【求助】請(qǐng)問(wèn)模式識(shí)別領(lǐng)域的期刊有哪些?作者: 極品宅男 收錄日期: 2010-05-26 發(fā)布日期: 2010-05-04 我是初學(xué)者,很想知道這個(gè)領(lǐng)域的情況?。?!請(qǐng)前輩們指點(diǎn)一二,不甚感激! 期刊方面比如有SCI的,IEEE的,國(guó)內(nèi)的,國(guó)外的,發(fā)表難易等 |
作者:木頭蟲925 不要那么謙虛,給你發(fā)些網(wǎng)址,希望有用. http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_468651400100gbgy.html http://www.baisi.net/viewthread.php?tid=952282 作者:haixing2008 作者:zhuozihp PAMI,pr 作者:ajian04 Computer Vision Conf.: Best: ICCV, Inter. Conf. on Computer Vision CVPR, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Good: ECCV, Euro. Conf. on Comp. Vision ICIP, Inter. Conf. on Image Processing ICPR, Inter. Conf. on Pattern Recognition ACCV Asia Conf. on Comp. Vision IVCNZ ,Image and Vision Computing New Zealand(IEEE Conferences) ================================================== Computer Vision Jour.: Best: PAMI, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence IJCV, International Journal of Computer Vision Good: CVIU, Computer Vision and Image Understanding PR, Pattern Reco. NIPS, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems ICML, International Conference on Machine Learning MM,acm multimedia elsevier系列 image and vision computing journal of visual communication and image processing signal processing signal processing:image communication pattern recognition pattern recognition letters computer vision and image understanding medical image analysis kluwer: international journal of computer vision SIAM:也有兩份跟圖像相關(guān)的期刊 作者:smallbug2000 TPAMI, PR ,PRL |