





-我還是不明白  為什么我不能直接推辭
 I still don't see why I couldn't just refuseit.
 There's no mechanism for you to do so.
 你將成為伯爵  并繼承莊園
 You will be an earl. You will inherit theestate.
 當(dāng)然  繼承之后你想敗家棄位也行 這都取決于你
 Of course, you can throw it away when you haveit. That's up to you.


 But nothing's settled yet.
-板上釘釘  親愛(ài)的  不管你喜不喜歡
 It is settled, my dearest one, whether you likeit or not.
 I wouldn't say that.
 老夫人只要尚有余息  絕不會(huì)善罷甘休
 Not while your mother breathes air.


-馬修 他們指望的 是我們不知道如何舉止得體
 What they expect, Matthew, is that we won't knowhow to behave.
 所以如果你不介意 我寧愿不要讓他們的期望得逞
 So if you don't mind, I would rather not confirmtheir expectations.
-我得做我自己 媽媽 否則我將一無(wú)是處
 I have to be myself, Mother. I'll be no use toanyone if I can't be myself.
 在你或是他們擅作主張之前 我有言在先婚姻大事  我要自己做主
 And before they or you get any ideas, I willchoose my own wife.
 What on earth do you mean?
-顯而易見(jiàn)  他們定要把一位女兒強(qiáng)嫁給我
 Well, they're clearly going to push one of thedaughters at me.
 要是聽(tīng)說(shuō)我還單身  他們就會(huì)確定婚事
 They'll have fixed on that when they heard I wasa bachelor.


 So what are they like?
-她人挺好的  但他...很是妄自尊大
 She's nice enough, but he's...very full ofhimself.
-Why do you say that?

-印象而已 咱們下樓吧 您自可論斷

 Just an impression. Let's go down and you candecide for yourself.


To progress in your chosen career,
威廉  你必須記住一個(gè)稱(chēng)職的仆人
William, you must remember that a good servant,
at all times, retains a sense of pride and dignity
that reflects the pride and dignity of the family he serves.
只此一次 下不為例
And never make me remind you of it again.


-莫斯利  你很失望吧
 I know I'm a disappointment to you,Molesley.
 但這樣行不通 我不會(huì)像玩偶一樣任你打扮的
 But it's no good. I'll never get used to beingdressed like a doll.

 Only trying to help, sir.

 Of course.
 若有冒犯  請(qǐng)見(jiàn)諒
 And if I've offended you, I apologise.
 Surely you have better things to do.
-可我就是干這個(gè)的  先生
 This is my job, sir.
-你是個(gè)男子漢  做這工作有點(diǎn)可笑
 Well. It seems a very silly occupation for agrown man.

 I'm glad to catch you alone.

 You've driven the othersaway.  

 Oh, perhaps I have.
 我想說(shuō)  親愛(ài)的 
 The point is, my dear,
 我不希望你  你們中的任何一個(gè) 對(duì)馬修感到反感
 I don't want you, any of you, to feel you have todislike Matthew.

 You disliked the idea of him.


 That was before he came.
 現(xiàn)在他來(lái)了  就目前這情形 再掙扎也是無(wú)用
 Now he's here, I don't see any future in it. Notthe way things are.


-請(qǐng)你聽(tīng)我說(shuō)好嗎  哪怕這輩子就這么一次
 For once in your life, will you please justlisten!
 我相信現(xiàn)在有辦法 確保你的未來(lái)  給你應(yīng)得的地位
 I believe there's an answer which would secureyour future and give you a position.
 You can't be serious.
 Just think about it.
 I don't have to think about it.
 Marry a man who can barely hold his knife like agentleman?
 Oh, you exaggerate.
-你是美國(guó)人  這種事你不會(huì)了解的
 You're American, you don't understand thesethings.
 你把這事告訴奶奶了嗎  她笑了嗎
 Have you mentioned this to Granny? Did shelaugh?
-她為什么要笑  這是她的主意
 Why would she? It was her idea.


