


The Stylistic Features of News English
論文作者 辛冀秋
論文導師 楊躍,論文學位 碩士,論文專業(yè) 外國語言學及應(yīng)用語言學
論文單位 西安電子科技大學,點擊次數(shù) 11,論文頁數(shù) 87頁File Size3002k
2005-01-01論文網(wǎng) http://www.lw23.com/lunwen_898815622/ 新聞;新聞英語;文體學;語言特點
news ; news English;stylistics;stylistic feature
在未來世界中,信息就是力量,獲得信息和傳播信息都將成為衡量一個國家和民族在世界上的地位和影響的重要標志。大眾媒體成為我們獲得信息和傳播信息的最佳載體,它包括報紙、雜志、廣播、電視等新聞媒介。在如今的IT時代,隨著信息量的日益增加,不同國籍、不同文化之間的交流日益增多,新聞英語在人們的交流中扮演著越來越重要的角色。 語言的學習主要是一個實踐的過程。對于英語學習者來說,閱讀英文報刊能學習最新的英語、了解變化的世界。通過閱讀英文報刊,人們不僅能擴大詞匯量,增強語感,領(lǐng)會詞匯的內(nèi)涵,而且它是學習和掌握現(xiàn)代英語的最重要、最簡潔、最有效的途徑之一。同時,人們還能通過閱讀英語報刊了解英美社會和世界的現(xiàn)狀,了解當今世界在政治、經(jīng)濟、軍事、科學、文化以及社會生活的各個方面的新事物和新動態(tài)。 報刊英語具有自己鮮明的特點,它在用詞造句、文章類型、文章結(jié)構(gòu)、寫作特點、詞匯和語法等方面都有別于普通英語。在英語新聞報刊中,新聞記者們經(jīng)常使用一些習語、俚語、典故和新造詞,這些最新用語使得學習者們迷惑不解,不得要領(lǐng)。如果學習者們沒有基本的新聞常識,也沒有掌握一定的新聞英語的基本文體特征,就很難完全理解報刊英語。因此,本文希望通過對新聞英語文體特點的研究讓英語學習者們對報刊英語有一個系統(tǒng)的了解,這樣有助于他們有針對性的進行更加有效的學習和訓練,從而進一步提高語言水平。 本文共分為六章。第一章主要介紹了有關(guān)新聞英語的背景、國內(nèi)外專家、學者的研究現(xiàn)狀及本文的研究方法。第二章是理論背景。介紹了文體學的定義、文體學的研究對象、文體學的分析方法和文體學研究的發(fā)展過程及現(xiàn)狀。本章的重點放在了介紹文體學的三種分析方法:語音、筆體學方法、詞匯和語法方法和語義學方法。第三章和第四章討論了一些新聞的基本常識。在第三章中介紹了新聞的定義、新聞的價值、新聞的分類、什么是新聞英語和英文報刊的發(fā)展過程。第四章討論了新聞的結(jié)構(gòu),從新聞的標題、導語和主體三大部分做了詳細的介紹。第五章是本文研究的重點部分。用文體學的三種分析方法分別對新聞的標題、導語及主體部分進行討論,即標點的使用、詞匯特征、語法特征以及句子結(jié)構(gòu)特征,如:大量使用短小詞、縮略語、新造詞、借代詞和外來語,在句子使用上,采用長短交替的方法和大量使用前置修飾語。第六章為結(jié)論。
China has become a member of WTO, the economic and cultural exchange with foreign countries is increasing. All messages and new things are represented in mass media and one of the traditional media for news" transmitting is newspaper. Newspaper as a more stable written form is becoming more and more indispensable to people"s life. As part of public life, this form of media has borrowed words, phrases or expressions from society and at the same time generated a lot of new language form and usage that will influence people"s everyday life in turn. News language has developed into a branch of modern stylistics. Recently more and more attention has been directed to the study of news English and contributed to steady progress in this field.For ESL/EFL learners, newspaper reading can also serve as a way to widen their scope of knowledge and learn the ever-changing English language. The study of news English is necessary to English learners, and therefore ESL/EFL learners might be more efficient in their learning.This thesis discussed stylistic features of the English news reporting. We focus our attention on English hard news. We employ the method of the induction, classification and comparative to study news headline, lead and body. This thesis consists of 6 chapters. Chapter 1 mainly gives the introduction of the entire passage and what kind of material the author chooses. After a brief introduction, Chapter 2 presents the theoretical background of the thesis, reviews the theory of stylistics; the levels of stylistic analysis are given in this chapter, too. In Chapter 3, a brief introduction of news and news English, such as the definition of news and news English, news elements are given. In Chapter 4, the author focuses on the structure of news. The author dwells on the structure and function of news headline, the essential of lead and the types of lead and three kinds of body. In Chapter 5 stylistic features of English news reporting is discussed. The stylistic feature is subdivided into three aspects -phonological features and graphological features, lexical feature and syntax feature, and semantic feature. The author concentrates on the major components of news headline and the stylistics features of body. The author goes into the study in details, puts forward different viewpoints, and give some samples to support author"s viewpoints. Chapter 6 as the conclusion gives a summary of those features that have been discussed in the previous parts of the thesis.
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