There's your teddy bear, Max. 這是你的玩具熊 Maax。 He just loves that teddy bear 他就喜歡這個玩具熊 that Grandpa Philip bought for him. 祖父Philip給他買的的 I took him to Philip's office yesterday for a checkup. 我昨天帶他到Philipp的辦公室去做檢查。 You should have seen the look on his face 真該看看他臉上的的表 when Molly gave him the injection. Molly給他打針時。 Oh, did he cry? 噢 他哭了嗎 No. 沒有。 My dear little boy just looked up at me as if to say, 我親愛的小男孩只是是仰頭看著我 好像在 "Mama, what are they doing to me? Help!" “媽媽 他們在對我我做什麼 救命呀 How did you feel? 感覺怎麼樣 Tell the truth. 告訴我實話。 Didn't you feel terrible? 沒有感到可怕嗎 I sure did. 我的確有。 I held him closely. 我緊緊地抱著他。 I kissed the top of his dear little head. 我吻著他可愛的小頭頭頂 He looked up at me. 他仰頭看我。 He tried to smile. 他設法要微笑。 Being with him helped. 和他在一起有幫助。 Helped him? 幫助他 Or helped you? 還是幫助 Being a mother is not easy, 當一個母親真不容易 if that's what you mean. 是這個意思吧。 Speaking of being a mother, 談到當母親 I've been meaning to ask you 我一直想問 what you were thinking about regarding going back to work. 是否打算回去工作。 I know Rita Mae called. 我知道Rita Mae打電電話給 了 I can imagine what is going through your head. 我能想像 的頭腦 正在考慮什麼事。 I'm sure you can, Ellen. 說的沒錯 Ellen There are so many things to consider. 是有許多事情要考慮慮 One thing that makes it easier for you 有一件事可以使 作作起決定來比較容易 is that you have us. 就是有我們幫 。 Max will always have a family member to watch over him 家 總會有一個人照照顧Ma while you're at work. 在 工作的時候。 I didn't have that when Richard and Susan were born. 在Richard和Susan出出生時我可沒有人幫忙 I didn't have that when Richard and Susan were born. 在Richard和Susan出出生時我可沒有人幫忙 What did you do? 那 怎麼辦呢 I chose to continue with my career as a music teacher. 我選擇繼續(xù)我的音樂樂教師的事業(yè) We hired a woman to watch Richard and then Susan, 我們雇用一名女士來來照顧Richard 後來又照顧Susa and I continued with my career. 而我則繼續(xù)我的事業(yè)業(yè) Do you think you made the right decision? 認為 的決定正確確 I think I did. 我想是的。 But when Robbie was born, 但當Robbie出生後 I decided to give full-time attention to raising Robbie. 我決定全力撫育他。 I felt differently at that time. 那時我的感覺又不一一樣了 And you gave up your career as a music teacher? 那麼 就放 了音樂樂教師的事 Not exactly. 不完全。 I continued to teach piano lessons at home. 我繼續(xù)在家教鋼琴。 How did you feel about being away 對出外工作作何感感 when Susan and Richard were babies? 當Richard和Susan還還很小 I think I did the right thing 我覺得我做了一件對對的 for them and for myself and for Philip. 為他們 為我自己和和Philip We needed the money. 我們當時需要錢。 Remember? 記得嗎 Well, we do too, Ellen. 嗯 我們也需要 Elllen。 Everything I earn helps us towards getting that house 我的每一筆進帳都可可幫助我們得到那幢房 we want and need. 我們盼望而且也需要要的 I can't wait till he's just a little older. 我迫不及待地希望他他長大些 I can't wait till he's just a little older. 我迫不及待地希望他他長大些 Our toy company makes the most wonderful toys for kids. 我們玩具公司為小孩孩子們 造最棒的玩具 Max thanks you. Max謝謝 。 I thank you. 我也感謝 。 And Richard thanks you. Richard也會感謝 Now may I please say hello? 現(xiàn)在我可以說聲哈 了嗎 Hello. 哈 。 Hello. 哈 。 I miss Max and think about him all week long. 我想念Max 一整個行 期都在想他。 We talk about him at dinnertime. 我們吃晚餐時總談起起他 Will you please try to relax? 