Dedicated Professional With Significant Education And Experience In Transportation Engineering with Sophisticated Computer Skills in Software Designing, Developing and Testing
Summary of Qualifications
- 2 + Year Professional Transportation Engineering Related Working Experience.
- 3 + Year Professional Computer Related Working Experience.
- Effectively able to work with diverse groups of people.
- Teachable. A fast learner. Adapt well to changes and pressures in the workplace.
- Friendly with a positive attitude. A proven leader.
- Ambitious and hardworking, with a commitment to excellence.
- Effective communicator, both written and oral.
- Legally eligible to work in the United States (Permanent Residence桮reen Card Holder).
University of Florida, Gainesville, USA Expected Graduation in December 2003
Master of Engineering (ME) in Transportation Engineering, Dept. of Civil Engineering
Concurrent Master Program in Computer Science, Dept. of Computer & Information Science & Engineering
Member of Chi Epsilon, National Honor Society of Civil Engineering
Key Courses TTE5805 Geometric Design for Transportation Facility,
TTE6815 Transportation Corridor Operations,
TTE6257 Traffic Management and Control,
TTE5256 Traffic Engineering,
CGN6905 Transportation Systems Planning,
URP6270 Survey of Planning Information Systems (GIS),
STA6166 Statistical Methods in Research
McGill University, Montreal, Canada Graduated in May of 2000
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Emphasis: Systems Design and Application Programming
G.P.A.: 3.69/4.0 Scale, Great Distinct Award
Key Courses Software Engineering, Database Systems, Basics of Computer Networks,
Cryptography and Data Security, Computer Systems and Organization,
Computer System Architecture, Numerical Computing, Algorithm Design
Techniques, Data Structure and Algorithm, Programming Languages and
Paradigms, Principles of Assembly Languages.
Transportation Designing Tools: HCS2000, SynChron4.0, TSIS5.1, Transyt-7F, Turbo Architecture, PASSER II-02, AAP, KenSim, Esri ArcGIS Package and Esri Archinfo.
Computer Programming Languages: C++, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Java, C, Pascal, Fortran, Lisp, M68000 Assembly, FoxPro, PERL, CGI and HTML, XML, Java Servlet, JSP, Apache Web-server.
Database Systems: Oracle 8i, DBII, GemStone, Informix and Oracle 9i administration.
Operating Systems: UNIX, Linux, X-Windows, Windows XP, Windows NT, Windows 3.1/95/98 and MS DOS.
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Transportation Research Center
Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Florida Gainesville, Florida, USA (12/02 ?Present) responsible for transportation project researching and application designing, implementation and testing
- Product testing, and user抯 guide documentation building for LOSPLAN. It is a multi-modal traffic level of service project for FDOT, providing the user friendly UI with the latest research achievement in traffic level of service. The work environment is Visual Basic 6.0.
- Involved in feasibility study for FDOT Central Data Warehousing (CDW) project, including project concepts/standards investigation, data resource research, prototype CDW design and a Demo implementation based on Oracle9i DBMS server.
- Involved in traffic signal Controller Interface Device (CID) project for UF, focusing on project high level design, product develop/test under Visual Basic 6.0. It integrates the problem-solving tool for the latest developed CID equipment with the traffic simulation functionality.
Nortel Networks Co., Ltd.
Wireless Service Designer/Service Test Engineer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (8/00 ?1/02) responsible for service testing, support and programming applications.
- Programmed new features into the Wireless GPRS Data Service. The GPRS Data Service is a 2.5 generation Wireless Internet Data Access service that provides high internet access rate with efficient resources consumed. The programming was performed in C++ in HP-Unix operating environment.
- Implemented new customer-enhanced services for the GSM Account Management Service package. This program featured Customer Account Operations such as account balance inquiry, account incrementation and account charge as well as other basic account management features. Programmed in C++ in HP-Unix operating environment.
- Produced Service Designing Documentation such as High Level Design, Service Specification Documentation and Functional Specifications.
- Tested applications and new functional coding with Unix XDB Debugging Tool.
- Processed application unit test with Unix XDB Debugging Tool.
- Figured product fault as Customer Support.
Transportation Research Center
GIS Application Programmer/Test Engineer, Montreal, QB, Canada(5/99 - 5/00) responsible for programming and testing GIS (Global Geographic Location System) applications.
- Programmed in Visual Basic for GIS Application in Windows95 GUI.
- Established Database Access between DBII and GIS Data Files.
- Implemented the new traffic control application features in the existing GIS software.
- Tested all aspects of the software and utilized extensively established debugging procedures.
Nortel Networks Co., Ltd.
VoiceOverIP Demo Programmer/Test Engineer, 6X21 Open Speech Department, Montreal, QB, Canada (1/99-5/99) responsible for generating a new comprehensive and fully tested version of the VoiceOverIP application. The program packets voice signals to digital bits upon TCP/IP.
- Programmed in C/C++ via Visual C++ for VoiceOverIP Application Demo in Windows95 GUI.
- Tested several previous demo versions of the application.
- Added new menus and features and fully evaluated the Acoustic Echo Canceler for the new Codec.
Dept. of Biology, McGill University.
Unix System Administrator and PC Network Support ( part-time 1/98 ?1/00 ) responsible for maintaining Unix system for the lab database and application, supporting personal computer utilization
- Maintained a Solaris Unix server for Biological database application and email application..
- Updated lab database system periodically for the Biological software application.
- Support PC users in the lab and fixed fault in PC networks.
- Cooperated with senior administrator to defend attacks from hack.
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Leisure Activities
Enjoy tennis, soccer and bridge.
References Available Upon Request