SCI論文摘要中常用的表達方法 |
[zz]小木蟲 SCI論文摘要中常用的表達方法 要寫好摘要,需要建立一個適合自己需要的句型庫(選擇的詞匯來源于SCI高被引用論文) 引言部分 (1)回顧研究背景,常用詞匯有review, summarize, present, outline, describe等 (2)說明寫作目的,常用詞匯有purpose, attempt, aim等,另外還可以用動詞不定式充當目的壯語老表達 (3)介紹論文的重點內(nèi)容或研究范圍,常用詞匯有study, present, include, focus, emphasize, emphasis, attention等 方法部分 (1)介紹研究或試驗過程,常用詞匯有test study, investigate, examine,experiment, discuss, consider, analyze, analysis等 (2)說明研究或試驗方法,常用詞匯有measure, estimate, calculate等 (3)介紹應用、用途,常用詞匯有use, apply, application等 結果部分 (1)展示研究結果,常用詞匯有show, result, present等 (2)介紹結論,常用詞匯有summary, introduce,conclude等 討論部分 (1)陳述論文的論點和作者的觀點,常用詞匯有suggest, repot, present, expect, describe等 (2)說明論證,常用詞匯有support, provide, indicate, identify, find, demonstrate, confirm, clarify等 (3)推薦和建議,常用詞匯有suggest,suggestion, recommend, recommendation, propose,necessity,necessary,expect等。 摘要引言部分案例 詞匯review • Author(s): ROBINSON, TE; BERRIDGE, KC • Title: THE NEURAL BASIS OF DRUG CRAVING - AN INCENTIVE-SENSITIZATION THEORY OF ADDICTION • Source: BRAIN RESEARCH REVIEWS, 18 (3): 247-291 SEP-DEC 1993 《腦研究評論》荷蘭 SCI被引用1774 We review evidence for this view of addiction and discuss its implications for understanding the psychology and neurobiology of addiction.回顧研究背景 SCI高被引摘要引言部分案例 詞匯summarize Author(s): Barnett, RM; Carone, CD; 被引用1571 Title: Particles and field .1. Review of particle physics Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 54 (1): 1-+ Part 1 JUL 1 1996:《物理學評論,D輯》美國 引言部分 回顧研究背景常用詞匯summarize Abstract: This biennial review summarizes much of Particle Physics. Using data from previous editions, plus 1900 new measurements from 700 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We also summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as Higgs bosons, heavy neutrinos, and supersymmetric particles. All the particle properties and search limits are listed in Summary Tables. We also give numerous tables, figures, formulae, and reviews of topics such as the Standard Model, particle detectors, probability, and statistics. A booklet is available containing the Summary Tables and abbreviated versions of some of the other sections of this full Review. SCI摘要引言部分案例 attention SCI摘要方法部分案例 consider SCI高被引摘要引言部分案例 詞匯outline • Author(s): TIERNEY, L SCI引用728次 • Title: MARKOV-CHAINS FOR EXPLORING POSTERIOR DISTRIBUTIONS 引言部分 回顧研究背景,常用詞匯outline • Source: ANNALS OF STATISTICS, 22 (4): 1701-1728 DEC 1994 • 《統(tǒng)計學紀事》美國 • Abstract: Several Markov chain methods are available for sampling from a posterior distribution. Two important examples are the Gibbs sampler and the Metropolis algorithm. In addition, several strategies are available for constructing hybrid algorithms. This paper outlines some of the basic methods and strategies and discusses some related theoretical and practical issues. On the theoretical side, results from the theory of general state space Markov chains can be used to obtain convergence rates, laws of large numbers and central limit theorems for estimates obtained from Markov chain methods. These theoretical results can be used to guide the construction of more efficient algorithms. For the practical use of Markov chain methods, standard simulation methodology provides several Variance reduction techniques and also gives guidance on the choice of sample size and allocation. SCI高被引摘要引言部分案例 回顧研究背景present Author(s): LYNCH, M; MILLIGAN, BG SC I被引用661 Title: ANALYSIS OF POPULATION GENETIC-STRUCTURE WITH RAPD MARKERS Source: MOLECULAR ECOLOGY, 3 (2): 91-99 APR 1994《分子生態(tài)學》英國 Abstract: Recent advances in the application of the polymerase chain reaction make it possible to score individuals at a large number of loci. The RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) method is one such technique that has attracted widespread interest. The analysis of population structure with RAPD data is hampered by the lack of complete genotypic information resulting from dominance, since this enhances the sampling variance associated with single loci as well as induces bias in parameter estimation. We present estimators for several population-genetic parameters (gene and genotype frequencies, within- and between-population heterozygosities, degree of inbreeding and population subdivision, and degree of individual relatedness) along with expressions for their sampling variances. Although completely unbiased estimators do not appear to be possible with RAPDs, several steps are suggested that will insure that the bias in parameter estimates is negligible. To achieve the same degree of statistical power, on the order of 2 to 10 times more individuals need to be sampled per locus when dominant markers are relied upon, as compared to codominant (RFLP, isozyme) markers. Moreover, to avoid bias in parameter estimation, the marker alleles for most of these loci should be in relatively low frequency. Due to the need for pruning loci with low-frequency null alleles, more loci also need to be sampled with RAPDs than with more conventional markers, and sole problems of bias cannot be completely eliminated. SCI高被引摘要引言部分案例 詞匯describe • Author(s): CLONINGER, CR; SVRAKIC, DM; PRZYBECK, TR • Title: A PSYCHOBIOLOGICAL MODEL OF TEMPERAMENT AND CHARACTER • Source: ARCHIVES OF GENERAL PSYCHIATRY, 50 (12): 975-990 DEC 1993《普通精神病學紀要》美國 • 引言部分 回顧研究背景,常用詞匯describe 被引用926 • Abstract: In this study, we describe a psychobiological model of the structure and development of personality that accounts for dimensions of both temperament and character. Previous research has confirmed four dimensions of temperament: novelty seeking, harm avoidance, reward dependence, and persistence, which are independently heritable, manifest early in life, and involve preconceptual biases in perceptual memory and habit formation. For the first time, we describe three dimensions of character that mature in adulthood and influence personal and social effectiveness by insight learning about self-concepts. Self-concepts vary according to the extent to which a person identifies the self as (1) an autonomous individual, (2) an integral part of humanity, and (3) an integral part of the universe as a whole. Each aspect of self-concept corresponds to one of three character dimensions called self-directedness, cooperativeness, and self-transcendence, respectively. We also describe the conceptual background and development of a self-report measure of these dimensions, the Temperament and Character Inventory. Data on 300 individuals from the general population support the reliability and structure of these seven personality dimensions. We discuss the implications for studies of information processing, inheritance, development, diagnosis, and treatment. 摘要引言部分案例 • (2)說明寫作目的,常用詞匯有purpose, attempt, aim SCI高被引摘要引言部分案例 attempt說明寫作目的 • Author(s): Donoho, DL; Johnstone, IM • Title: Adapting to unknown smoothness via wavelet shrinkage • Source: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION, 90 (432): 1200-1224 DEC 1995 《美國統(tǒng)計學會志》 被引用429次 |