: :Henry
Imagination is the outreaching of mind. The bombardment of the conscious mind with ideas, impulses, images and every sort of psychic phenomena welling up from the preconscious. It is the capacity to ‘dream dreams and see visions
-Rollo, US psychoanalyst
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Tom Atlee Contact Me
Henry Jacob,
Solution Architect,
IonIdea Iteractive
Mobile: (91) 98864-81076
Email: henrydjacob@gmail.com
I live in
Bangalore, India
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CycloramaWhy Eclipse RCP is going to rule the world For the last few days, I have been evaluating various platforms for an open source initiative, we are amazed with the framework and platform features of
Eclipse RCP (Rich Client Platform).
JSF+AJAX /ASP.Net+AJAX can‘t become a desktop alternative,
unless all the browsers replace JavaScript with Java
2) .Net Smart Client Replacement
> It has all the features of
.Net Smart Client Architecture, including Update Manager and Avalon like XML based UI scripting
OSGi Framework based pluggable architecture
> Unlike .Net Smart Client, it support all the available platforms including Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris, etc
> Also uses the
SWT, a SWING alternative, which uses the native UI sub systems.
3) Tools and Support
> Comes with brilliant
Eclipse IDE and Plug-in Development Tools to support the RCP application development,
It took us only few mints to get the Hello World done.
4) Its Java
> World is full of java programmers, finding resources is not an issue.
5) Above all, its Free.
> The entire Eclipse Platform, IDE, and Platform Development Tools are available as Open Source.
If you about to start an enterprise/desktop project then, Eclipse RCP is the way to go.
Events & Talks
Agile India 2005 - Pune August 19- 20, 2005
Topic: Architects: The Forgotten Heroes
Agile India 2005 - GoaJune 11, 2005
Art of Designing>
Agile India 2005 - BangaloreMarch 4 - 5, 2005
User Centered Interaction Design in Agile EnvironmentReadings
Selling Dreams: How to Make Any Product Irresistible by Gian Luigi Longinotti-Buitoni,Kip Longinotti-Buitoni>
The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, 20th Anniversary Edition by Frederick P. Brooks >
The Art of Innovation : Lessons in Creativity from IDEO, America‘s Leading Design Firm by Tom Kelley, Jonathan Littman, (Foreword) Tom PetersMetabase is an Semantic Networks based OODBMS, designed to represent the evolving data structures and information in real time, Supports Object Oriented Concepts such as Inheritance and Overloading, also supports Versioning, Multiplicity, and Multilingual of information.
EddyX Framework, for building and evolving next generation applications.
for more information click here>>>Application Intelligence, is a collection of comprehensive concepts, methodologies, frameworks, and patterns for building next generation, smart and intelligent applications.
For introduction, click here>>>MARS2 is a simulated synthetic world, designed as a platform for testing Artificial Intelligent and Behavioral Algorithms. Featuring AMEBA type digital species, which can move, run, eat, grow, and multiple.
For more information click here>>>>
Art of Designing (pdf)
User Centered Design in Agile Environment (ppt)
Software Development in 21st Century (ppt)
Software Usability Engineering (ppt)
Software Quality Process (ppt)
Customer Relationship Management (ppt)
Achieving Excellence (ppt)
Get Ready for Broad VisionPlatform (doc)
Introduction to eCommerce and Site Server, 1998 (doc)
ASP2Commerce, 1998 (doc)
Civilization Next, 1997, Pondicherry University (html)