47. A military helicopter flies low over Tahrir Square in central Cairo, on January 30, 2011, on the sixth day of protests by Egyptians against long term president, Hosni Mubarak. (MARCO LONGARI)
48. Egyptian leading dissident Mohamed ElBaradei and former UN nuclear watchdog Chief (C) attends a demonstration in al-Tahrir square in central in Cairo, on January 30, 2011, where he told thousands at the epicentre of anti-regime protests that they were 'beginning a new era,' amid chants for President Hosni Mubarak to stand down. KHALED DESOUKI
49. A column of Abrams tanks line the street as Egyptian demonstartors gather in Tahrir Square in Cairo, on January 30, 2011, on the sixth day of protests against Hosni Mubarak's regime. (MIGUEL MEDINA)
58. Al Jazeera compares their footage with that from Egyptian state television, on the first of february 2011.
60. Egyptian muslim demonstrators being targeted with a water cannon while they are praying
72. The president, Mubarak, addresses the nation on the first of february 2011. He states to not be candidate in the next elections in september. A message that seems not to fulfill the expectations of the protesters on the streets. The full speech can be found (in English)