-我最近在研究安德洛墨達(dá)的故事  你聽(tīng)過(guò)嗎
 I've been studying the story of Andromeda. Do youknow it?
-她的父親是克普斯王 暴雨即將淹沒(méi)他的國(guó)家
 Her father was King Cepheus whose country wasbeing ravaged by storms.
 最終  他決定用唯一的方法安撫眾神
 And in the end, he decided the only way toappease the gods
 即犧牲他的長(zhǎng)女  將其獻(xiàn)給駭人的海怪
 was to sacrifice his eldest daughter to a hideoussea monster.
 So they chained her naked to a rock...
-真的嗎  瑪麗 但是海怪沒(méi)有得到她  是不是
 Really, Mary, But the sea monster didn't get her,did he?
 就在大家都認(rèn)為只有他 才能消除災(zāi)難時(shí)  她獲救了
 Just when it seemed he was the only solution toher father's problems, she was rescued.
-珀?duì)栃匏咕攘怂?br> By Perseus.
-沒(méi)錯(cuò)  珀?duì)栃匏?nbsp; 神的兒子
 That's right. Perseus. Son of a god.
 這才更登對(duì)  不是嗎
 Rather more fitting, wouldn't you say?
 That depends.
 我得進(jìn)一步了解 這位公主和這只海怪才能定論
 I'd have to know more about the princess and seamonster in question.


別干那種蠢事了  小心關(guān)節(jié)扭脫臼
Stop that silly nonsense before you put your joints out.


她也許確有道理 但在我看來(lái)有些不切實(shí)際
Well, she may even have a point, but it does not seem to merealistic.
Well. Nor is it.
Put an end to her meddling.
身為董事長(zhǎng)  我要你把她擺脫掉
I am your president and I say get rid of her.
Will that not be awkward?
我原以為在可預(yù)見(jiàn)的將來(lái) 她都會(huì)長(zhǎng)住下來(lái)
I gather she's planning to stay in the village for the foreseeablefuture.
沒(méi)有人可以預(yù)見(jiàn)未來(lái)  醫(yī)生
No one can foresee the future, Doctor.
你我都不能  克勞利夫人當(dāng)然亦不能
Not you, not I, and certainly not Mrs Crawley.

 You do not love the place yet?
 Well, obviously it's...

-不  你還沒(méi)愛(ài)上它

 No, you don't love it.
 你看到宅邸高深  搖搖欲墜
 You see a million bricks that may crumble,
 水管年久失修  殘破不堪
 a thousand gutters and pipes that may block andleak,
 and stone that will crack in the frost.
 But you don't?
 I see my life's work.


你要是想打主意把我引走 我可不上當(dāng)
If you think you're tucking me away somewhere, you've got anotherthink coming.

那我和你一道留下 以防事后說(shuō)不清楚
Then I'll stay with you in case explanations are needed.

請(qǐng)稍安勿躁  先生
If you could just be patient for a little longer, sir.

-他威脅要揭露我的過(guò)去 讓我成為莊園的笑柄
 He threatened to expose my past, to make me alaughing stock in this house.
 礙于我的虛榮與驕傲  我滿(mǎn)足了他的要求
 And in my vanity and pride, I gave him what hewanted.
 You did not!
-我把他安排在閑置的村舍 從廚房里給他帶去食物
 I put him in an empty cottage and fed him fromthe kitchens.
 我不能到村莊上去買(mǎi) 那會(huì)引起大家的懷疑
 I couldn't buy food in the village. It wouldraise too many questions.
 我偷拿 我就是個(gè)小偷
 I stole. I'm a thief.
 She saw it.
 I'd never have said anything...
-既然現(xiàn)在我已名譽(yù)掃地 老爺  我向您遞交辭呈
 And now my disgrace is complete. My lord, youhave my resignation.
-卡森  沒(méi)有必要搞得這么戲劇化
 Really, Carson, there's no need to be quite somelodramatic.
 You're not playing Sydney Carton.
 既然他已經(jīng)都滿(mǎn)足了你的要求 你又何必來(lái)此
 So, why have you come here if he has doneeverything you asked of him?
-他并沒(méi)有 他一分錢(qián)都沒(méi)給我
 Because he hasn't. He wouldn't give me anymoney.
 If I had, how could I prevent his returning toDownton once it was spent?

-你以為你是個(gè)大人物  是嗎
 You think you're such a big man, don't you?
 就因?yàn)槟闶莻€(gè)老爺 你以為你就能對(duì)我為所欲為
 Just because you're a lord, you think you can dowhat you like with me.
 I think it... because it is true.
-你要知道  你不會(huì)一直高人一等的
 You'll not always be in charge, you know.
 總有一天  你們會(huì)和 我們一樣唯命是從的
 The day is coming when your lot will have to toethe line just like the rest of us.
 但卡森還算幸運(yùn)  這一天還沒(méi)到
 But happily for Carson, that day has not comeyet.
-我想我的辭呈  您不接受  是嗎
 I take it my resignation has not beenaccepted?
-我的朋友 我們都有不愿公開(kāi)的過(guò)往
 My dear fellow, we all have chapters we wouldrather keep unpublished.


