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| 英文]:It is too late to husband when all is spent. [中文]:囊空而后節(jié)儉,為時已晚。 [出處]:
[英文]:A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. [中文]:雙鳥在林,不如一鳥在手。 [出處]:
[英文]:Cheapest is the dearest. [中文]:最便宜的也就是最貴的。 [出處]:
[英文]:One of the difficult tasks in this world is to convince a woman that even a bargain costs money. [中文]:世界上難辦的事之一,是使女人相信便宜貨也是要花錢的。 [出處]:Ed Howe 埃德.豪
[英文]:Stuff today and starve tomorrow. [中文]:今日大魚大肉,明日饑腸轆轆。 [出處]:
[英文]:I would rather have my people laugh at my economies than weep for my extravagance. [中文]:我寧可讓我的人民笑我的節(jié)省,也不愿讓他們?yōu)槲业纳莩薅奁?br>[出處]:Oscar 奧斯卡二世(瑞典前國王)
[英文]:Little pigeons can carry great messages. [中文]:小小的信鴿能帶重要的信息。 [出處]:
[英文]:A penny saved is a penny gained. [中文]:省一文等于掙一文。 [出處]:
[英文]:Money is a good servant but a bad master. [中文]:金錢是個好仆人,又是個壞主人。 [出處]:法國諺語
[英文]:A trout in the pot is better than a salmon in the sea. [中文]:鍋里一條小魚勝過海里一條大魚。 [出處]:愛爾蘭諺語
[英文]:He is most free from danger, who even when safe, is on guard. [中文]:居安思危者最平安。 [出處]:
[英文]:Overeating will cause indigestion. [中文]:貪多嚼不爛。 [出處]:
[英文]:Never hope for too much. [中文]:不要期望太多。 [出處]:
[英文]:Grasp all, lose all. [中文]:什么都想要,什么都失掉。 [出處]:
[英文]:Think not on what you lack as much as on what you have. [中文]:少想自己欠缺的,多想自己擁有的。 [出處]:
[英文]:Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty. [中文]:知足是天然的財富,奢侈是人為的貧困。 [出處]:
[英文]:Content is the philosopher‘s stone, that turns all it touches into gold. [中文]:知足好比點(diǎn)金術(shù)。 [出處]:
[英文]:From small profits and many expenses comes whole life of sad consequences. [中文]:嫌得少,花得多,一世日子不好過。 [出處]:
[英文]:Spend not where you may save; spare not where you must spend. [中文]:可以省時不要花;必須花時不要省。 [出處]:
[英文]:A like every day makes a clout on Sunday. /If you always wear your best clothes they will soon wear out. [中文]:平時穿衣無好歹,假日出門無新衣。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Wealth is a slave to the wise, a master to the fool. [中文]:財富是聰明人的奴隸,是蠢人的主子。 [出處]:
[英文]:Money is a bottomless sea, in which honour, conscience, and truth may be drowned. [中文]:金錢是深不可測的海洋,能淹沒廉恥,良心和是非感。 [出處]:
[英文]:Preparedness prevents calamity. /Where there is precaution, there is no danger. [中文]:有備無患。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Plan your consumption carefully on a long term basis, and you need not worry when a famine occurs. [中文]:細(xì)水長流,遇災(zāi)不愁。 [出處]:
[英文]:Cast not out the foul water till you bring in the clean. [中文]:端來清水以前,別把濁水潑掉。 [出處]:
[英文]:There‘s many a good tune played on an old fiddle. [中文]:舊琴也能奏出好樂章。 [出處]:
[英文]:More than enough is too much. [中文]:超過所需就是太多。 [出處]:
[英文]:Hunger is the best sauce. [中文]:饑者口中盡佳肴。 [出處]:
[英文]:A fool and his money are soon parted. [中文]:傻瓜花錢快。 [出處]:
[英文]:Conceited [=ingenious] goods are quickly spent. [中文]:花哨貨,不經(jīng)用。 [出處]:
[英文]:Drift is as bad as unthrift. [中文]:花錢憑沖動,等于無底洞。 [出處]:
[英文]:A great fortune is a great slavery. [中文]:財多多受累。 [出處]:
[英文]:Goods are theirs who enjoy them. [中文]:愛物者有物用。 [出處]:
[英文]:Alms never make poor. [中文]:施舍窮不了人。 [出處]:
[英文]:Bear wealth, poverty will bear itself. [中文]:耐得富的人也耐得窮。 [出處]:
[英文]:Better go to bed supperless than rise in debt. [中文]:與其醒來負(fù)債,不如忍餓上床。 [出處]:
[英文]:Better leave than lack. [中文]:有余勝過不足。 [出處]:
[英文]:Save early and avoid want later. /Better spare at brim than at bottom. [中文]:及早節(jié)省免得以后受窮。 [出處]:
[英文]:Better spare to have of thine own than ask of other men. [中文]:求人不如自己省。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that regards not a penny, will lavish a pound. [中文]:小錢不節(jié)省,大錢必亂花。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that saveth his dinner will have the more for his supper. [中文]:午餐節(jié)省,晚餐豐盛。 [出處]:
[英文]:The man who saves when young will have more to spend when he is old. [中文]:年少節(jié)儉,年老不愁。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that shows his purse longs to be rid of it. [中文]:夸財招禍。 [出處]:
[英文]:Beggars do not envy millionaires, though of course they will envy other beggars who are more successful. [中文]:乞丐并不羨慕百萬富翁,盡管他們會羨慕比他們乞討得多的乞丐。 [出處]:B.Russell 羅素
[英文]:A beggar can never be bankrupt. [中文]:乞丐永遠(yuǎn)不會破產(chǎn)。 [出處]:
[英文]:If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some. [中文]:要想知道錢的價值,就想辦法去借錢試試。 [出處]:B.Franklin 富蘭克林
[英文]:People don‘t resent having nothing nearly as much as too little. [中文]:人們埋怨的常常是太少,而不是沒有。 [出處]:Burnett 伯內(nèi)特
[英文]:Beggars cannot be choosers. [中文]:乞丐不能挑肥揀瘦。 [出處]:D.Heywood 海伍德
[英文]:Do not buy what you want, but what you need; what you do not need is dear at a farthing. [中文]:不要買你想要的,要買你需要的; 你不需要的東西哪怕一分錢也是貴的。 [出處]:P.Cato 加圖
[英文]:All good things are cheap, all bad things are very dear. [中文]:一切好的東西都是便宜的,所有壞的東西都是非常貴的。 [出處]:H.D.Thoreau 梭羅
[英文]:The fly that sips treacle is lost in the sweet. [中文]:啜飲蜜糖的蒼蠅在甜蜜中喪生。 [出處]:J.Gay 蓋依
[英文]:We must deal with pleasure as we do with honey, only touch them with the tip of the finger. and not with the whole hand for fear of surfeit. [中文]:我們應(yīng)該像吃蜂蜜那樣對待享受,只用指尖蘸點(diǎn)兒,而不能用整只手去抓,以免吃得太多. [出處]:Saint Bede 圣.比德
[英文]:A thing you don‘t want is dear at any price. [中文]:不需要的東西,無論買價多少都貴. [出處]:
[英文]:virtue is the only true nobility. [中文]:唯有美德是高貴的. [出處]:
[英文]:Virtue is beyond price. /Virtue is a jewel of great price. [中文]:美德乃無價之寶. [出處]:
[英文]:Virtue never grows old. [中文]:美德不會衰老. [出處]:
[英文]:Nurture passes nature. [中文]:教養(yǎng)勝過天性. [出處]:
[英文]:Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue. [中文]:勇敢和堅定是美德的靈魂. [出處]:
[英文]:The best hearts are always the bravest. [中文]:心靈最高尚的人,也總是最勇敢的人. [出處]:
[英文]:Courtesy is the inseparable companion of virtue. [中文]:禮貌和美德是分不開的伴侶. [出處]:
[英文]:Glory is the shadow of virtue. [中文]:榮譽(yù)是美德的影子. [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Character is what you are in the dark. [中文]:品格是你在暗室中的為人. [出處]:D.L.Moody 穆迪(美國教士)
[英文]:Plain living and high thinking. [中文]:生活要樸素,情操要高尚. [出處]:W.Wordsworth 華茲華斯
[英文]:Handsome is that handsome does. [中文]:心美貌亦美. [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Personality is to man what perfume is to a flower. [中文]:人的品格,猶如花的香味. [出處]:C.C.Schwab 施瓦布(美國實(shí)業(yè)家)
[英文]:A man is only as good as what he loves. [中文]:一個人要用他所愛的東西有多好來衡量. [出處]:Bellow 貝洛(美國作家)
[英文]:He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom. [中文]:欲登高梯必自平地始. [出處]:
[英文]:Every one of us has in him a continent of undiscovered character. Blessed is he who acts the Columbus to his own soul. [中文]:每個人都有未經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)的品性,能夠像哥倫布那樣探索自己靈魂的新大陸的人,是有福氣的. [出處]:
[英文]:Wealth is the test of a man‘s character. [中文]:財富是對一個人品格的試金石. [出處]:
[英文]:It‘s not the gay coat that makes the gentleman. [中文]:君子在德不在衣. [出處]:
[英文]:Reason rules all things. [中文]:理智統(tǒng)治一切. [出處]:
[英文]:Once virtue is lost, all is lost. [中文]:一旦喪失道德,便是喪失了一切. [出處]:
[英文]:Fame is the chastisement of merit and the punishment of talent. [中文]:盛名殊譽(yù)乃德才之忌. [出處]:[法國]Chamfort 尚福爾
[英文]:Prettiness makes no pottage. [中文]:漂亮不能當(dāng)飯吃. [出處]:
[英文]:He is only bright that shines by himself. [中文]:真正的漂亮靠自身的光彩. [出處]:
[英文]:Being a well-dressed man is a career, and he who goes in for it has no time for anything else. [中文]:穿著整齊本身就是一種職業(yè),一味追求穿著就沒有時間做別的了. [出處]:H.Broun 布龍
[英文]:The well-dressed man is he whose clothes you never notice. [中文]:服飾得體的人使你永遠(yuǎn)也不會注意到他的穿著. [出處]:
[英文]:The highest possble stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts. [中文]:道德修養(yǎng)能達(dá)到的最高階段,是認(rèn)識到我們應(yīng)該控制我們的思想. [出處]:C.Darwin 達(dá)爾文
