標(biāo)簽: 雜談 |
Episode 1
Nothing in life is sure
What ever you say, I know it
You are a darling
I’m not as sad as I should be, that’s what makes me sad.
I won’t be doing you a favor in the long run if it is too muchfor you
It’s a bloody business, but I can’t see any way round it.
- So he slipped the hook.
- At least I’m not fishing with no bait.
- How was I to know he wouldn’t take her without the money?
- Don’t pretend to be a child because it suits you.
- Do you think she would have been happy, with a fortunehunter?
Episode 2
Is it your place to do so?
-I’m sorry Mary was rather sharp this evening.
-I doubt if Cousin Mary and I are destined to be closefriends.
They won’t make a match between them, if that’s what they’rethinking.
We’re running out of options.
We all have different parts to play, and we must all be allowedto play them.
Do you find me very ridiculous, putting on airs and graces I’veno right to?
Episode 3
Mary won’t take Matthew Crawley, so we’d better get here settledbefore the bloom is quite gone off the rose.
It’s not brilliant, but I’m pleased
She wants to keep it private, not secret.
I said you could go for a drink of water, no a trip up theNile.
- Don’t you read the papers?
- I’m too busy living a life.
When it comes to Cousin Mary, she’s quite capable of doing herown flirting, I assure you.
Sometimes we must endure a little pain in order to achievesatisfaction.
It seems we must brush up on our powers of fascination
I will not repeat your words to my father since I should hate tosee you cast out into the darkness, but can we agree to considerthem unsaid?
We must have a care for feminine sensibilities, they are finerand more fragile than our own.
There are plenty more fish in the sea than ever came out ofit.
Life can be terribly unfair, can’t it?
Everything seems so golden, one minute, then turns to ashes, thenext.
Episode 4
Women like me don’t have a life. We choose clothes and pay callsand work for charity and do the season. But, really, we’re stuck ina waiting room until we marry.
I’m not quite sure how to phrase it when I tell her.
- something to remind you of me.
- I don’t need help to remember you.
I’d rather wait a week for the right anser, than get a wrong onein a hurry.
I was right when I said she was looking sparkly eyed.
I’d never marry any man that I was told to. I’m stubborn. I wishI wasn’t, but I am.
I took a lover with no thought of marriage.
When I’ve ruined myself, I must have a powerful protector to hidebehind.
Episode 5
Then she’s barking up the wrong tree.
-What about Anthony Strallan?
-Anthony Strallan is at least my age and as dull as paint. Idoubt she’d want to sit next to him at dinner, let alone marryhim.
Turn the tables on him, before he has the chance to nailyou.
It’s easy to be generous when you have nothing to lose.
- Well, watch out. I think she has big plans for you.
- Then she’s in for an equally big disappointment
- Perhaps Mr. Patrick did love her back, he just couldn’tsay.
- Why ever not?
- Sometimes we’re not at liberty to speak. Sometimes it wouldn’tbe right.
She seems to think that you are in possession of some knowledgethat is uncomfortable for you. Because if that is the case, then Idon’t think it fair on you. Why should you be burdened with Mary’ssecret?
- His position may not be quite like Papa’s, but it would stillmake a force for good in the county.
- Mama, not again. How many times am I to be ordered to marry theman sitting next to me at dinner?
- As many times as it takes.
I suppose you didn’t want him when he wanted you, and now it’sthe other way round.
Episode 6
You are not in any trouble, or any danger of trouble.
If you really like an argument, we should see more of eachother.
I always thought this family might be approaching dissolution. Ididn’t know dissolution was already upon us.
That can’t be the whole story.
- Are you a creature of duty?
- Not entirely.
- When you laugh with me or flirt with me, is that a duty? Areyou conforming to the fitness of things? Doing what’sexpected?
- Don’t play with me. I don’t deserve it. Not from you.
Episode 7
If it is a boy, you should see it as a release, not adisappointment.
- Mrs. Bird, Lord Grantham has rather a favor to ask ofyou.
- I’m surprised Lord Grantham knows that I exist, sir.
It will be no surprise to you that Miss O’Brien has beenunwilling to let things drop.
- Please tell me that this account is false, at least inpart.
- I wish I could.
- So ask Mathew to wait until the child is born. If it is a girl,you can wed him happily and all will be as it was before.
- But if I delay, won’t he think I’m only after him for hisposition? Besides, I’m not sure I want to put him off even withoutthe title.
Oh, come along, Mary, be sensible. Can you really see yourselfdawdling your life away as the wife of a country solicitor?
- If you take Mathew now, when his whole future is at risk, hewill love you to the end of his days.
- Why, Granny, you’re a romantic!
- I’ve been called many things, but never that.
Do you love me enough to spend your life with me?
- Will you miss me?
- Try not to miss me. It will be a good practice.
Don’t pretend Mary’s sudden reluctance can’t be traced back toyou.
Be careful, my lad. Or you’ll end up with no job and a brokenheart.
- Would you’ve stayed, if I’d accepted you?
- Of course.
- So I’ve ruined everything?
- You’ve shown me I’ve been living in a dream. It’s time toreturn to real life. Wish me luck with it, Mary. God know I wishthe best for you.
I’m afraid your meddling has cost Mary the only decent offershe’ll ever get.