According to The Sunday Times , a flurry of tabloid reporting in the US about unspecified marital problems is threatening to overshadow the First Lady's upcoming 50th birthday celebrations.據(jù)《星期日泰晤士報》報道,美國八卦小報近日扔出“重磅炸彈”,稱美國第一家庭奧巴馬夫婦婚姻即將破裂,這無疑會給米歇爾即將到來的50大壽蒙上陰影。
Some of the speculation appears to have been sparked after Michelle remained in Hawaii to spend time with friends while Obama returned to Washington with their two daughters from a Christmas break last week.有關(guān)米歇爾婚姻危機(jī)的推測,源于上周圣誕節(jié)假日后奧巴馬帶兩個女兒回華盛頓,而米歇爾仍和朋友留在夏威夷。
For some less reputable US papers, most notably the National Enquirer, this has been another sign of a disintegration of the power couple's 22-year-old marriage.據(jù)美國小報《國家問詢者》報道,這件事是這對夫婦22年婚姻崩潰的新標(biāo)志。
The Enquirer recently cited an unnamed "Oval Office insider" who claimed the first couple "are now sleeping in separate White House bedrooms".《國家問詢者》最近引用了一個未注明姓名的“白宮內(nèi)部人士”提供的信息,稱奧巴馬夫婦在白宮已經(jīng)分居。
The White House has not been drawn into the reports but said Michelle's solo break in Maui, reportedly staying with friends at Oprah Winfrey's holiday home, was something of a present from Obama.美國白宮并沒被這些報道言論所左右,稱米歇爾獨自一人在毛伊島,和朋友們在奧普拉·溫弗瑞的度假屋享受美好時光,這種悠閑的生活是奧巴馬總統(tǒng)送給夫人的禮物。
White House press secretary Jay Carney added: "If you have kids, you know that telling your spouse that they can go spend a week away from home is actually a big present."白宮新聞發(fā)言人杰伊·卡尼說:“如果你有小孩你就會知道,允許妻子可以有一星期離家在外不帶小孩其實是一個慷慨的禮物?!?/span>
It appears the latest round of scrutiny of the Obamas' marriage was first prompted when a glum looking Michelle was pictured looking the other way as her husband and British Prime Minister David Cameron posed for a selfie with Helle Thorning-Schmidt, the prime minister of Denmark, at Nelson Mandela's memorial service late last year.最新一輪有關(guān)奧巴馬婚姻問題的討論,可能源于去年年底納爾遜·曼德拉的追悼會,當(dāng)時奧巴馬和英國首相卡梅倫正在和丹麥女首相托寧·施密特自拍,米歇爾臉上略有慍色。
相關(guān)閱讀:曼德拉追悼會 奧巴馬丹麥女首相玩自拍>>>
Mr Obama has previously acknowledged that his marriage has had ups and downs as they coped with the pressures of dual careers and the arrival of their two daughters, Sasha and Malia.此前奧巴馬曾承認(rèn),由于二人的工作原因以及兩個女兒薩莎和瑪麗婭的降臨,夫婦婚姻確實起伏不定。
While the latest talk of problems is no doubt unwelcome it is not expected to outwardly impact on Michelle's 50th birthday party on Saturday.然而最近的言論顯然很不合時宜,大家都不希望它影響到周六米歇爾50歲生日會。