下面讓我們來看看Programming Ruby-2nd Ed的preface中ruby的設計者Yukihiro Matsumoto怎么說的
Years later I talked with colleagues about scripting languages, their power and possibility.
As an object-oriented fan for more than fifteen years, it seemed to me that OO
programming was very suitable for scripting too. I did some research on the ’net for a
while, but the candidates I found, Perl and Python, were not exactly what I was looking
for. I wanted a language more powerful than Perl and more object-oriented than
Then, I remembered my old dream and decided to design my own language. At first I
was just toying around with it at work. But gradually it grew to be a tool good enough
to replace Perl. I named it Ruby—after the precious red stone—and released it to the
public in 1995.
Since then a lot of people have become interested in Ruby. Believe it or not, Ruby is
actually more popular than Python in Japan right now. I hope that eventually it will be
just as well received all over the world.
I believe that the purpose of life is, at least in part, to be happy. Based on this belief,
Ruby is designed to make programming not only easy but also fun. It allows you to
concentrate on the creative side of programming, with less stress. If you don’t believe
me, read this book and try Ruby. I’m sure you’ll find out for yourself.
廢話說了這么多,開始hello word ruby
下載ruby184-17_rc2.exe(this is for xp)
2) step2
puts "hello,ruby"