-可憐的卡森先生 我們這一個(gè)月要好好待他  讓他平靜下來(lái)
 Poor Mr Carson. We'll have to treat him like aGod for a month to calm his nerves.
 He'll be afraid this'll change the way we thinkof him.
 Then we mustn't let it.


 Oh, but it will.

-他總是談?wù)撟饑?yán)  現(xiàn)在我們知道了他的故事
 For all his talk of dignity, we know his storynow.
 And admire him more because of it.
-也許吧  但我們對(duì)他的看法還是會(huì)變 一定會(huì)變的
 Maybe. But it will change the way we think ofhim. It always does.
-我不明白為什么 我不在乎你有什么樣的過(guò)往
 I don't see why. I shouldn't care what I foundout about you.
 但無(wú)論什么事  都不會(huì)改變我的看法
 Whatever it was, it wouldn't alter my opinion onebit.
-一定會(huì)變  這是必然
 But it would. It certainly would.

我們要沒(méi)主意了 與我通信的律師只會(huì)打哈哈
We're running out of options. The lawyers I write to only huff andpuff.

 She looked extremely determined.
 Not as determined as I am.

他死的時(shí)候  難道這就是你的借口嗎
Will that serve as your excuse when he dies?

I have a feeling we will sink or swim together.

It's just as I thought.
克拉克森醫(yī)生 您該不會(huì)讓一個(gè)外行 影響您專(zhuān)業(yè)的判斷吧
Dr Clarkson, tell me you will not permit this amateur to influenceyour professional opinion.

She's been an absolute ruler there for long enough.
It's time for some loyal opposition.


-如果我辭掉他 您不會(huì)認(rèn)為我不領(lǐng)情吧
 Would you find me very ungrateful if I dispensedwith his services?
-為什么  他哪方面做得不好嗎
 Why? Has he displeased you in some way?
-不是這樣的  只是我們的生活方式讓他顯得有些多余
 Not at all. It's simply that he's superfluous toour style of living.
-這樣公平嗎 無(wú)緣無(wú)故地 就剝奪一個(gè)人的營(yíng)生
 Is that quite fair? To deprive a man of hislivelihood, when he's done nothing wrong?
 Well, I wouldn't quite put it...
-你母親在醫(yī)院工作 得到了滿(mǎn)足感  不是嗎
 Your mother derives satisfaction from her work atthe hospital, I think?
 Some sense of selfworth?


 Would you really deny the same to poor oldMolesley?
 等你成了這里的主人  是不是還要辭退管家或是辭退男仆
 And when you are master here, is the butler to bedismissed? Or the footmen?
 多少女仆和廚房的傭人能保住工作 還是所有人都得卷鋪蓋回家
 How many maids or kitchen staff will be allowedto stay? Or must everyone be driven out?
 大家都有不同的角色  馬修
 We all have different parts to play,Matthew.
 And we must all be allowed to play them.


 I'm afraid Papa wants to teach Granny alesson.
-可憐的奶奶  一個(gè)月前那些人還只是陌生人
 Poor Granny. A month ago, these people werestrangers.
 現(xiàn)在她居然不得不跟那個(gè)母親分權(quán) 我還得下嫁那個(gè)兒子
 Now she must share power with the mother and Imust marry the son.
 I hope you don't judge me too harshly.
 I don't judge you at all.
 I have no right to judge you or any man.

女士們先生們  歡迎來(lái)參加這個(gè)喜慶的典禮
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this happy event.
The investiture of our first Chairwoman,
雷金納德·卡勞利夫人 愿與我們敬愛(ài)的董事長(zhǎng)
Mrs Reginald Crawley, who has graciously agreed to share the dutiesof our beloved president,
the Dowager Countess of Grantham.
Our little hospital must surely
grow and thrive with two such doughty champions
我們醫(yī)院將在兩位夫人的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下 繼續(xù)發(fā)展  壯大
united as they are by the strongest ties of all, family andfriendship.

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