This set of ten questions provides a quick check of where your organization is along ten critical success dimensions. Rate your organization (or part of it) on a score 0 to 10, where 0 is doing nothing at all, and 10 is world-class. We suggest that several people from different groups do this, then come together to discuss and compare.
Question | Score |
1. Leadership Does your organization have a compelling knowledge vision and strategy, actively promoted by your Chief Executive, that clearly articulates how knowledge management contributes to achieving organizational objectives. | ......... |
2. Measures Does your organization measure and manage its intellectual capital in a systematic way, and publish regular IC reports to its external stakeholders? | ......... |
3. Processes Does your organization have systematic processes for gathering, organizing, exploiting and protecting key knowledge assets, including those from external sources? | ......... |
4. Explicit Knowledge Is there a rigorously maintained knowledge inventory, with a structured thesaurus or knowledge tree, and clear ownership of knowledge entities, that is readily accessible across the organization? | ......... |
5. Tacit Knowledge Do you know who your best experts are for different domains of key knowledge, and do you have in place mechanisms to codify their tacit knowledge into an explicit format? | ......... |
6. Culture/Structure Is knowledge sharing across departmental boundaries actively encouraged and rewarded? Do workplace settings and format of meetings encourage informal knowledge exchange? | ......... |
7. Knowledge Centres Are there librarians or information management staff that coordinate knowledge repositories and act as focal points for provision of information to support key decision making? | ......... |
8. Exploitation Are your knowledge and knowledge management capabilities packaged into products and services and promoted in your organization‘s external marketing? | ......... |
9. People/Skills Have specific knowledge roles been identified and assigned, and are all senior managers and professionals trained in knowledge management techniques? | ......... |
10. Technological Infrastructure Can all important information be quickly found by new users on your intranet (or similar network) within three mouse clicks? |