lb = pound(s) 磅
LH = left hand 左手
long-tail cast-on 一般起針法(又稱為 continental cast-on 或 double cast-on)
lp(s) = loop(s) 圈圈
m = meter(s) 公尺
M1 = make 1 stitch 加一針(從下方挑針的方式,可分從右側(cè)或左側(cè))
MC = main color 主色
moebius cast-on (Cat Bordhi style) 梅式翻轉(zhuǎn)起針法(Cat Bordhi 方式,常見于翻轉(zhuǎn)披肩起針)
mm = millimeter(s) 公厘
moss stitch 桂花針(英式與美式略有不同:英式為每段上下針替換,美式為每兩段上下針替換,英式moss stitch 在美式織圖中稱為 seed stitch)
no stitch = skip to next square on chart 無針,直接跳到織圖的下一格
oz = ounce(s) 盎司
p = purl 上針
patt = pattern 花樣,模樣編
p2sso = pass 2 slipped stitches over together 將兩滑針套過左側(cè)針
p2tog = purl two stitches together 左上二并針(日符號:「人-」)
p3tog = purl three stitches together 左上三并針
picot 凸編
plain stitch 平針
pm = place marker 放記號圈
psso = pass slipped stitch over 將滑針套過左側(cè)針
PU = pick up and knit 挑針繼續(xù)織
pw = purlwise 上針方向
rem = remaining 剩余的
rep(s) = repeat(s) 重復(fù)
RH = right hand 右手
rib stitch 松緊編
row 段
rnd(s) = round(s) 輪
rv ST st = reverse stockinette stitch 全上針的平針
RS = right side 右邊
s2kp = sl 2-k1-p2sso = slip two stitches as if to k2-tog, knit the next stitch, pass the two slipped stitches together over the knit stitch (centralized double decrease) 中下三并針(以下針方向一起滑兩針、織一下針、將兩滑針一起套過下針)
seed stitch 桂花針(每段上下針替換,美式說法)
short row(s) 引返編
skp = sl 1-k1-psso = slip 1, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over knit stitch (left slanting decrease) (similar to ssk) 右下二并針(滑一針、織一下針、將滑針套過下針)(日符號:「入」,與 ssk 織法稍微不同但效果類似)
Sk2p = sl 1-k2 tog-psso = slip one stitch, knit next two stitches together, pass slipped stitch over the k2-tog stitch (double decrease) 右下三并針(滑一針、織左下二并針、將滑針套過并針)
simple cast-on 簡易式起針法(影片介紹兩種方向)
sl = sl st = slip stitch/es from left needle to right needle without working, the yarn may be held either in front or back of the slipped stitch. 滑針(掛針可能在織片前方或在后方,詳細說明參考各類滑針)
slip marker 將記號圈滑到另一棒針
sp2p = sl 1 knitwise, p2tog, psso = slip 1 knitwise, purl 2 together, pass slipped stitch over purled stitch 以下針方向滑一針、織左上二并針、將滑針套過并針
ssk = slip, slip, knit = slip two stitches knitwise, one at a time, then insert left-hand needle point into the fronts of these two stitches, and knit them together (left slanting decrease) (similar to skp) 右下二并針(以下針方向分別滑兩針、將左棒針穿過兩滑針前方,織成一個下針)(日符號:「入」,與 skp 織法稍微不同但效果類似)
ssp = slip, slip, purl 右上二并針
st(s) = stitch(es) 針
St st = stockinette stitch (all knit) 平針(正面全下針)
tbl = through back loop 從針目后方穿入棒針(通常有扭針的效果)
tension 密度
tog = together 一起
tubular cast-on 柱狀起針法(也可當(dāng)松緊編起針)
waste yarn 別線(直譯為「廢線」)
work even 以同花樣繼續(xù)織,不另外加減針
WS = wrong side 反面
WT = wrap and turn 將掛線繞過針腳,然后翻面(引返編的一個步驟)
wyib = with yarn in back 掛線在織片后方
wyif = with yarn in front 掛線在織片前方
yd = yard(s) 碼
yf = yarn forward 將掛線放在織片前方
yo = yarn over 空針