 'px' , 'padding-bottom' : 'px' , 'border-width' : 'px' }; /** * Let package */ var Let = function (selector) { var el = Let.G(selector); return new Anim(el); }; Let.defaults = { duration: 500 }; Let.ease = { 'in' : 'ease-in' , 'out' : 'ease-out' , 'in-out' : 'ease-in-out' , 'snap' : 'cubic-bezier(0,1,.5,1)' }; Let.G = function (selector) { if ( typeof selector != 'string' && selector.nodeType == 1) { return selector; } return document.getElementById(selector) || document.querySelectorAll(selector)[0]; }; /** * EventEmitter * {Class} */ var EventEmitter = Class.extend({ init: function () { this .callbacks = {}; }, on: function (event, fn) { ( this .callbacks[event] = this .callbacks[event] || []).push(fn); return this ; }, /** * param {event} 指定event * params 指定event的callback的參數(shù) */ fire: function (event) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), callbacks = this .callbacks[event], len; if (callbacks) { for ( var i = 0, len = callbacks.length; i < len; i ++) { callbacks[i].apply( this , args); } } return this ; } }); /** * Anim * {Class} * @inherit from EventEmitter */ var Anim = EventEmitter.extend({ init: function (el) { this ._super(); if (!( this instanceof Anim)) { return new Anim(el); } this .el = el; this ._props = {}; this ._rotate = 0; this ._transitionProps = []; this ._transforms = []; this .duration(Let.defaults.duration); }, transform : function (transform) { this ._transforms.push(transform); return this ; }, // skew methods skew: function (x, y) { y = y || 0; return this .transform( 'skew(' + x + 'deg, ' + y + 'deg)' ); }, skewX: function (x) { return this .transform( 'skewX(' + x + 'deg)' ); }, skewY: function (y) { return this .transform( 'skewY(' + y + 'deg)' ); }, // translate methods translate: function (x, y) { y = y || 0; return this .transform( 'translate(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px)' ); }, to: function (x, y) { return this .translate(x, y); }, translateX: function (x) { return this .transform( 'translateX(' + x + 'px)' ); }, x: function (x) { return this .translateX(x); }, translateY: function (y) { return this .transform( 'translateY(' + y + 'px)' ); }, y: function (y) { return this .translateY(y); }, // scale methods scale: function (x, y) { y = (y == null ) ? x : y; return this .transform( 'scale(' + x + ', ' + y + ')' ); }, scaleX: function (x) { return this .transform( 'scaleX(' + x + ')' ); }, scaleY: function (y) { return this .transform( 'scaleY(' + y + ')' ); }, // rotate methods rotate: function (n) { return this .transform( 'rotate(' + n + 'deg)' ); }, // set transition ease ease: function (fn) { fn = Let.ease[fn] || fn || 'ease' ; return this .setVendorProperty( 'transition-timing-function' , fn); }, //set duration time duration: function (n) { n = this ._duration = ( typeof n == 'string' ) ? parseFloat(n)*1000 : n; return this .setVendorProperty( 'transition-duration' , n + 'ms' ); }, // set delay time delay: function (n) { n = ( typeof n == 'string' ) ? parseFloat(n) * 1000 : n; return this .setVendorProperty( 'transition-delay' , n + 'ms' ); }, // set property to val setProperty: function (prop, val) { this ._props[prop] = val; return this ; }, setVendorProperty: function (prop, val) { this .setProperty( '-webkit-' + prop, val); this .setProperty( '-moz-' + prop, val); this .setProperty( '-ms-' + prop, val); this .setProperty( '-o-' + prop, val); return this ; }, set: function (prop, val) { var _store = {}; if ( typeof prop == 'string' && val != undefined) { _store[prop] = val; } else if ( typeof prop == 'object' && prop.constructor.prototype.hasOwnProperty( 'hasOwnProperty' )) { _store = prop; } for ( var key in _store) { this .transition(key); if ( typeof _store[key] == 'number' && map[key]) { _store[key] += map[key]; } this ._props[key] = _store[key]; } return this ; }, // add value to a property add: function (prop, val) { var self = this ; return this .on( 'start' , function () { var curr = parseInt(self.current(prop), 10); self.set(prop, curr + val + 'px' ); }) }, // sub value to a property sub: function (prop, val) { var self = this ; return this .on( 'start' , function () { var curr = parseInt(self.current(prop), 10); self.set(prop, curr - val + 'px' ); }) }, current: function (prop) { return !!window.getComputedStyle ? document.defaultView.getComputedStyle( this .el, null ).getPropertyValue(prop) : this .el.currentStyle(prop); }, transition: function (prop) { for ( var i = 0; i < this ._transitionProps.length; i ++) { if ( this ._transitionProps[i] == prop) { return this ; } } this ._transitionProps.push(prop); return this ; }, applyPropertys: function () { var props = this ._props, el = this .el; for ( var prop in props) { if (props.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { el.style.setProperty ? el.style.setProperty(prop, props[prop], '' ) : el.style[prop] = props[prop]; } } return this ; }, // then then: function (fn) { if (fn instanceof Anim) { this .on( 'end' , function () { fn.end(); }) } else if ( typeof fn == 'function' ) { this .on( 'end' , fn); } else { var clone = new Anim( this .el); clone._transforms = this ._transforms.slice(0); this .then(clone); clone.parent = this ; return clone; } return this ; }, pop: function () { return this .parent; }, end: function (fn) { var self = this ; this .fire( 'start' ); if ( this ._transforms.length > 0) { this .setVendorProperty( 'transform' , this ._transforms.join( ' ' )); } this .setVendorProperty( 'transition-properties' , this ._transitionProps.join( ', ' )); this .applyPropertys(); if (fn) { this .then(fn) } setTimeout( function () { self.fire( 'end' ); }, this ._duration); return this ; } }); this .Let = win.Let = Let; })(window) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | <div id= "test" ></div> <script> Let( '#test' ) .to(200, 200) .rotate(1000) .scale(.5) .set({ 'background-color' : 'red' , 'width' : 300 }) .duration(2000) .then() .set( 'opacity' , .5) .set( 'height' , 200) .duration( '1s' ) .scale(1.5) .to(300, 300) .pop() .end() </script> |
這樣子有好處是可以針對(duì)所有的style樣式。所以可以用同樣的方式來(lái)對(duì) left, top,margin-left,margin-top 之類的css2 的style屬性來(lái)完成dom的相應(yīng)變化。
但是,其實(shí),用transform或者animation來(lái)操作css2的style屬性。效率依然不高。在當(dāng)前的移動(dòng)終端,ipad還ok(畢竟是喬幫主的產(chǎn)品),iphone和android pad上執(zhí)行效率在大部分情況下很難達(dá)到優(yōu)秀app所要求的體驗(yàn)。
下面看看webkit提供的 display:-webkit-box; 亦即
W3C草案(http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-flexbox/)的描述 如下:
a CSS box model optimized for interface design. It provides an additional layout system alongside the ones already in CSS. [CSS21] In this new box model, the children of a box are laid out either horizontally or vertically, and unused space can be assigned to a particular child or distributed among the children by assignment of “flex” to the children that should expand. Nesting of these boxes (horizontal inside vertical, or vertical inside horizontal) can be used to build layouts in two dimensions. This model is based on the box model in the XUL user-interface language used for the user interface of many Mozilla-based applications (such as Firefox).