[英文]:Thinking is , or ought to be, a coolness and a calmness; and our poor hearts throb, and our poor brains beat too much for that. [中文]:思考是,或者應(yīng)該是,冷靜沉著的;而我們可憐的心怦怦跳,我們可憐的腦子老興奮,使我們不能思考. [出處]:H.Melville 梅爾維爾(美國小說家,詩人)
[英文]:Best to bend while it‘s a twig. [中文]:樹當(dāng)從小修整. [出處]:
[英文]:Good is good, but better carries it. [中文]:精益求精,善益求善. [出處]:
[英文]:Character is the first and last word in the success circle. [中文]:品德好是成功的先決條件和最終衡量. [出處]:
[英文]:Ambition is the germ from which all growth of nobleness proceeds. [中文]:抱負(fù)是一切高尚操行的萌芽. [出處]:
[英文]:Honesty is the best policy. [中文]:誠實(shí)為上策. [出處]:G.Sandys 桑迪斯
[英文]:Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful. [中文]:美德是勇敢的,善良從來無所畏懼. [出處]:Shakespeare 莎士比亞
[英文]:Gratitude is the sign of noble souls. [中文]:感恩是精神高尚的標(biāo)志. [出處]:
[英文]:Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you. [中文]:人必自敬,然后人敬之. [出處]:
[英文]:Patience is a virtue. [中文]:忍耐是一種美德. [出處]:
[英文]:Patience! The windmill never strays in search of the wind. [中文]:耐心等待! 風(fēng)車從不跑去找風(fēng). [出處]:Andy J.Sklivis 安迪J.斯克利維斯
[英文]:The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself. [中文]:人生最難是自知. [出處]:
[英文]:Every tub must stand on its own bottom. [中文]:人須自立. [出處]:
[英文]:Genius formed in quiet, character in the stream of life. [中文]:天才形成于平靜中,性格來自于生活的激流. [出處]:Goethe 歌德
[英文]:Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount. [中文]:勇氣是一架梯子,其它美德全靠它爬上去. [出處]:C.B.Luce 盧斯
[英文]:Fortune never helps the man whose courage fails. [中文]:運(yùn)氣永遠(yuǎn)不會幫助沒有勇氣的人. [出處]:Sophocles 索??死账?br> [英文]:Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice. [中文]:品德可能僅僅在于有勇氣作出抉擇. [出處]:L.Blum 布魯姆
[英文]:The better part of valour is discretion. [中文]:小心即大勇. [出處]:Shakespeare 莎士比亞
[英文]:Wise fear begets care. [中文]:懂得擔(dān)心,就會小心. [出處]:
[英文]:Wherever valour true is found, true modesty will there abound. [中文]:真正的勇敢,都飽含謙虛. [出處]:W.S.Gilbert 吉爾伯特
[英文]:Humility is the beginning of wisdom. [中文]:智慧源于謙遜. [出處]:
[英文]:History tells us that modesty leads to success and conceit, to failure. [中文]:歷史告誡我們,謙遜使人成功,驕傲使人失敗. [出處]:
[英文]:Man will become better only when you will make him see what he is like. [中文]:只有使一個人看清他自己的為人,他才能變得更好. [出處]:Chekov 契柯夫
[英文]:A thing of beauty is a joy for ever. [中文]:美的事物永遠(yuǎn)令人喜悅. [出處]:
[英文]:The noble soul has reverence for itself. [中文]:靈魂高尚的人必自尊. [出處]:Treitschke 特賴奇克
[英文]:A guilty conscience needs no accuser. [中文]:自己問心有愧,無需別人責(zé)備. [出處]:
[英文]:Civility costs nothing. [中文]:禮貌不費(fèi)分文. [出處]:
[英文]:Courtesy on one side only lasts not long. [中文]:禮貌靠雙方維持. [出處]:
[英文]:Freedom lies in being bold. [中文]:自由在于勇敢. [出處]:R.Frost 弗羅斯特
[英文]:Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage. [中文]:把恐懼留給自己,把勇氣分給別人. [出處]:
[英文]:Courage is that virtue which champions the cause of right. [中文]:勇敢是支持正義事業(yè)的美德. [出處]:
[英文]:Courage is a virtue only so far as it is directed by prudence. [中文]:勇敢只有由審慎指導(dǎo)才能成為美德. [出處]:
[英文]:Self-control is courage under another form. [中文]:自我克制是勇氣的另一種形式. [出處]:
[英文]:He that respects not is not respected. [中文]:你不敬人,人不敬你. [出處]:
[英文]:He that returns good for evil obtains the victory. [中文]:勝利屬于以善報惡的人. [出處]:
[英文]:It is with narrow-souled people as with narrow-necked bottles; the less they have in them the more noise they make in pouring out. [中文]:心胸狹隘的人就像小口瓶子;里面裝的東西越少,倒出時噪音越大. [出處]:[英國]Pope 蒲柏
[英文]:To know oneself is wisdom, to forget oneself is folly. [中文]:自知之明是智慧,忘乎所以是愚蠢. [出處]:
[英文]:He is not wise that is not wise for himself. [中文]:沒有自知之明的人算不得聰明. [出處]:
[英文]:It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others. [中文]:判斷自己比判斷別人要難得多 [出處]:Saint-Exupery 圣.埃格楚佩里
[英文]:He that is master of himself will soon be master of others. [中文]:能自制者方能制人. [出處]:
[英文]:Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened, heed only one side and you will be benighted. [中文]:兼聽則明,偏信則暗. [出處]:
[英文]:Correct the mistakes if you have committed them, and avoid them if you have not. [中文]:有則改之,無則加勉. [出處]:
[英文]:If you don‘t want people to know about it, don‘t do it. [中文]:若要人不知,除非己莫為. [出處]:
[英文]:There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man, True nobility is being superior to your former self. [中文]:優(yōu)于別人并非高尚; 今日之你優(yōu)于昨日之你,才是真正的高尚. [出處]:
[英文]:Delays are dangerous. [中文]:因循出危險. [出處]:
[英文]:Speech is silver, siilennce is gold. [中文]:雄辯如銀,沉默如金. [出處]:
[英文]:Speech is silver, humour is gold. [中文]:雄辯是銀, 幽默是金. [出處]:
[英文]:The severest test of character is not so much the ability to keep a secret as it is, but when the secret is finally out, to refrain from disclosing that you knew it all along. [中文]:對品德的最嚴(yán)格考驗(yàn),不在于你能否保守秘密,而在于秘密泄露后你能否不說你早就知道. [出處]:
[英文]:They are fools who adulate every decision of their leaders. [中文]:對領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的每個決定一味奉承的人是蠢材. [出處]:
[英文]:Courage without conscience is a wild beast. [中文]:不計道德的勇敢與野獸無異. [出處]:
[英文]:Be like the sun and the meadow, which are not in the least concerned about the coming winter. [中文]:要像陽光和草地那樣對寒冬的來臨全不在乎. [出處]:
[英文]:An optimist sees the rose; a pessimist the thorn. [中文]:樂觀的人看到玫瑰,悲觀的人只看到它的刺. [出處]:
[英文]:A man‘s own good-breeding is his best security against other people‘s ill manners. [中文]:自身教養(yǎng)好是抵制他人無禮的最好保證. [出處]:
[英文]:Self-confidence and self-reliance are the mainstays of a strong character. [中文]:自信和自力更生是堅強(qiáng)的柱石。 [出處]:
[英文]:Self-discipline is when your conscience tells you to do something and you don‘t talk back. [中文]:聽從良心勸告不違背良心辦事即謂之有自約能力。 [出處]:
[英文]:An honest man‘s word is as good as his bond. [中文]:誠實(shí)人說的話等于契約。 [出處]:
[英文]:Beauty is potent, but morality is omnipotent. [中文]:美貌固有力,道德力無窮。 [出處]:
[英文]:Benefits please, like flowers, while they are fresh. [中文]:沒有開不敗的鮮花,也沒有永遠(yuǎn)使人感激的恩惠。 [出處]:
[英文]:Good watch prevents misfortune. [中文]:謹(jǐn)慎小心就不會遇到災(zāi)禍。 [出處]:
[英文]:Say the right thing at the right time, and keep still most of the time. [中文]:只在恰當(dāng)?shù)臅r候說恰當(dāng)?shù)脑挘蟛糠謺r間則不要說話。 [出處]:
[英文]:Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you. [中文]:己所不欲,勿施于人。 [出處]:中國諺語
[英文]:To err is human. To forgive , divine. [中文]:有過失是人之常情。能原宥別人,才是超越常人。 [出處]:
[英文]:Modesty helps one to make progress; conceit makes one lag behind. [中文]:謙虛使人進(jìn)步,驕傲使人落后。 [出處]:
[英文]:A man of moral integrity does not fear any slanderous attack. [中文]:人正不怕影子斜。 [出處]:中國諺語
[英文]:Conceit comes from shallowness; arrogance is due to ignorance. [中文]:驕傲來自淺薄,狂妄出于無知。 [出處]:
[英文]:Fair and softly goes far. [中文]:謙和者致遠(yuǎn)。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that has patience may compass anything. [中文]:有耐心的人事事做得到。 [出處]:[法國]Rabelais 拉伯雷
[英文]:Let patience grow in your garden always. [中文]:讓忍耐之心在你的花園里永不凋謝。 [出處]:
[英文]:There is no mistake so great as that of being always right. [中文]:最大的錯誤莫過于總是自信正確。 [出處]:
[英文]:Be not angry that you connot make others as you wish them to be , since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be. [中文]:不要由于別人不能成為你所希望的人而惱怒,因?yàn)槟阕约阂膊荒艹蔀樽砸阉M娜恕?br>[出處]:[德國]Thomas 托馬斯
[英文]:A good archer is not known by his arrows but his aim. [中文]:神箭手因其射中靶子而非因其箭而聞名。 [出處]:John Lyly 約翰·黎里
[英文]:Hesitation signifies wavering of will. [中文]:猶豫說明意志的動搖。 [出處]:中國諺語
[英文]:Strong in action, gentle in method. [中文]:行動要堅強(qiáng),方式要溫和。 [出處]:
[英文]:To me, faith means not worrying. [中文]:對我來說,信念意味著不擔(dān)心。 [出處]:J.Dewey 杜威
[英文]:There are no faults in a thing we want badly. [中文]:我們非常想要的東西總是沒有缺點(diǎn)的。 [出處]:阿拉伯諺語
[英文]:The greater a man is, the more distasteful is praise and flattery to him. [中文]:一個人越偉大,對表揚(yáng)和奉承就越反感。 [出處]:J.Burroughs 巴勒斯