能不能放輕 些 I've never seen you so wound up. 我從來沒有看過 You seem to be enjoying the pressure. 看起來好像很樂於於承受壓力 The truth is, I am. 事實上 我的確如此此 My job is not an easy one, 我的工作 不輕 but I really enjoy it. 但我確實樂在工作。 That is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about, Susan. 這正是我想要跟 談談的 Susan What's the problem? 什麼問題啦 Marilyn's career. Marilyn的事業(yè)。 Well, my choice of careers. 是的 我的事業(yè)抉擇擇問題 Choice? 抉擇 My career as a fashion designer 我以時裝設計為事業(yè) versus my career as a mother. 或是以當個母親為事事業(yè) versus my career as a mother. 或是以當個母親為事事業(yè) Why does it have to be one or the other? 為什麼非得 有這個個就沒有那 That's what I said. 我也是這麼說。 How's that? 那怎麼成呢 Why can't you do both? 為什麼不能兩樣一一起 She's right. 她說得對。 Both? 一起 Well, that's what I do. 是啊 我正是這麼做做的 I have a job, and I have Michelle. 我有工作 我也有Miichelle。 I take care of both to the best of my ability. 我盡我所能把兩方面面都照顧好 It's not easy, but what is? 這不容易 但什麼事事又容易 And that's what I did. 我也這樣做的。 I did both with Richard and Susan, 有Richard和Susan時時我這樣 and I did both with Robbie. 有Robbie時我也這樣樣做的 I thought you stayed home with Robbie? 我還以為 是跟Robbbie待在家 的 I did. 是的。 But I was lucky enough to have a career as a music teacher 但我很幸運 有一個個音樂教師的事 which I could continue at home. 可以在家中繼續(xù)從事事 Why can't you work at home, Marilyn? 為什麼不能在家中中工作呢 Marily You're very talented. 非常有才華。 Designing dresses is a career 設計時裝是一種職業(yè) you could establish out of your home, 可以在家中開創(chuàng) couldn't you? 不是嗎 couldn't you? 不是嗎 I don't know why I didn't think of it. 我不知道為什麼我沒沒有想到這一點 It seems so simple now. 現(xiàn)在事情顯得很簡單單了 For a year or two 在一兩年內 I could stay at home with Max and do my dress designs. 我可以和Max待在家 從事我的服裝設計。 And you could make your dresses at home. 可以在家做衣服。 Sounds like a great way to solve the problem. 聽起來好像是個解決決問題的好辦法 That could solve your problem, Marilyn. 這樣可以解決 的問問題 Marilyn I'm going to call Rita Mae at home 我會打電話到Rita MMae家 and ask her to come by and talk about it. 請她過來談談這件事事 She wants to see Max, anyway. 畢竟 她也想看Max I think that really answers your questions, Marilyn. 我覺得這確實解決了了 的問題 Marilyn You can do it. 可以這樣做。 Do your designs at home--here. 在家 這 設計計服裝 And let Rita Mae do the selling at the boutique. 而讓Rita Mae在時裝裝店 負責銷售 And you can both benefit financially. 們倆都獲得金錢上上的利益 I'm going to call Rita Mae right now. 我現(xiàn)在就打電話給Riita Mae。 Oh, Susan, thank you so much 噢 Susan 謝謝 for coming all this way from the city to talk to me about it. 從城 大老遠趕來和和我談這件事 I hope you don't mind 希望 不介意 having taken so much time away from your busy schedule. 我在 忙碌的生活中中 用了這麼多時間 Are you kidding? 在開玩笑嗎 I don't mind at all. 我一點也不介意。 I don't mind at all. 我一點也不介意。 As a matter of fact, 事實上 I came to spend some time with my favorite nephew. 我來是為了和我心愛愛的侄兒相聚一些時間 I think you should call Rita Mae right now. 我想 現(xiàn)在就打電話話給Rita Mae I think your idea of working at home is perfect. 我覺得 在家 工作作的主意太好了 I don't know what I would do without you. 我真不知道沒有 們們我怎麼辦 I'm lucky to have you all. 我真的覺得擁有 們們很幸運 We are lucky to have you, Marilyn. 擁有 是我們的幸運運 Marilyn And so is Max. 也是Max的幸運。 |