1.之前要實(shí)現(xiàn)橫列的web布局,通常就是float或者display:inline-block; 但是都不能做到真正的流體布局。至少width要自己去算百分比。
2.flexible box 就可以實(shí)現(xiàn)真正意義上的流體布局。只要給出相應(yīng)屬性,瀏覽器會(huì)幫我們做額外的計(jì)算。
box-orient 子元素排列 vertical or horizontal box-flex 兄弟元素之間比例,僅作一個(gè)系數(shù) box-align box 排列 box-direction box 方向 box-flex-group 以組為單位的流體系數(shù) box-lines box-ordinal-group 以組為單位的子元素排列方向 box-pack |
以下是關(guān)于flexible box的幾個(gè)實(shí)例
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <style> .wrap { display: -webkit-box; -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; } .child { min-height: 200px; border: 2px solid #666; -webkit-box-flex: 1; margin: 10px; font-size: 100px; font-weight: bold; font-family: Georgia; -webkit-box-align: center; } </style> <div class= "wrap" > <div class= "child" >1</div> <div class= "child" >2</div> <div class= "child" >3</div> </div> </html> |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <meta charset= "utf-8" /> <style> .wrap { display: -webkit-box; -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; } .child { min-height: 200px; border: 2px solid #666; margin: 10px; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold; font-family: Georgia; -webkit-box-align: center; } .w200 {width: 200px} .flex1 {-webkit-box-flex: 1} .flex2 {-webkit-box-flex: 2} </style> <div class= "wrap" > <div class= "child w200" >200px</div> <div class= "child flex1" >比例1</div> <div class= "child flex2" >比例2</div> </div> </html> |
下面是一個(gè)常見的web page 的基本布局
<style> header, footer, section { border: 10px solid #333; font-family: Georgia; font-size: 40px; text-align: center; margin: 10px; } #doc { width: 80%; min-width: 600px; height: 100%; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; margin: 0 auto; } header, footer { min-height: 100px; -webkit-box-flex: 1; } #content { min-height: 400px; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; } .w200 {width: 200px} .flex1 {-webkit-box-flex: 1} .flex2 {-webkit-box-flex: 2} .flex3 {-webkit-box-flex: 3} </style> <div id= "doc" > <header>Header</header> <div id= "content" > <section class= "w200" >定寬200</section> <section class= "flex3" >比例3</section> <section class= "flex1" >比例1</section> </div> <footer>Footer</footer> </div> |
有了 flexible box 后,橫列布局的時(shí)候不用計(jì)算外圍容器和容器里面的元素的寬度。然后再進(jìn)行橫向的滑動(dòng)的效果就會(huì)省去不少麻煩。
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( function (name, fn) { return function () { var temp = this ._super; this ._super = _super[name]; var ret = fn.apply( this , arguments); this ._super = temp; return ret; } })(name, prop[name]) : prop[name]; } function Class () { if (!initializing && this .init) { this .init.apply( this , arguments); } } Class.prototype = prototype; Class.constructor = Class; Class.extend = arguments.callee; return Class; }; var $support = { transform3d: ( 'WebKitCSSMatrix' in win), touch: ( 'ontouchstart' in win) }; var $E = { start: $support.touch ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown' , move: $support.touch ? 'touchmove' : 'mousemove' , end: $support.touch ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup' }; function getTranslate (x) { return $support.transform3d ? 'translate3d(' +x+ 'px, 0, 0)' : 'translate(' +x+ 'px, 0)' ; } function getPage (event, page) { return $support.touch ? event.changedTouches[0][page] : event[page]; } var Css3Flip = Class.extend({ init: function (selector, conf) { var self = this ; if (selector.nodeType && selector.nodeType == 1) { self.element = selector; } else if ( typeof selector == 'string' ) { self.element = document.getElementById(selector) || document.querySelector(selector); } self.element.style.display = '-webkit-box' ; self.element.style.webkitTransitionProperty = '-webkit-transform' ; self.element.style.webkitTransitionTimingFunction = 'cubic-bezier(0,0,0.25,1)' ; self.