[英文]:Human pride is human weakness. [中文]:人類的驕傲即是人類的弱點(diǎn)。 [出處]:M.B.Eddy 埃娣
[英文]:He that thinks too much of his virtues bids others think of his vice. [中文]:念念不忘自己長處的人,使別人想起他的缺點(diǎn)。 [出處]:W.Hazlitt 哈茲里特
[英文]:The most difficult secret for a man to keep is his own opinion of himself. [中文]:一個人最難保守的秘密是自己對自己的看法。 [出處]:M.Pagnol 帕尼奧爾
[英文]:Words are like leaves; And where they most abound, much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found. [中文]:言語就像樹葉,在最茂密的樹葉下,很難找到豐碩的理智之果。 [出處]:Pope 蒲柏
[英文]:Let bygones be bygones. [中文]:既往宜不咎。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Look on both sides of the shield. [中文]:看問題要從兩面看。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:If you don‘t like it , you can lump it. [中文]:縱不喜歡,也要容忍。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:There is one thing about hens that looks like wisdom-they don‘t cackle until they have laid their eggs. [中文]:母雞有一點(diǎn)看來是明智的它們在下了蛋之后才咯咯叫。 [出處]:J.Billings 比林斯
[英文]:The turtle lays thousands of eggs without anyone knowing, but when the hen lays an egg, the whole country is informed. [中文]:海龜下幾千只蛋都不動聲色,母雞下一只蛋就鬧得四鄰皆知。 [出處]:
[英文]:Noise proves nothing. Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she had laid an asteroid. [中文]:噪聲不能證明什么。母雞產(chǎn)下一只蛋,往往大聲啼叫,好像產(chǎn)下小行星似的。 [出處]:
[英文]:Conceit may puff a man up, but it can never prop him up. [中文]:自高自大可以使一個人膨脹起來,但并不能支撐住他。 [出處]:J.Ruskin 羅斯金
[英文]:There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart‘s desire. The other is to gain it. [中文]:人生有兩出悲劇。一是失去心中所欲的,另一是得到心中所欲的。 [出處]:
[英文]:Pride goes before fall. [中文]:驕者必敗。 [出處]:
[英文]:If it weren‘t for the rocks in its bed, the stream would have no song. [中文]:溪床如果無石塊,溪流就不會潺潺歌唱。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Let him who knows the instrument play upon it. [中文]:讓會干的人去干。 [出處]:
[英文]:We soon believe what we desire. [中文]:心里想什么就會相信什么。 [出處]:
[英文]:In important matters, we expose our best sides; in trivial matters, we disclose ourselves as we really are. [中文]:在重要的事件中我們顯露出好的方面,在無關(guān)緊要的小事中我們才顯露出本來的面目。 [出處]:
[英文]:The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own. [中文]:給人最大的幫助,不單是讓他分享你的富有,而是向他指明他的富有。 [出處]:
[英文]:Every medal has two sides. [中文]:每個勛章都有兩面。/每個問題都有正反兩面。 [出處]:
[英文]:Who chatters to you will chatter of you. [中文]:對你論人是非者,必將對人論你是非。 [出處]:
[英文]:Beware of a silent dog and still water. [中文]:提防不吠的狗,小心平靜的水。/不叫的狗咬人痛,無浪的水淹死人。 [出處]:
[英文]:The least said, the soonest mended. [中文]:少說一句,息事寧人。 [出處]:
[英文]:Titles do not reflect honour on men, but rather men on theri titles. [中文]:稱號并沒有給人帶來榮譽(yù),而是人給自己的稱號帶來榮譽(yù)。 [出處]:N.Machiavelli 馬基雅弗利(意大利政治家)
[英文]:Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest. [中文]:每匹馬都認(rèn)為自己的負(fù)載最重。 [出處]:
[英文]:Light not a candle to the sun. [中文]:不要對著太陽點(diǎn)蠟燭。/日既出矣,爝火可熄。 [出處]:
[英文]:It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor. [中文]:笨羊才向狼懺悔。 [出處]:
[英文]:The higher the ape goes, the more he shows his tail. [中文]:猴子爬得越高,尾巴露得越多。 [出處]:
[英文]:A man‘s vanity is actually in proportion to ignorance. [中文]: 一個人的虛榮心實(shí)際上和他的愚蠢程度成正比。 [出處]:
[英文]:The lowly are most intelligent; the elite are most ignorant. [中文]:卑賤者最聰明,高貴者最愚蠢。 [出處]:
[英文]:Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance. [中文]:勿抓影子而失去本質(zhì)。 [出處]:
[英文]:You can tell the size of a man by the size of the things that make him mad. [中文]:你可以根據(jù)多大的事情能使一個人生氣,判斷出這個人的器量。 [出處]:A.E.Stevenson 史蒂文森
[英文]:Man proposes, God disposes. [中文]:謀事在人,戒事在天。 [出處]:
[英文]:Sometimes a majority simply means that all the fools are on the same side. [中文]:有時多數(shù)只意味著所有的愚人都站在同一邊 。 [出處]:
[英文]:A word once spoken cannot be taken back even by a team of four horses. [中文]:一言既出,駟馬難追。 [出處]:
[英文]:Never fry a fish till it is caught. [中文]:魚未捉到手,不要忙著煎。 [出處]:
[英文]:Fine feathers make fine birds. [中文]:好的衣裝只能打扮出個好外表。 [出處]:[諷]英語諺語
[英文]:Call a spade a spade. [中文]:是啥說啥,難聽不怕。 [出處]:
[英文]:He who says what he likes, shall hear what he does not like. [中文]:想怎么說就怎么說的人早晚會聽到他不中意的話。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that has a great nose thinks everybody is speaking of it. [中文]:鼻子長得大,總怕有人說。/做賊心虛。 [出處]:
[英文]:Error is often the precursor of what is correct, but conceit is the prelude to a fall. [中文]:錯誤往往是正確的先導(dǎo),驕傲往往是跌跤的前奏。 [出處]:
[英文]:A liar is not believed when he tells the truth. [中文]:慣說謊者說真話時也沒人相信了。 [出處]:
[英文]:Some people cannot see the wood for the trees. [中文]:有些人見樹不見林。 [出處]:
[英文]:You cannot burn the candle at both ends. [中文]:蠟燭不能兩頭點(diǎn)。 [出處]:
[英文]:Do not put new wine into old bottles. [中文]:不要舊瓶裝新酒。 [出處]:
[英文]:One cloud is enough to eclipse all the sun. [中文]:片云足以遮全日。 [出處]:
[英文]:He who refuses nothing will soon have nothing to refuse. [中文]:對什么都不拒絕的人很快會沒有東西可拒絕。 [出處]:Hemingway 海明威
[英文]:We must set the example but that doesn‘t mean we must follow it. [中文]:我們必須樹立起榜樣,但這并不意味著我們必須照辦。 [出處]:B.Kops 科普斯(英國劇作家、小說家)
[英文]:Fame usually comes to those who are thinking about something else. [中文]:通常是沒想到成名的人反而成了名。 [出處]:O.W.Holmes 霍姆斯(美國詩人)
[英文]:All men can‘t be first. [中文]:不可能人人得冠軍。 [出處]:
[英文]:We can‘t all be heroes. Somebody has to sit on the curb and elap as they go by. [中文]:我們不可能都成為英雄??偟糜腥嗽谟⑿蹅冏哌^時坐在路邊鼓掌。 [出處]:W.Roger羅杰(美國幽默家)
[英文]:Good wine needs no bush. [中文]:酒好無需掛幌子。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Hide not your light under a bushel. [中文]:不要把你的燭光藏在笆斗下。/勿過分謙虛,隱藏才能。 [出處]:
[英文]:An honest man doesn‘t do anything underhand. [中文]:明人不做暗事。 [出處]:
[英文]:If the ruler is personally upright, all will go well even though he does not give orders. But if he is not personally upright, even though he gives orders, they will not be obeyed. [中文]:其身正,不令而行; 其身不正,雖令不從。 [出處]:Confucius 孔子
[英文]:One must draw the line somewhere. [中文]:干什么都應(yīng)有個限度。 [出處]:
[英文]:Wishes never can fill a sack. [中文]:愿望裝不滿口袋。 [出處]:
[英文]:Never bow to authority, but always tip your hat. [中文]:應(yīng)向有權(quán)者敬禮,不應(yīng)向他屈膝。 [出處]:
[英文]:Don‘t halloo till you are out of the wood. [中文]:未出險境,莫先高興。 [出處]:
[英文]:Don‘t throw out the baby with the bath water. [中文]:不要將小孩與洗澡水一起倒掉。 [出處]:
[英文]:Appearances are deceptive. [中文]:外表是靠不住的。 [出處]:
[英文]:Spectators see clearly while the participants are often lost in the maze. [中文]:旁觀者清,當(dāng)局者迷。 [出處]:中國諺語
[英文]:We get so much in the habit of wearing a disguise before others that we eventually appear disguised before ourselves. [中文]:我們慣于在別人面前矯揉造作,結(jié)果對自己也矯揉造作。 [出處]:
[英文]:Gossip is that which no one claims to like-but everybody enjoys. [中文]:沒人自稱喜歡聽閑話,可是閑話人人都愛聽。 [出處]:
[英文]:Leal heart lied never. [中文]:心誠無謊言。 [出處]:
[英文]:Knavery may serve a turn, but honesty never fails. [中文]:欺詐或許暫時有用,誠實(shí)卻永遠(yuǎn)有用。 [出處]:
[英文]:It is hard to laugh and cry both with a breath. [中文]:人很難同時即哭又笑。 [出處]:
[英文]:What is a workman without his tools? [中文]:巧婦難為無米之炊。 [出處]:
[英文]:All bread is not baked in one oven. [中文]:面包不都是一個爐灶里烤出來的。/不應(yīng)強(qiáng)求一律。 [出處]:
[英文]:Once a beggar, always a beggar. [中文]:一次做乞丐,永遠(yuǎn)是乞丐。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Murder will out. [中文]:惡行終會敗露。 [出處]:
[英文]:"Never”is a long word. [中文]:不要輕易說“決不”。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:One gives nothing so liberally as advice. [中文]:不花錢出主意,誰人不樂意。 [出處]:
[英文]:One good turn deserves another. [中文]:應(yīng)以德報德。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:We should never remember the benefits we have offered, not forget the favour received. [中文]:做點(diǎn)好事別提起,別人恩情要牢記。 [出處]:
