Fun With GOOGLE - Hack tips - Internet
SATURDAY, MAY 12, 2012
The World Government - GOOGLE, have a lot of Tips & Tricks. Here i have given some funny things, it a type of ethical hacking. There are lot of stuff in google, guys check out on web.
Normally GOOGLE ignore some words: a, about, an, and, are, as, at, be, by, from, how, i, in, is, it, of, on, or, that, the, this, to, we, what, when, where, which, with
Various operators:
(+) to force a search for an overly common word.
(-) to exclude a term from a search
Hint: No space follows these signs.
To search for a phrase, use double quotes (" ").
(.) Serves as a single-character wildcard.
(*) represents any word
Advanced operators &syntax:
Hint: No space between the operator, the colon, and the search term.
site: restrict a search to a specific web site or domain.
filetype: search only within the text of a particular type of file.
link: search within hyperlinks for a search term.
cache: displays the version of a web page as it appeared when Google crawled the site.
intitle: search for a term within the title of a document.
inurl:search only within the URL (web address) of a document.
Some Hack Tips: 1) Finding Directory Listings Most directory listings begin with the phrase Index of, which also shows in the title. An obvious query to find this type of page might be
intitle:index.of "parent directory"
intitle:index.of name size
2) Most of the web server in bottom contains he word called "server at". This type of attacks sometimes may work against the server like,
3) Inurl and allinurl it is used to find a text in url.
inurl:admin backup
intitle:index.of inurl:admin
4) Getting some e-mail address to send spam -
5) View some persons information via their resume
"phone * * *""address *""e-mail" intitle:"curriculum vitae"
"phone * * *""address *""e-mail" intitle:"resume""
6) Getting some user and Password information username | userid |employee.ID | "your username is" password | passcode | "your password is" admin|administrator
"admin login"
7) Getting Microsoft remote RDP files
Filetype:rdp "password"
8) Getting Webbased VNC remote desktops
"VNC Desktop" inurl:5800
9) View the Live web cameras
Axis Video Server (CAM) : inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis
AXIS Video Live Camera: intitle:"Live View / - AXIS"
AXIS Video Live View : intitle:"Live View / - AXIS" |
AXIS 200 Network Camera: intitle:"The AXIS 200 Home Page"
Canon Network Camera: intitle:liveapplet inurl:LvAppl
Mobotix Network Camera: intext:"MOBOTIX M1" intext:"Open Menu"
Panasonic Network Camera: intitle:"WJ-NT104 Main Page"
Panasonic Network Camera: inurl:"ViewerFrame?Mode="
Sony Network Camera: SNC-RZ30 HOME
Seyeon FlexWATCH Camera: intitle:flexwatch intext:"Home page ver"
Sony Network Camera: intitle:snc-z20 inurl:home/
webcamXP: "powered by webcamXP" "Pro|Broadcast"
Canon ImageReady intitle:"remote ui:top page"
10) Searching for movie and Music
Music: -inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:"index of" mp3 "Artist Name"
Movies: -inurl:htm -inurl:html -inurl:php intitle:"index of" (mpg|mov|avi|wmv) "Movie Name"
Ref.Book: Google Hacking by johnny long
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Posted by kaal at
3:31 AM