紅色事中文步驟!These are instructions on how to jailbreak and unlock your iPhone 3G and 3GS using BlackRa1n and BlackSn0w for Windows.
These instructions will work with the latest 3.1.2 firmware, the 05.11.07 baseband, and iPhones which require hactivation.
For those with a new iPhone 3GS (updated Bootrom), BlackRa1n only supports a tethered jailbreak. This means that once jailbroken you should not let your battery die. If it does die you will need to reconnect it to the computer and use BlackRa1n to boot it.
Before continuing make sure you are on the 05.11.07 baseband by following this tutorial. If you are not please update your firmware to 3.1.2 using iTunes before continuing.
上面廢話不說,要把你的baseband升級到05.11.07 開始解鎖
Step One
打開你的瀏覽器到http://www.blackra1n.comOpen your web browser of choice and navigate to
http://www.blackra1n.com. Click the Windows logo at the bottom of the screen.
Step Two
When prompted save the download to your desktop
下載黑雪蘋果用戶點擊蘋果標志,windows用戶點擊windows標志Step Three
Then double click the blackra1n executable file from the desktop to launch the program
運行黑雨Step Four
Make sure your iPhone or iPod is connected to the computer then click the large make it ra1n button
確定你的機器連接在你的電腦上,然后點擊make itStep Five
You iPhone will now be placed in recovery mode.
你的機器將進入恢復模式You will see a picture of GeoHot that replaces the regular recovery mode screen on your device.
你會看到geohot的照片blackra1n will run and then your device will reboot.
A popup message will appear informing you that BlackRa1n is free software and if you appreciate it you can donate to GeoHot at
一個窗口會彈出來,希望你能為geihot捐款并告訴大家這個軟件事免費的,如果有任何人收取費用,要求他們退款Step Six
Once your device reboots it will be jailbroken and you will notice a blackra1n icon on the Springboard. Make sure you have an internet connection and press to launch the application.
好了以后你能看到一個黑雨點的圖標BlackRa1n will begin to download and install the package you selected.
點擊cydia,然后右上角install進行安裝 然后在安裝untrasn0w進行解鎖Step Seven
Once complete BlackRa1n will respring your iPhone and you will find the installer package of your choice on the Springboard.
Step Eight
最后,你可以選擇刪除黑雪程序Once you have confirmed your installer package is working correctly you may use the Uninstall blackra1n button inside the BlackRa1n app to remove it from your springboard.
***THANKS: A big thanks to Geohot for making this jailbreak possible. Also thanks to those who contributed to making it a success. You can donate to Geohot using the button below.