[英文]:In my own city my name, in a strange city my clother procure me respect. [中文]:在家鄉(xiāng),名字使人受到尊敬;在異地,衣服使人受到尊敬。 [出處]:
[英文]:The pot calls the kettle black. [中文]:鍋嫌罐黑。/責(zé)人而不責(zé)己。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Open different locks with different keys. [中文]:一把鑰匙開一把鎖。 [出處]:中國諺語
[英文]:Tell all that you know and tell it without reserve. [中文]:知無不言,言無不盡。 [出處]:
[英文]:Running water does not get stale; a doorhinge is never worm-eaten. [中文]:流水不腐,戶樞不蠹。 [出處]:中國諺語
[英文]:You can‘t have everything in this life. [中文]:萬事如意古來難。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:He is wise that is ware in time. [中文]:聰明人防患于未然。 [出處]:
[英文]:Think more, and you‘ll become wiser. /Use your brain and you‘ll become a wise man. [中文]:多思出智慧。 [出處]:
[英文]:It is the careless man that will suffer;never will the prudent man fall into a trap. [中文]:只有大意吃虧,沒有小心上當(dāng)。 [出處]:中國諺語
[英文]:The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves. [中文]:妒忌者對別人是煩惱,對他們自己卻是折磨。 [出處]:W.Penn 佩恩
[英文]:An irritable man is like a hedgehog rolled up the wrong way, tormenting himself with his own prickles. [中文]:易怒的人像一只反過來蜷縮的刺猬,用自己的刺折磨自己。 [出處]:T.Hood 胡德(英國詩人)
[英文]:The man who gets angry suffers more than the person who is the object of his wrath. [中文]:發(fā)脾氣的人比對方受罪。 [出處]:O.W.Holmes 霍姆斯
[英文]:If a person refuses to hear other‘s advice, this will do him no good; but if he follows whatever advice people might offer him, this will do him even greater harm. [中文]:一個人不聽勸告不好,但若任何勸告都聽,則是更加不好。 [出處]:
[英文]:A stupid person always tries to justify himself for his mistakes; but a wise man tries his best to correct his errors. [中文]:愚蠢的人總是為自己的錯誤辯護(hù),聰明的人則力求改正自己的錯誤。 [出處]:
[英文]:If a man deceives me once, shame on him; if he deceives me twice, shame on me. [中文]:人欺我一次,他羞恥,欺我兩次,我羞恥。 [出處]:
[英文]:Advice should always be consumed to between two thick slices of doubt. [中文]:對任何勸告都該三思而后行。 [出處]:Walt Schmidt 沃爾特·施米特
[英文]:Trust thyself only, and another shall not betray thee. [中文]:不信他人信自己,別人不會出賣你。 [出處]:
[英文]:He who peeps through a hole may see what will vex him. [中文]:偷窺者會看到使自己煩惱的事。 [出處]:
[英文]:He who allows himself to be insulted, deserves to be. [中文]:自己甘愿受辱的人,受污辱也活該。 [出處]:[英國]F.C.Cornford 科福德
[英文]:A still tongue makes a wise head. [中文]:沉默者有智慧。 [出處]:
[英文]:Beware beginning. [中文]:慎始為上。 [出處]:
[英文]:If you save a drowning dog, it‘ll bite you after getting back on shore. [中文]:救了落水狗,反咬你一口。 [出處]:
[英文]:If you let a tiger escape back to the mountain, you‘ll cause calamity for the future. [中文]:縱虎歸山,必有后患。 [出處]:
[英文]:Just a bit of a mouse‘s dropping will spoil a whole saucepan of broth. [中文]:一粒老鼠屎敗壞一鍋湯。 [出處]:中國諺語
[英文]:We needn‘t guard against one who calls himself a thief, but we should watch out for one who calls himself an upright gentleman. [中文]:自稱盜賊的無須防,自稱正人君子的必須防。 [出處]:
[英文]:When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, count a hundred. [中文]:生氣的時候,先數(shù)到十再開口;如果非常憤怒,先數(shù)到一百。 [出處]:T.Jefferson 杰弗遜
[英文]:A past mistake of one serves as a good lesson to all. [中文]:一人之失,百人之師。 [出處]:中國諺語
[英文]:In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience. [中文]:在任何力量與耐心的比賽中,把寶押在耐心上。 [出處]:W.H.Prescott 普雷斯科特
[英文]:Beware of the fury of a patient man. [中文]:要小心脾氣好的人發(fā)火。 [出處]:J.Dryden 德萊頓(英國文學(xué)家)
[英文]:There is , however, a limit at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue. [中文]:克服也有個限度,超過了限度就不再是美德。 [出處]:E.Burke 伯克
[英文]:Anger is seldom without an argument, but seldom with a good one. [中文]:生氣很少沒有理由,不過很少有一個很好的理由。 [出處]:C.M.Halifax 哈利法克斯
[英文]:The overturned cart ahead is a warning to the carts behind. [中文]:前車之覆,后車之鑒。 [出處]:中國諺語
[英文]:A mirror can only help you see the stain on your face; and to wipe it off, you have to rely on yourself. [中文]:鏡子只能幫助你找到臉上的污點(diǎn),要擦掉污點(diǎn)還要靠自己。 [出處]:
[英文]:Repent what‘s past, avoid what is to come. [中文]:前事不忘,后事之師。 [出處]:
[英文]:Where it concerns himself, who‘s angry at a slander makes it true. [中文]:一涉及自己,忿怒便會使誹謗成真。 [出處]:B.Jonson 瓊森(英國文學(xué)家)
[英文]:Remember that you took a wrong way to a place, and you can have a smooth trip home. [中文]:記著去時走錯的路,回來時就順利了。 [出處]:
[英文]:Don‘t be afraid of making mistakes, but it is harmful to let them remain uncorrected. [中文]:不怕有過,就怕不改。 [出處]:
[英文]:Happy is the man who learns from the misfortunes of others. [中文]:吸取別人教訓(xùn),自然就會走運(yùn)。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:It‘s just in time to rein in at the brink of the precipice; but it‘s too late to mend the ship‘s leak in the middle of the river. [中文]:懸崖勒馬猶未晚,船到江心補(bǔ)漏遲。 [出處]:中國諺語
[英文]:Be steady in doing your work; be resolute in correcting your mistakes. [中文]:做事要穩(wěn),改錯要狠。 [出處]:
[英文]:A person who is imperious and tries to gloss over his fault is bound to suffer in the end. [中文]:專橫跋扈,文過飾非的人到頭來總是要吃虧的。 [出處]:
[英文]:A modest man frequently ponders over his mistakes; a conceited man only gossips about other‘s errors. [中文]:謙虛者常思己過,驕傲者只論人非。 [出處]:
[英文]:There is no garden without its weeds. [中文]:沒有不長雜草的花園。 [出處]:
[英文]:Give credit where credit is due. [中文]:有功則賞。 [出處]:
[英文]:Freedom is the right to be wrong, not the right to do wrong. [中文]:自由是無意而犯錯誤的權(quán)利,而不是故意做錯事的權(quán)利。 [出處]:J.G.Diefenbaker 迪芬貝克
[英文]:One link broken, the whole chain is broken. [中文]:一環(huán)斷,全鏈斷。/百尺之鏈,斷于一環(huán)。 [出處]:
[英文]:One‘s ability falls short of one‘s wishes. /The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. [中文]:心有余而力不足。 [出處]:
[英文]:A bad workman quarrels with his tools. [中文]:人笨怨刀鈍。 [出處]:
[英文]:He who cannot dance puts the blame on the floor. [中文]:不會跳舞的人怪地板不平。 [出處]:印度諺語
[英文]:Knock, and the door shall be opened. [中文]:只要敲門,就會有人來開。 [出處]:
[英文]:No one but the wearer knows where the shoe pinches. [中文]:穿鞋的人自己知道哪兒夾腳。 [出處]:
[英文]:A big wind can blow through a small hole. [中文]:針尖大的窟窿,斗大的風(fēng)。 [出處]:
[英文]:A bad padlock invites a picklock. [中文]:壞鎖招人撬。 [出處]:
[英文]:He who fears to venture as far as his heart urges and reason permits is a coward. [中文]:有道理的事想做而不敢做的人是懦夫。 [出處]:
[英文]:Nature has given us two ears, two eyes and one tongue, to the end that we should hear and see more than speak. [中文]:老天給人雙耳雙眼一張嘴,為使我們多聽多看少講話。 [出處]:
[英文]:Poverty of speech is the outward evidence of poverty of mind. [中文]:語言貧乏說明頭腦空虛。 [出處]:
[英文]:Wisdom consists in the ability to discriminate between the probable and improbable, and in being reconciled to the inevitable. [中文]:智慧在于辨別可能與不可能并順應(yīng)不可避免的事情。 [出處]:
[英文]:It takes two to speak truth-one to speak and another to hear. [中文]:說真話要有兩個人一個說,一個聽。 [出處]:
[英文]:A gossip‘s mouth is the devil‘s mail-bag. [中文]:饒舌者的嘴巴是魔鬼的郵袋。 [出處]:
[英文]:No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to one, and despise the other. [中文]:一個人不能侍奉兩個主人;不是恨這個愛那個,就是重這個輕那個。 [出處]:
[英文]:Love victory, but despise the pride of triumph. [中文]:要愛勝利,但不要為勝利而驕傲。 [出處]:
[英文]:Vows made in storms are forgotten in calms. [中文]:急風(fēng)暴雨時信誓旦旦,風(fēng)平浪靜時忘在一邊。 [出處]:
[英文]:Prudence is a good thing; forethought is wisdom. [中文]:謹(jǐn)慎小心是好事;深謀遠(yuǎn)慮是明智。 [出處]:
[英文]:A cautious mind is the half of wisdom. [中文]:謹(jǐn)慎小心近于明智. [出處]:
[英文]:Ingratitude is a kind of weakness; clever men are not ungrateful. [中文]:忘恩負(fù)義是一種軟弱的表現(xiàn);明智的人不會忘記別人的恩德。 [出處]:
[英文]:Gratitude is the least of virtues; ingratitude the worst of vices. [中文]:感恩是小德;忘恩是大惡。 [出處]:
[英文]:Gratitude takes three forms_a feeling in the heart, an expression in words, and giving in return. [中文]:感恩有三種形式:藏在心里,說在嘴上,見于行動。 [出處]:
[英文]:No legacy is so rich as honesty. [中文]:沒有一筆遺產(chǎn)能像誠實(shí)一樣豐厚。 [出處]:
