This website check list is a high-level check list of activities to include in your project plan. A successful web development requires attention to several strands of activity, an in particular the organization of information and changes in origanization and business processes. We have used the activities on this check-list as the starting input list of activities for several project plans for website development and as part of our Internet strategic consulting. See also our Good Web Guide.
Project Activities
- Preparation and Planning
- Briefing
- Appraisal of existing web site, IT systems
- Confirmation of corporate and marketing objectives
- Budget indication
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Pilot Selection
- Initial timetable
- First draft web marketing plan.
Content development - Overall look ‘n feel
- Standards and templates
- Information Architecture
- Navigation Paths
- Interactions
- Writing
- Page mark up
- Response forms / scripts
- Other special content.
Technical - Server/ provider selection
- Mirror sites - if applicable
- Server software
- Domain registration
- Applications development
- Transaction and payment systems development e.g. catalogues, shopping baskets
- Supported browsers
- Development systems
- Management processes
- Technical standards.
Testing and Going Live - Page quality check, validation
- Link testing
- Coherence consistency checking
- Security testing - password access etc.
- Transaction testing
- Complete testing off-line
- User testing
- Site uploading.
Marketing - Marketing model - ads, referrals etc.
- The 7Ps - how are these addressed?
- Link negotiation
- Marketing ‘hooks‘ in each relevant page
- Response mechanisms
- Entries in search engines
- Off-line promotion
- Research and feedback
- Data Collection (e.g. web stats) and Analysis
- Revised marketing plan.
Sustenance - Webmaster activities
- Content feedback
- Content updating programme
- Commissioning new content
- Supporting new facilities e.g. video plug-ins
- Link maintenance
- Update release planning.
Management Processes - Overall project management - progress vs. plan
- Use liaison
- Legal and contractual e.g. copyrights
- Release / change control
- Performance measurement system
- Budgeting
- Ongoing roles and responsibilities
- Documentation
- Process Descriptions
- Extracting Lessons
- Periodic strategic audits and reviews.
Each element may include lower level elements. A project plan should be drawn up with milestones, resources and dates. Development of the information architecture and agreeing quantity and quality of content are crucial elements in determining resources needed. A master plan may well include list of all pages and owners with dates for completion and independent testing. Developing a web presence or web-based services is not an ad-hoc activity, but needs careful planning and good project management