1.Permanent Head Damage,永久性腦殘
2.Pig Has Dream,豬也有夢(mèng)想
3.Public Hated Degree,沒人喜歡
4.Patiently Hoping for a Degree,耐心等待
5.Pathetic Homeless Dreamer,可憐又無家可歸,但是還有夢(mèng)想~
6.Professorship? hah! Dream on!,想要教職?做春秋大夢(mèng)去吧
7.Probably Headed for Divorce,可能要和另一半分手
8.Parents have Debts,父母還會(huì)欠債
9.Proudly half Dead,半死了,卻很自豪
What "PhD" Really Stands for...
* P h D
* Patiently hoping for a Degree
* Piled higher and Deeper
* Professorship? hah! Dream on!
* Please hire. Desperate.
* Physiologically Deficient
* Pour him (or her) a Drink
* Philosophically Disturbed
* Probably headed for Divorce
* Pathetically hopeless Dweeb
* Probably heavily in Debt
* Parents have Doubts
* Professors had Doubts
* Pheromone Deprived
* Probably hard to Describe
* Patiently headed Downhill...
* Permanent head Damage
* Pulsating heaving Disaster?
* Pretty homely Dork
* Potential heavy Drinker
* Professional hamburger Dispenser
* Post hole Digger
* Professional hair Dresser
* Progressive heart Doctor
* Professional humidity Detector
* Piano hauling Done
* Pro at hurling Darts
* Professional hugger of Dames
* Private house Detective
* Pizza hut Driver
* Pretty heavily Depressed
* Prozac handouts Desired
* Pretty heavy Diploma
* Pathetic homeless Dreamer
* Please hold Dangerous
* Permanently held Dear
* Proudly half Dead
* Promised hell Down-the-road
* Precisely helping Deadheads
* Processed here, Dammit
* Probably heavenly Death