The Eclipse Modeling Framework Technology project was initiated to incubate new technologies that extend or complement EMF. For IP log information see the IP Log (CSV).
See the following for the EMFT 1.0 Release Review Presentations: EMFT 1.0 Release Review Presentation (OCL, Transaction, Query and Validation).
CDO is both a technology for distributed shared EMF models and a fast server-based O/R mapping solution.
EODM is an implementation of RDF(S)/OWL metamodels of the Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM) using EMF with additional parsing, inference, model transformation and editing functions. EODM is part of the IBM Integrated Ontology Development Toolkit (IODT).
JET is typically used in the implementation of a "code generator". A code-generator is an important component of Model Driven Development (MDD). The goal of MDD is to describe a software system using abstract models (such as EMF/ECORE models or UML models), and then refine and transform these models into code. Although is possible to create abstract models, and manually transform them into code, the real power of MDD comes from automating this process. Such transformations accelerate the MDD process, and result in better code quality. The transformations can capture the "best practices" of experts, and can ensure that a project consistently employes these practices.
However, transformations are not always perfect. Best practices are often dependent on context - what is optimal in one context may be suboptimal in another. Transformations can address this issue by including some mechanism for end-user modification of the code generator. This is frequently done by using "templates" to create artifacts, and allowing users to substitute their own implementations of these templates if necessary. This is the role of JET.
This component provides:
The JETEditor provides a rich text editor component for editing JET templates within Eclipse. The editor features syntax coloring, error highlighting and code completion.
Net4j is an extensible client-server system based on the Eclipse Runtime and the Spring Framework.
The OCL component provides capabilities for queries, constraint parsing, constraint validation and content assist for user models. It defines the API for constructing, validating, and evaluating OCL queries and constraints on EMF model elements. The OCL expression syntax are used to implement OCL queries and constraints. It provides support for OCL syntax completion and parsing on the meta-model and user model level.
The query component provides capabilities to specify and execute queries against EMF model elements and their contents.
Teneo is a database persistency solution for EMF using Hibernate or JPOX/JDO 2.0. It supports automatic creation of EMF to Relational Mappings. EMF Objects can be stored and retrieved using advanced queries (HQL or JDOQL).
The transaction component provides a model management layer built on top of EMF for managing EMF resources. It provides API that include extensions to the EditingDomain and related APIs of the EMF.Edit framework, and an internal model of transactions. It consists of two layers: a non-Eclipse core, providing primarily the "transaction model", and an Eclipse workspace integration layer.