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = '0' ; self.element.style.webkitTransform = getTranslate(0); self.conf = conf || {}; self.touchEnabled = true ; self.currentPoint = 0; self.currentX = 0; self.refresh(); // 支持handleEvent self.element.addEventListener($E.start, self, false ); self.element.addEventListener($E.move, self, false ); document.addEventListener($E.end, self, false ); return self; }, handleEvent: function (event) { var self = this ; switch (event.type) { case $E.start: self._touchStart(event); break ; case $E.move: self._touchMove(event); break ; case $E.end: self._touchEnd(event); break ; case 'click' : self._click(event); break ; } }, refresh: function () { var self = this ; var conf = self.conf; // setting max point self.maxPoint = conf.point || ( function () { var childNodes = self.element.childNodes, itemLength = 0, i = 0, len = childNodes.length, node; for (; i < len; i++) { node = childNodes[i]; if (node.nodeType === 1) { itemLength++; } } if (itemLength > 0) { itemLength--; } return itemLength; })(); // setting distance self.distance = conf.distance || self.element.scrollWidth / (self.maxPoint + 1); // setting maxX self.maxX = conf.maxX ? - conf.maxX : - self.distance * self.maxPoint; self.moveToPoint(self.currentPoint); }, hasNext: function () { var self = this ; return self.currentPoint < self.maxPoint; }, hasPrev: function () { var self = this ; return self.currentPoint > 0; }, toNext: function () { var self = this ; if (!self.hasNext()) { return ; } self.moveToPoint(self.currentPoint + 1); }, toPrev: function () { var self = this ; if (!self.hasPrev()) { return ; } self.moveToPoint(self.currentPoint - 1); }, moveToPoint: function (point) { var self = this ; self.currentPoint = (point < 0) ? 0 : (point > self.maxPoint) ? self.maxPoint : parseInt(point); self.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = '500ms' ; self._setX(- self.currentPoint * self.distance) var ev = document.createEvent( 'Event' ); ev.initEvent( 'css3flip.moveend' , true , false ); self.element.dispatchEvent(ev); }, _setX: function (x) { var self = this ; self.currentX = x; self.element.style.webkitTransform = getTranslate(x); }, _touchStart: function (event) { var self = this ; if (!self.touchEnabled) { return ; } if (!$support.touch) { event.preventDefault(); } self.element.style.webkitTransitionDuration = '0' ; self.scrolling = true ; self.moveReady = false ; self.startPageX = getPage(event, 'pageX' ); self.startPageY = getPage(event, 'pageY' ); self.basePageX = self.startPageX; self.directionX = 0; self.startTime = event.timeStamp; }, _touchMove: function (event) { var self = this ; if (!self.scrolling) { return ; } var pageX = getPage(event, 'pageX' ), pageY = getPage(event, 'pageY' ), distX, newX, deltaX, deltaY; if (self.moveReady) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); distX = pageX - self.basePageX; newX = self.currentX + distX; if (newX >= 0 || newX < self.maxX) { newX = Math.round(self.currentX + distX / 3); } self._setX(newX); self.directionX = distX > 0 ? -1 : 1; } else { deltaX = Math.abs(pageX - self.startPageX); deltaY = Math.abs(pageY - self.startPageY); if (deltaX > 5) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); self.moveReady = true ; self.element.addEventListener( 'click' , self, true ); } else if (deltaY > 5) { self.scrolling = false ; } } self.basePageX = pageX; }, _touchEnd: function (event) { var self = this ; if (!self.scrolling) { return ; } self.scrolling = false ; var newPoint = -self.currentX / self.distance; newPoint = (self.directionX > 0) ? Math.ceil(newPoint) : (self.directionX < 0) ? Math.floor(newPoint) : Math.round(newPoint); self.moveToPoint(newPoint); setTimeout( function () { self.element.removeEventListener( 'click' , self, true ); }, 200); }, _click: function (event) { var self = this ; event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); }, destroy: function () { var self = this ; self.element.removeEventListener(touchStartEvent, self); self.element.removeEventListener(touchMoveEvent, self); document.removeEventListener(touchEndEvent, self); } }); this .Css3Flip = function (selector, conf) { return ( this instanceof Css3Flip) ? this .init(selector, conf) : new Css3Flip(selector, conf); } })( |