[英文]:Don‘t make mountains out of molehills. [中文]:勿把蒼蠅說成大象。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Never offer to teach fish to swim. [中文]:切忌班門弄斧。 [出處]:
[英文]:There‘s no wisdom like silence. [中文]:保持沉默最聰明。 [出處]:
[英文]:Who knows most says least. [中文]:知道得最多的人說得最少。 [出處]:
[英文]:Conceit is the most incurable disease that is known to the human soul. [中文]:驕傲自滿是精神上最不可救藥的頑癥。 [出處]:
[英文]:Pride, the most dangerous of all faults, proceeds from want of sense, or want of thought. [中文]:驕傲是最危險的過錯,它產(chǎn)生于缺乏見識,或缺乏思考。 [出處]:
[英文]:A man may have a just esteem of himself without being proud. [中文]:一個人雖對自己有恰當(dāng)?shù)淖鹁?,也無需驕傲。 [出處]:
[英文]:Respect a man, he will do the same. [中文]:尊重別人,別人就會尊重你。 [出處]:
[英文]:Never seem wiser, nor more learned, than the people you are with. [中文]:與人相處切忌賣弄聰明與學(xué)識。 [出處]:
[英文]:Without modesty beauty is ungraceful and wit detestable. [中文]:沒有謙虛,美麗就不端莊,機(jī)智也討人嫌。 [出處]:
[英文]:A large part of virtue consists in good habits. [中文]:美德大多只是良好的習(xí)慣。 [出處]:
[英文]:Wisdom is in the head and not in the beard. [中文]:智慧在于有腦子,不在于有胡子。 [出處]:
[英文]:Justifying a fault doubles it. [中文]:護(hù)短是加倍的錯誤。 [出處]:
[英文]:Be wisely worldly, be not worldly wise. [中文]:要聰明地世故,不要世故地聰明。 [出處]:
[英文]:To have doubted one‘s own first principles is the mark of a civilized man. [中文]:曾對自己的最初原則表示懷疑,是文明人的標(biāo)記。 [出處]:
[英文]:Envy is a most terrible thing, and would spoil anybody‘s nature. [中文]:忌妒是很可怕的東西,它會毀損一切人的天性。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that desires honour is not worthy of honour. [中文]:渴求榮譽(yù)的人不值得有榮譽(yù)。 [出處]:
[英文]:Vainglory blossoms but never bears. [中文]:虛榮光開花,永遠(yuǎn)不結(jié)果。 [出處]:
[英文]:Envy may dissatisfy us with our lot. [中文]:嫉妒可使我們對自己的命運(yùn)不滿意。 [出處]:
[英文]:Spite is never lonely; envy always tags along. [中文]:怨恨絕不孤獨(dú);嫉妒總是與它相隨。 [出處]:
[英文]:He who is great need not inflate himself. [中文]:偉大的人不需要自吹自擂。 [出處]:
[英文]:There must be a happy medium somewhere between being totally informed and blissfully unaware. [中文]:無所不知與幸福地?zé)o知之間,一定有適得其所的中間地。 [出處]:
[英文]:The time to stop talking is when the other person nods his head affirmatively but says nothing. [中文]:等到對方只是點(diǎn)頭同意而一言不發(fā)時,那就是你該停止說話的時候了。 [出處]:
[英文]:The first requirement of good conversation is that nobody should know what is coming next. [中文]:談話藝術(shù)的第一要素是讓人不知道你接下去要講什么。 [出處]:
[英文]:Anger begins with folly, and ends in repentance. [中文]:憤怒以愚蠢開始,以后悔告終。 [出處]:
[英文]:Two can play at the game. [中文]:你會耍的花招,別人也會。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Anger is not only inevitable, it is necessary. Its absence means indifference, the most disastrous of all human failings. [中文]:憤怒不僅無可避免,而且有必要。沒有憤怒表示你漠不關(guān)心,那才是人類最可怕的弱點(diǎn)。 [出處]:
[英文]:Never "for the sake of peace and quiet” deny your own experience or conviction. [中文]:永遠(yuǎn)不要"為了息事寧人”而否認(rèn)自己的經(jīng)驗(yàn)或信念。 [出處]:
[英文]:More trouble is caused in this world by indiscreet answers than by indiscreet questions. [中文]:輕率的回答在這個世界上造成的麻煩比輕率的問題造成的麻煩多得多。 [出處]:
[英文]: If there were less sympathy in the world, there would be less trouble in the world. [中文]:如果世界上少一些同情,世界上也就會少一些麻煩。 [出處]:O.Wilde 王爾德
[英文]:Opinions should be formed with great caution-and changed with greater. [中文]:形成意見要慎重,改變意見要更慎重。 [出處]:
[英文]:Credit keeps the crown of the causeway. [中文]:守信譽(yù)的人不怕走在大街中央。 [出處]:
[英文]:When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that three of his fingers are pointing at himself. [中文]:用手指著別人的時候,該記得另三只手指是指著自己的。 [出處]:
[英文]:Barking dogs don‘t bite. [中文]:吠犬不咬人。 [出處]:
[英文]:You are permitted in time of great danger to walk with the devil until you have crossed the bridge. [中文]:危急之時人可以與魔鬼結(jié)伴而行,但需只到走過險橋后為止。 [出處]:
[英文]:Whether the pitcher strikes the stone, or the stone the pitcher, it is bad for the pitcher. [中文]:不論是水罐敲石頭,還是石頭敲水罐,都是水罐遭殃。 [出處]:
[英文]:Don‘t have your cloak to make when it begins to rain. [中文]:別等下雨再做雨衣。/宜未雨綢繆。 [出處]:
[英文]:Spare the rod and spoil the child. [中文]:不打不成器。 [出處]:
[英文]:Many a man‘s reputation would not know his character if they met on the street. [中文]:許多人的名聲如果在街上遇到自己的品德會互相不認(rèn)識。 [出處]:E.Hubbard 哈伯德(美國作家)
[英文]:The wages of sin is death. [中文]:為惡者應(yīng)滅亡。 [出處]:《新約全書》
[英文]:As man sows, so he shall reap. [中文]:善有善報,惡有惡報。 [出處]:
[英文]:Who swims in sin shall sink in sorrow. [中文]:在罪惡中漂浮者終將在悲哀中沉沒。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper. [中文]:和我們搏斗的人增強(qiáng)我們的神經(jīng),磨礪我們的技巧。敵手即是助手。 [出處]:
[英文]:He deserves not the sweet that will not taste the sour. He dwells far from neighbours that is fain to praise himself. [中文]:不愿吃苦的人,不配享樂;愛炫耀自己的人,沒有人愿與他為鄰。 [出處]:
[英文]:He hath ill neighbours that is fain to praise himself. [中文]:愛自夸的人沒有好鄰居。 [出處]:
[英文]:I can resist everything except temptation. [中文]:我什么都能抵制,只有誘惑除外。 [出處]:O.Wilde 王爾德
[英文]:Haste and wisdom are things far odd. [中文]:輕率與智慧相距遙遠(yuǎn)。 [出處]:
[英文]:Great men‘s sons soldom do well. [中文]:偉人的兒子有出息的不多。 [出處]:
[英文]:Fair words fill not the belly. [中文]:甜言蜜語填不飽肚子。 [出處]:
[英文]:Falsehood like a nettle stings those who meddle with it. [中文]:謊言似蕁麻,誰玩誰被扎。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:False with one can be false with two. [中文]:能對一個人虛偽,就能對兩個人奸詐。 [出處]:
[英文]:Familiarity breeds contempt. [中文]:親密生侮心。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:For a lost thing care nothing. [中文]:物已丟失,勿再煩惱。 [出處]:
[英文]:For a morning rain leave not your journey [中文]:不要因?yàn)樵绯肯铝艘粓鲇昃筒蝗ヂ眯小?br>[出處]:
[英文]:For one good deed a hundred ill deeds should be overlooked. [中文]:一善足以消百惡。 [出處]:
[英文]:To flee vice is the beginning of virtue, and to have got rid of folly is the beginning of wisdom. [中文]:遠(yuǎn)離罪惡是美德之始;擺脫愚蠢是智慧之初。 [出處]:[古羅馬]Horatius 賀拉斯
[英文]:Forgive and forget. [中文]:恢弘大度,勿念舊惡。 [出處]:
[英文]:Give a dog a bad name and hang him. [中文]:一旦加入以惡名,他永遠(yuǎn)洗刷不清。 [出處]:
[英文]:Give a lie twenty-four hours start, and you can never overtake it. [中文]:讓謊言早跑一天,你就別想追上。 [出處]:
[英文]:Give losers leave to speak. [中文]:要允許失敗者講話。 [出處]:
[英文]:A boaster and a liar are all one. [中文]:吹牛撒謊一家親。 [出處]:
[英文]:Go not for every grief to the physician, for every quarrel to the lawyer, nor for every thirst to the pot. [中文]:不要一有病痛就求醫(yī),一有爭吵就請律師,稍覺口渴就找水壺。 [出處]:
[英文]:A birbe will enter without knocking. [中文]:賄賂毋須敲門而入。 [出處]:
[英文]:Beauty will buy no beef. [中文]:漂亮不能當(dāng)飯吃。 [出處]:
[英文]:Every bean hath its black. [中文]:每粒蠶豆都長黑嘴。 /人都有缺點(diǎn)。 [出處]:
[英文]:Easy and success are fellows. [中文]:從容與成功是伙伴。 [出處]:
[英文]:Envy never enriched any man. [中文]:嫉妒從未使人得益。 [出處]:
[英文]:Humility often gains more than pride. [中文]:謙遜往往比驕傲獲益更多。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that is angry without a cause, must be pleased without amends. [中文]:不要給無故生氣的人賠不是。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that praiseth himself spattereth himself. [中文]:自我標(biāo)榜,等于自我誹謗。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that promises too much means nothing. [中文]:許諾過多等于零。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that puts on a public gown must put off a private person. [中文]:擔(dān)任公職的人,就要不徇私情。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that speaks sows, and he that holds his peace gathers. [中文]:滔滔不絕者播下種子,閉口不言者收割莊稼。 [出處]:
[英文]:He who has no shame has no conscience. [中文]:不知羞恥的人不知自疚。 [出處]:
[英文]:He who laughs at crooked men should need walk very straight. [中文]:譏笑別人駝背的人,自己先得挺直身子。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that hears much and speaks not a all. shall be welcome both in bower and hall. [中文]:多聽不多言,里外人不嫌。 [出處]:
[英文]:Those who seek to please everybody please nobody. [中文]:見人就獻(xiàn)媚,誰也不待見。 [出處]:
[英文]:If you are too fortunate, you will not know voruself; if you are too unfortunate,nobody will know you. [中文]:運(yùn)氣太好,忘乎所以; 運(yùn)氣不好,無人搭理。 [出處]:
[英文]:Don‘t meet trouble half-way. [中文]:不要自尋煩惱。 [出處]:
[英文]:A horse stumbles that has four legs. [中文]:人有失足,馬有失蹄。 [出處]:
[英文]:Let not the sun go down on your wrath. [中文]:不要在生氣中讓太陽下山。 /今日氣,今日息。 [出處]:
[英文]:Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute. [中文]:沉默是最難反駁的論點(diǎn)之一。 [出處]:
[英文]:A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder. [中文]:心里坦然,打雷也照樣入睡。 [出處]:
[英文]:A proud man hath many crosses. [中文]:驕傲者挫折多。 [出處]:
[英文]:A clear conscience laughs at false accusation. [中文]:只要問心無愧,無端的指責(zé)可以一笑置之。 [出處]:
[英文]:A close mouth catches no flies. [中文]:嘴巴閉得緊,蒼蠅飛不進(jìn)。 [出處]:
[英文]:A covetous man is good to none, but worst to himself. [中文]:貪心不足的人對他人無益,對自己最有害。 [出處]:
[英文]:I will not keep a dog and bark myself. [中文]:既然養(yǎng)了狗,何必自己叫? [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Too many cooks spoil the broth. [中文]:廚師太多燒壞湯。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Don‘t carry coals to Newcastle. [中文]:別往紐卡斯?fàn)?英煤都)運(yùn)煤。/多此一舉,徒勞無益。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Accidents will happen in the best regulated families. [中文]:家規(guī)再嚴(yán),事端難免。 [出處]:
[英文]:An unambitious man is easily carried away by victory; a short-sighted man would have an exaggerated opinion of his abilities after being praised a little. [中文]:胸?zé)o大志的人容易被勝利沖昏頭腦;鼠目寸光的人稍受表揚(yáng)就不知天高地厚。 [出處]:
[英文]:What‘s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. [中文]:名字有什么關(guān)系?把玫瑰花叫做別的名稱,它還是照樣芳香。 [出處]:Shakespeare 莎士比亞
[英文]:Whom the gods destroy, they first make mad. [中文]:上帝要誰滅亡,必先讓他瘋狂。 [出處]:Euripides 歐里庇得斯
[英文]:Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind. [中文]:憤怒是吹滅心中之燈的風(fēng)。 [出處]:R.Ingersoll 英格索爾
[英文]:All the mistakes I ever made in my life were when I wanted to say "NO”, and said "Yes”. [中文]:我一生中所犯的錯誤都是在本想說“不”的時候說了“是”。 [出處]:M.Hart 哈特
[英文]:The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere. [中文]:生活中最使人筋疲力盡的事是裝虛作假。 [出處]:A.M.Lindbergh 林德伯格
[英文]:To hide a fault with a lie is to replace a blot by a hole. [中文]:用謊言掩蓋錯誤,等于挖一個洞除掉污漬。 [出處]:M.Aurelius 奧里利厄斯
[英文]:Good temper is like a sunny day; it sheds its brightness everywhere. [中文]:好情緒猶如明媚的陽光,普照四方。 [出處]:P.Sidney 西德尼
[英文]:In this world there is always danger for those who are afraid of it. [中文]:對于害怕危險的人,這個世界上總是有危險的。 [出處]:Bernard Shaw 蕭伯納
[英文]:A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears. [中文]:害怕痛苦的人已經(jīng)在承受他所害怕的痛苦了。 [出處]:Montaigne 蒙田
[英文]:It‘s a day after the fair. [中文]:錯過良機(jī),為時已晚。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Don‘t run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. [中文]:不要既陪野兔奔跑,又隨獵狗追捕。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. [中文]:你可以一時騙過所有的人,也可以在所有時間里騙過一些人,但不能在所有時 間里騙過所有的人。 [出處]:Lincoln 林肯
[英文]:Fear has many eyes and can see things underground. [中文]:恐懼有許多眼睛,能看見地下的事物。 [出處]:Cervantes 塞萬提斯
[英文]:An ounce of prudence is worth a pound of gold. [中文]:一盎司謹(jǐn)慎抵得上一磅黃金。 [出處]:T.Smollett 斯摩萊特
[英文]:Don‘t waste life in doubts and fears. [中文]:不要把生命浪費(fèi)于懷疑與恐懼中。 [出處]:Emerson 愛默生
[英文]:All the weapons of war will not arm fear. [中文]:任何武器都武裝不了恐懼。 [出處]:E.C.Sanford 桑福德
[英文]:A sober man may become a drunkard through being a coward. A brave man may be come a coward through being a drunkard. [中文]:清醒的人膽小時會變成醉漢。勇敢的人喝醉時會變得懦弱。 [出處]:G.K.Chesterton 切斯特頓
[英文]:Rashness borrows the name of courage, but it is of another race, and nothing allied to that virtue; the one descended a direct line from prudence, the other from folly and presumption. [中文]:魯莽借用了勇氣的名義,但屬于另一類,和美德毫無關(guān)系;勇氣直接裔于謹(jǐn)慎 ,魯莽則裔于愚蠢和狂妄。 [出處]:K.Raine 雷恩
[英文]:Anger is a brief madness. [中文]:憤怒是短暫的瘋狂。 [出處]:Horace 賀拉斯
[英文]:It is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit. [中文]:令人沮喪的是,有那么多人對誠實(shí)感到吃驚,而對欺騙感到吃驚的人卻那么少。 [出處]:N.Coward 科沃德
[英文]:As the call, so the echo. [中文]:發(fā)什么聲音,有什么回聲。 [出處]:
[英文]:As the tree, so the fruit. [中文]:什么樹結(jié)什么果。 [出處]:
[英文]:It is a bad cloth that will take no colour. [中文]:布再壞也能染色。 [出處]:
[英文]:Neither adjust your shoe in a melon patch, nor your hat under a plum tree. [中文]:瓜田不納履,李下不整冠。 [出處]:中國諺語
[英文]:Habour no ill intention against others, but never relax vigilance against evil-doers. [中文]:害人之心不可有,防人之心不可無。 [出處]:
[英文]:A selfless man is upright and high-minded. [中文]:人不自私,頂天立地。 [出處]:
[英文]:The moon does not heed the barking of dogs. [中文]:月亮不怕狗叫。/只要品格高尚,何懼他人底毀。 [出處]:
[英文]:Every cloud has a silver lining. [中文]:烏云后面有光明。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Good clothes open all doors. [中文]:門不擋衣著華麗的人。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that talks much lies much. [中文]:言多必妄。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that talks much errs much. [中文]:語多必失。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that spares th bad injures the good. [中文]:縱容壞人必傷害好人。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that believes all, misseth; he that believes nothing, hits not. [中文]:全信必有所失,全不信一無所得。 [出處]:
[英文]:A place for everything, and everything in its place. [中文]:物應(yīng)各有其所,亦應(yīng)各在其所。 [出處]:
[英文]:Give a thief enough rope and he‘ll hang himfelf. [中文]:多行不義必自斃。 [出處]:
[英文]:For a modest man, achievements serve as a vaulting-pole, with which he surmounts a new height in his future endeavour; for a conceited man, achievements serve as a slide, along which he falls far behind in his self-complancency. [中文]:成績是謙虛者的撐桿,促使他在新的努力中,躍進(jìn)更高的境界。 成績是驕傲者的滑梯,使他在沾沾自喜中,跌倒到最后面。 [出處]:
[英文]:Shallow streams make most din. [中文]:溪淺聲喧。 [出處]:
[英文]:Still waters run deep. [中文]:靜水流深。 [出處]:
[英文]:Sometimes the best gain is to lose. [中文]:有時吃虧就是最大的便宜。 [出處]:
[英文]:All that glitters is not gold. [中文]:閃爍者不盡是金。 [出處]:
[英文]:Fools never know when they are well off. [中文]:愚人總是身在福中不知福。 [出處]:
[英文]:Speak the truth and shame the devil. [中文]:說真話可使魔鬼感到羞愧。 [出處]:
[英文]:Don‘t count your chickens before they are hatched. [中文]:蛋未孵,別先數(shù)雞。 [出處]:
[英文]:Do not pick the sesame seeds but overlook the watermelons. [中文]:勿揀了芝麻,丟了西瓜。 [出處]:中國諺語
[英文]:Standers-by see more than gamesters. [中文]:旁觀者清,當(dāng)局者迷。 [出處]:
[英文]:For every evil under the sun, There is a remedy or there is none; If there be one, try and find it; If there be none,never mind it. [中文]:世間的一切弊病, 有的可以救藥,有的不可救藥;有救藥,努力去找;無救藥,就別放在心上。 [出處]:
[英文]:A bully is always a coward. [中文]:恃強(qiáng)欺弱者均是懦夫。 [出處]:
[英文]:If moral behavior were simply following rules, we could program a computer to be moral. [中文]:道德行為如果只是循規(guī)蹈矩辦事,我們就可以編制一套程序使電腦有道德。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that mischie hatches, mischief catches. [中文]:害人者終將害己。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that is ill to himself will be good to nobody. [中文]:不能自愛,焉能愛人。 [出處]:
[英文]:A clean hand wants no washing. [中文]:手要是干凈無須洗。 [出處]:
[英文]:In speaking well of others, you speak well of yourself. [中文]:稱贊他人,如同稱贊自己。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that would govern others. first should be the master of himself. [中文]:要管好別人,先管好自己。 [出處]:P.Massinger 馬辛杰(英國劇作家)
[英文]:Swearing was invented as a compromise between running away and fighting. [中文]:發(fā)明詛咒是把它作為逃跑和打架之間的一種折衷 。 [出處]:F.P.Dunne 鄧恩
[英文]:Self-praise is no recommendation. [中文]:自夸不足為自薦。 [出處]:
[英文]:The worst wheel of the cart creaks most. [中文]:最差的車輪吱嘎聲最大。 [出處]:
[英文]:They brag most who can do least. [中文]:本領(lǐng)最小的人,最會吹牛。 [出處]:
[英文]:Don‘t have too many irons in the fire. [中文]:不要把太多的熨斗放到火爐上。/不要同時要辦的事太多。 [出處]:
[英文]:The good is the enemy of the best. [中文]:過得去是精益求精的敵人。 [出處]:
[英文]:Don‘t trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. [中文]:麻煩沒有來找你,不要去找麻煩。 [出處]:
[英文]:A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk. [中文]:聞聲知鳴鳥,聞言見人心。 [出處]:
[英文]:Make it a point to do something every day that you don‘t want to do. This is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain. [中文]:堅持每天做一點(diǎn)不愿意做的事。這是養(yǎng)成樂意盡職習(xí)慣的金科玉律。 [出處]:
[英文]:Gifts from enemies are dangerous. [中文]:敵人的禮物收不得。 [出處]:
[英文]:No question is ever settled until it is settled right. [中文]:正確解決問題才算真正解決。 [出處]:
[英文]:No man is a hero to his valet. [中文]:在最貼身的人眼中,誰也充不了偉人。 [出處]:Cornuel 柯努爾(法國作家)
[英文]:One‘s sin will find one out. [中文]:壞事終歸要敗露。 [出處]:《圣經(jīng)》
[英文]:Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in. [中文]:考慮時不要匆忙;但是一旦行動的時刻來到,就要停止思考投入行動。 [出處]:J.Andrew 安德魯(美國廢奴運(yùn)動領(lǐng)袖)
[英文]:To no man will we refuse justice. [中文]:對一切人都應(yīng)給以正義。 [出處]:
[英文]:Our mightiest feeling are always those which remain most unspoken. [中文]:最強(qiáng)烈的總是那些最緘默的感情。 [出處]:C.Kingsley 金斯利(英國小說家、詩人)
[英文]:A good name is better than riches. [中文]:美名勝過金錢。 [出處]:
[英文]:Gold does not belong to the miser, but the miser to gold. [中文]:財富并不屬于守財奴,而是守財奴屬于財富。 [出處]:
[英文]:If you swear you will catch no fish. [中文]:咒罵解決不了問題。 [出處]:
[英文]:There are spots in the sun. [中文]:太陽也有黑點(diǎn)。 [出處]:
[英文]:The best fish swim near the bottom. [中文]:好魚常在水底游。 [出處]:
[英文]:Gossiping and lying go hand in hand. [中文]:流言蜚語和謊言總是連一起。 [出處]:
[英文]:Better deny at once than promise long. [中文]:與其答應(yīng)而不履行,不如馬上拒絕。 [出處]:
[英文]:A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will. [中文]:智者通權(quán)達(dá)變,愚者堅持己見。 [出處]:
[英文]:Better the foot slip than the tongue trip. [中文]:寧可失足,不可失言。 [出處]:
[英文]:Be slow to promise and quick to perform. [中文]:允諾宜緩,履行宜速。 [出處]:
[英文]:Many words will not fill a bushel. [中文]:空言無補(bǔ)于事。 [出處]:
[英文]:Judge not of men and things at first sight. [中文]:不要靠初次的印象來判斷人或事。 [出處]:
[英文]:Good counsel does no harm. [中文]:忠言有利無害。 [出處]:
[英文]:You are your greatest enemy if you are a coward; but if you are brave, you are your greatest friend. [中文]:怯懦者是自己最大的敵人。 勇敢者是自己最好的朋友。 [出處]:L.Frank 弗蘭克
[英文]:There is one thing more important than knowing self; it is governing self. There is one thing better than crushing impulse, it is using impulse. [中文]:有一件事比自知更重要,即自制;有一件事比壓制沖動更好,即利用沖動。 [出處]:H.R.Haweis 哈維斯
[英文]:You‘ll never get rid of a bad temper by losing it. [中文]:用發(fā)脾氣的辦法永遠(yuǎn)改不掉壞脾氣。 [出處]:
[英文]:If you want people to think well of you, do not speak well of yourself. [中文]:要想人們對你有好感,就不要說自己的好話。 [出處]:B.Pascal 帕斯卡(法國科學(xué)家、哲學(xué)家)
[英文]:Politeness costs nothing and gains everything. [中文]:禮貌不用花一分錢,卻能贏得一切。 [出處]:M.W.Montagu 蒙塔古(英國女作家)
[英文]:He knows much who knows how to hold his tongue. [中文]:慎言為智。 [出處]:
[英文]:He is lifeless that is faultless. [中文]:只有死人才無錯誤。 /人孰無過。 [出處]:
[英文]:He is not fit to command others that cannot command himself. [中文]:不能指揮自己,就不能指揮別人。 [出處]:
[英文]:He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first. [中文]:先自嘲的人,不會見笑于人。 [出處]:
[英文]:Whosoever understands the times is great man. /A wise man submits to circumstances. [中文]:識時務(wù)者為俊杰。 [出處]:
[英文]:It is an equal failing to trust everybody and to trust nobody. [中文]:輕信所有人和不相信一切人同樣是缺點(diǎn)。 [出處]:
[英文]:Sweep before your own door. [中文]:正人先正己。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand. [中文]:無人能抵御嘲笑的進(jìn)攻。 [出處]:Mark Twin 馬克·吐溫
[英文]:Zeal should not outrun discretion. [中文]:熱情不應(yīng)壓倒謹(jǐn)慎。 [出處]:
[英文]:An ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit. [中文]:一盎司慎重等于一磅機(jī)智。 [出處]:
[英文]:Let every man praise the bridge he goes over. [中文]:過橋不忘造橋人。 [出處]:
[英文]:What‘s lost is lost. [中文]:失者不可復(fù)得。 [出處]:
[英文]:What is done by night appears by day. [中文]:若要人不知。除非己莫為。 [出處]:
[英文]:He who hesitates is lost. [中文]:當(dāng)斷不斷,必受其患。 [出處]:
[英文]:If we can‘t do as we would, we must do as we can. [中文]:如果做不到想做的事,就去做能做的事。 [出處]:
[英文]:A clean fast is better than a dirty breakfast. [中文]:寧為清貧,不為濁富。 [出處]:
[英文]:Open confession is good for the soul. [中文]:坦然承認(rèn)錯誤,有益于靈魂。 [出處]:
[英文]:Fortune favours the bold. [中文]:天助勇者。 [出處]:
[英文]:It is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait. [中文]:蠢人才上兩回當(dāng)。 [出處]:
[英文]:Pride hurts, modesty benefits. [中文]:滿招損,謙受益。 [出處]:
[英文]:Don‘t teach your grandmother to suck eggs. [中文]:不要班門弄斧。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:He that is full of himself is very empty. [中文]:自滿的人腹中空。 [出處]:
[英文]:Nothing is worth more than a mind well instructed. [中文]:什么好也比不上教育好。 [出處]:
[英文]:It‘s never too late to mend. [中文]:改過不嫌晚。 [出處]:
[英文]:One loses by pride and gains by modesty. [中文]:滿招損,謙受益。 [出處]:
[英文]:A man never discloses his own character so clearly as when he describes another‘s. [中文]:一個人在描述別人的性格時最能暴露出自己的性格。 [出處]:J.P.Richter 里克特
[英文]:A man‘s character is like a fence--it cannot be strengthened by whitewashing. [中文]:人的名譽(yù)猶如一道籬笆粉刷并不能使之堅固。 [出處]:T.W.Robertson 羅伯遜
[英文]:Blushing is virtue‘s color. [中文]:臉紅是美德的顏色。 [出處]:R.Taverner 塔弗納
[英文]:A straw shows which way the wind blows. [中文]:草動知風(fēng)向。 /見微知著。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Speech is the image of actions. [中文]:語言是行動的圖像。 [出處]:[古希臘]Hesiod 赫西奧德
[英文]:Do not put all your eggs in one basket. [中文]:不要把全部雞蛋放在一只籃子里。 [出處]:
[英文]:Better the devil you know than the devil you don‘t know. [中文]:明槍易躲,暗箭難防。 [出處]:
[英文]:A man can‘t ride your back unless it‘s bent. [中文]:你的腰不彎,別人就不能騎在你背上。 [出處]:
[英文]:The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts. [中文]:舌頭非劍,但可傷人。 [出處]:
[英文]:It is not the fine coat that makes the gentleman. [中文]:使人成為君子的并不是講究的衣著。 [出處]:T.Fuller 富勒
[英文]:An educated man is not necessarily a learned man or a university man, but a man with certain subtle spiritual qualities which make him calm in adversity, happy when alone, just in his dealings, rational and sane in all the affairs of life [中文] :有教養(yǎng)的人不一定有學(xué)問,也不一定上過大學(xué),而是具有一種微妙的氣質(zhì)的人,他處逆境能鎮(zhèn)定,雖孤獨(dú)也快樂,待人公正,處世穩(wěn)健 明理。 [出處]:
[英文]:At times, although one is perfectly right, one‘s legs tremble; at other times, althouth one is completely in the wrong, birds sing in one‘s soul. [中文]:有時,我們雖然理直氣壯,雙腿卻不免顫抖;另有些時候,我們雖然完全錯了 但卻內(nèi)心歡暢。 [出處]:
[英文]:Things will probably come out all right, but sometimes it takes strong nerves just to watch. [中文]:事情可能結(jié)局很好,不過有時單是等待事態(tài)發(fā)展就需要極大的勇氣。 [出處]:
[英文]:A crooked stick will have a crooked shadow. [中文]:身不正,影必斜。 [出處]:
[英文]:The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven. [中文]:心靈是自己作主的地方,能把地獄變成天堂,把天堂變成地獄。 [出處]:
[英文]:The treacherous, unexplored areas of the world are not in continents or the seas; they are in the minds and hearts of men. [中文]:世上未經(jīng)勘探的險惡之境,不是在大陸上,也不是在海洋中,而是在人們的頭腦和心里。 [出處]:
[英文]:When someone sings his own praises, he always gets the tune too high. [中文]:一個人歌頌自己時,音調(diào)往往太高。 [出處]:
[英文]:Our faults irritate us most when we see them in others. [中文]:自已的缺點(diǎn)在別人身上看到,最令我們討厭。 [出處]:
[英文]:Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even. [中文]:無論有沒有人監(jiān)督都能做好工作,身上有錢而不花,受到不公正的待遇而不求報復(fù),這便是成熟。 [出處]:
[英文]:Tact is the art of recognizing when to be big and when not to be little. [中文]:知道何時應(yīng)該寬宏大度,何時不應(yīng)量小器微,是謂練達(dá)。 [出處]:
[英文]:Patience is the ability to put up with people you‘d like to put down. [中文]: 能容忍你想羞辱的人,便是忍耐。 [出處]:
[英文]:Be able to be alone.Lose not the advantage of solitude. [中文]:要有單獨(dú)自處的能力,不要放過孤寂的好處。 [出處]:
[英文]:A holiday gives one a chance to look backward and forward, to reset oneself by an inner compass. [中文]:假期使你有機(jī)會回顧與前瞻,用心中的羅盤重新定好自已的方位。 [出處]:
[英文]:Very often a change of self is needed more than a change of scene. [中文]:改變自己往往比改變環(huán)境更為需要。 [出處]:
[英文]:Perfection is finally attained, not when there is no longer to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away. [中文]:最終達(dá)到完美,不在于無可增添,而在于無可刪減。 [出處]:
[英文]:Great ideas need landing gear as well as wings. [中文]:偉大的思想需要起落架,也需要雙翼。 [出處]:
[英文]:Fair words make fools fain [=pleased]. [中文]:甜言蜜語會使愚者得意忘形。 [出處]:
[英文]:I have yet to be bored by someone paying me a compliment. [中文]:人家恭維我,我還沒覺得厭煩過。 [出處]:
[英文]:Please all and you please none. [中文]:要面面俱到者,面面不到。 [出處]:
[英文]:Everyone is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day. Wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit. [中文]:一個人每天至少有五分鐘是個大傻瓜,明智者在于不超過這個時限。 [出處]:
[英文]:Co-operation is doing with a smile what you have to do anyhow. [中文]:所謂合作,就是面帶笑容去做非做不可的事。 [出處]:
[英文]:Men may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do. [中文]:別人可能懷疑你說的話,但他們會相信你的行動。 [出處]:
[英文]:We probably wouldn‘t worry about what people think of us if we could know how seldom they do. [中文]:如果我們知道別人難得想到我們,大概便不會擔(dān)心別人對我們的想法。 [出處]:
[英文]:You need to be discreet in giving advice, humble in accepting it. [中文]:提出忠告要謹(jǐn)慎,接受忠告要虛心。 [出處]:
[英文]:Conceit is the quicksand of success. [中文]:自負(fù)是成功的流沙。 [出處]:
[英文]:Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great. [中文]:信任別人,別人才能對你忠誠;待人尊重,別人才能尊重自持。 [出處]:Emerson 愛默生
[英文]:Every man has the defects of his own virtues. [中文]:人皆有與其優(yōu)點(diǎn)并存的缺點(diǎn)。 [出處]:
[英文]:No man is infallible. [中文]:沒有人不犯錯誤。 [出處]:
[英文]:Pardon all but thyself. [中文]:寬恕一切人,只是別寬恕自己。 [出處]:
[英文]:The noblest vengeance is to forgive. [中文]:最高尚的復(fù)仇是寬容。 [出處]:
[英文]:A brave man risks his life, but not his conscience. [中文]:勇敢的人可用生命冒險,但不以良心冒險。 [出處]:[德]Schiller 席勒
[英文]:The moon is a moon still, whether it shine or not. [中文]:月明月暗,終不失其為月亮。 [出處]:
[英文]:Honour and ease are seldom bedfellows. [中文]:榮譽(yù)和舒適難成伴侶。 [出處]:
[英文]:Be just before you are generous. [中文]:要慷慨必先求公正。 [出處]:
[英文]:It is as well to know which way the wind blows. [中文]:最好知道風(fēng)吹往哪個方向。 /識時務(wù)者為俊杰。 [出處]:
[英文]:Make the best of a bad bargain. [中文]:已然吃虧,盡力而為。 [出處]:
[英文]:Manners make the man. [中文]:舉止見人品。 [出處]:
[英文]:Men are not to be measured in inches. [中文]:人不可以寸量。 /人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。 [出處]:
[英文]:We often pardon those who bore us, but we cannot pardon those whom we bore. [中文]:我們往往原諒使我們厭煩的人,但不能原諒厭煩我們的人。 [出處]:[法國]Rochefoucauld 羅什富科
[英文]:He who seeks only for applause from without has all his happiness in another‘s keeping. [中文]:追求別人的贊賞,就是將自己的快樂委諸別人手中。 [出處]:[英國]Goldsmith 戈德史密斯
[英文]:I have seen the sea when it is stormy and wild. when it is quiet and serene, when it is dark and moody. And in all its moods, I see myself. [中文]:我見過洶涌澎湃的海,風(fēng)平浪靜的海,陰郁易怒的海。我在它的種種變化中見到了我自己。 [出處]:
[英文]:All fellows at football. /On the playing-field, all are on equality. [中文]:運(yùn)動場上人人平等。 [出處]:
[英文]:He that makes a thing too fine, breaks it. [中文]:做事過于茍求,反把事情弄壞。 [出處]:
[英文]:When all else is lost the future still remains. [中文]:就是失去了一切別的,也還有未來。 [出處]:
[英文]:Adopt the pace of nature: Her secret is patience. [中文]:采用大自然的步伐:她的秘密在于耐心。 [出處]:Emerson 愛默生
[英文]:I have but one counsel for you-be your own master. [中文]:我只有一個忠告給你做你自己的主人。 [出處]:
[英文]:Happiness lies first of all in health. [中文]:幸福首先在于健康。 [出處]:
[英文]:Health is better than wealth. /Good health is above wealth. [中文]:健康勝過財富。 [出處]:
[英文]:Early to bed and early to rise, Makes a man healthy, wealthy and Wise. [中文]:睡得早,起得早,富裕,聰明,身體好。 [出處]:
[英文]:Health and wealth create beauty. [中文]:健康和財富能創(chuàng)造美麗。 [出處]:英語格言
[英文]:The world is his who enjoys it. [中文]:活著感到快樂,世界就屬于你。 [出處]:
[英文]:Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. [中文]:求知者快樂,被理解者幸福。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Fortune is good to him who knows to make good use of her. [中文]:知道用福的人才有福。 [出處]:英語格言
[英文]:Cheerfulness is health; its opposite, melancholy, is disease. [中文]:歡樂就是健康,憂郁就是病痛。 [出處]:
[英文]:A little labour, much health. [中文]:適量的勞動有益于健康。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Fortune is easily found, but hard to be kept. [中文]:找到福分易,保持福分難。 [出處]:
[英文]:It is good to be merry and wise. [中文]:樂不移智,娛不縱情。 [出處]:
[英文]:Laugh and grow fat. [中文]:心寬體胖 。 [出處]:
[英文]:Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body. [中文]:知識之于心靈,正如健康之于身體。 [出處]:
[英文]:Work won‘t kill but worry will. [中文]:勞動無害,憂愁傷身。 [出處]:
[英文]:It is not work that kills, but worry. [中文]:工作不損壽,憂慮才傷身。 [出處]:
[英文]:He is rich that has few wants. [中文]:寡欲者富。 [出處]:
[英文]:Laziness makes you ill, labour makes you healthy. [中文]:懶散使人生病,勞動使人健壯。 [出處]:
[英文]:All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. [中文]:只工作,不玩耍,聰明小伙也變傻。 [出處]:
[英文]:Every man at forty is a fool or a physician. [中文]:人到四十,如果不是傻子,就該知道保養(yǎng)身體。 [出處]:
[英文]:A bow long bent grows weak. [中文]:常拉滿弓無力。 [出處]:
[英文]:People who cannot find time for recreation are Obliged sooner or later to find time for illness. [中文]:沒有時間娛樂的人,遲早得有時間生病。 [出處]:[美國]J.Wanamaker 沃納梅克
[英文]:No animal ever invented anything so bad as drunkness-or so good as drink. [中文]:沒有動物發(fā)明過像喝醉這樣糟糕的事也沒有發(fā)明過像飲酒這樣美好的享受。 [出處]:G.K.Chesterton 切斯特頓
[英文]:He is wise that knows when he is well enough. [中文]:知足為智者。 [出處]:
[英文]:He who lives with his memories becomes old. He who lives with plans for the future remains young. [中文]:終日懷舊催人老,計劃未來葆青春。 [出處]:
[英文]:Youth is not being 20 years old. A young man is one who is moved by any injustice in the world. [中文]:并非韶華二十便算年輕,一個人能為世上的不公平感到不平才是年輕。 [出處]:
[英文]:A good conscience is a continual feast. [中文]:問心無愧天天樂。 [出處]:
[英文]:A growing youth has a wolf in his belly. [中文]:年輕小伙子,吃飯像餓狼。 [出處]:
[英文]:A creaking door hangs long. [中文]:舊門久用,病夫命長。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Prevention is better than cure. [中文]:治病不如防病。 [出處]:
[英文]:An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. [中文]:一分預(yù)防勝過十分治療。 [出處]:
[英文]:Diet cures more than doctors. [中文]:自己飲食有節(jié),勝過上門求醫(yī)。 [出處]:
[英文]:Kitchen Physic is the best physic. [中文]:飲食有節(jié),百藥無緣。 [出處]:
[英文]:Medicines are not meant to live on. [中文]:藥物可治病,不能當(dāng)飯吃。 [出處]:
[英文]:Cleanliness is next to godliness. [中文]:清潔僅次于圣潔。 [出處]:
[英文]:After dinner sit awhile; after supper walk a mile. [中文]:午餐后稍坐片刻,晚餐后步行一里。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:A glass at supper is not amiss. [中文]:晚酌一杯也無妨。 [出處]:
[英文]:Take things as they come. [中文]:隨遇而安。 [出處]:
[英文]:He is happy that thinks himself so. [中文]:自樂者常樂。 [出處]:
[英文]:He who does not rise early never does a good day‘s work. [中文]:不愿早起的人,做不好一天的工作。 [出處]:
[英文]:An ague in the spring is physic for a king. [中文]:春天一場病,一年不服藥。 [出處]:
[英文]:An apple a day keeps the doctor away. [中文]:每天一只蘋果,無需醫(yī)生進(jìn)門。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:Better pay the butcher than the doctor. [中文]:花錢看病不如出錢買肉。 [出處]:
[英文]:In sports and journeys men are known. [中文]:從體育和旅行中,可看出男子的品德。 [出處]:
[英文]:Sound men wear out shoes, sick men sheets. [中文]:健康者費(fèi)鞋子,久病者費(fèi)床單。 [出處]:
[英文]:Better wear out shoes than sheets. [中文]:寧愿把鞋子穿漏,不愿把床單磨破。 [出處]:英語諺語
[英文]:True friendship is like sound health, the value of which is seldom known until it be lost. [中文]:健康和友誼,不丟不知惜。 [出處]:
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