Investment results in the control category have tobe measured on the basis of at least several years. Proper buyingtakes time. If needed, strengthening management, redirecting theutilization of capital, perhaps effecting a satisfactory sale ormerger, etc., are also all factors that make this a business to bemeasured in years rather than months. For this reason, in controls,we are looking for wide margins of profit—if it appears at allclose, we quitclaim.
Controls in the buying stage move largely insympathy with the Dow. In the later stages their behavior is gearedmore to that of workouts.
You might be interested to know that the buyers ofour former control situation, Dempster Mill Manufacturing, seem tobe doing very well with it. This fulfills our expectation and is asource of satisfaction. An investment operation that depends on theultimate buyer making a bum deal (in Wall Street they call this the“Bigger Fool Theory”) is tenuous indeed. How much more satisfactoryit is to buy at really bargain prices so that only an averagedisposition brings pleasant results.
As I have mentioned in the past, the division ofour portfolio among categories is largely determined by theaccident of availability. Therefore, in any given year the mixbetween generals, workouts, or controls is largely a matter ofchance, and this fickle factor will have a great deal to do withour performance relative to the Dow. This is one of many reasonswhy a single year’s performance is of minor importance and, good orbad, should never be taken too seriously.
To give an example of just how important theaccident of division between these categories is, let me cite theexample of the past three years. Using an entirely different methodof calculation than that used to measure the performance of BPL inentirety, whereby the average monthly investment at market value bycategory is utilized, borrowed money and office operating expensesexcluded, etc., (this gives the most accurate basis for intergroupcomparisons but does not reflect overall BPL results) the generals(both present categories combined), workouts, and the Dow, shape upas follows:
Year | Generals | Workouts | Dow |
1962 | -1% | +14.6% | -8.6% |
1963 | +20.5% | +30.6% | +18.4% |
1964 | +27.8% | +10.3% | +16.7% |
Obviously the workouts (along with controls) savedthe day in 1962, and if we had been light in this category thatyear, our final result would have been much poorer, although stillquite respectable considering market conditions during the year. Wecould just as well have had a much smaller percentage of ourportfolio in workouts that year; availability decided it, not anynotion on my part as to what the market was going to do. Therefore,it is important to realize that in 1962 we were just plain luckyregarding mix of categories.
In 1963 we had one sensational workout whichgreatly influenced results, and generals gave a good account ofthemselves, resulting in a banner year. If workouts had beennormal, (say, more like 1962) we would have looked much poorercompared to the Dow. Here it wasn’t our mix that did much for us,but rather excellent situations.
Finally, in 1964 workouts were a big drag onperformance. This would be normal in any event during a big plusyear for the Dow such as 1964, but they were even a greater dragthan expected because of mediocre experience. In retrospect itwould have been pleasant to have been entirely in generals, but wedon’t play the game in retrospect.
I hope the preceding table drives home the pointthat results in a given year are subject to many variables—someregarding which we have little control or insight. We consider allcategories to be good businesses and we are very happy we haveseveral to rely on rather than just one. It makes for morediscrimination within each category and reduces the chance we willbe put completely out of operation by the elimination ofopportunities in a single category.
We have had a chorus of groans this year regardingpartners’ tax liabilities. Of course, we also might have had a fewif the tax sheet had gone out blank.
More investment sins are probably committed byotherwise quite intelligent people because of “tax considerations”than from any other cause. One of my friends - a noted West Coastphilosopher- maintains that a majority of life’s errors are causedby forgetting what one is really trying to do. This is certainlythe case when an emotionally supercharged element like taxes entersthe picture (I have another friend - a noted East Coast philosopherwho says it isn’t the lack of representation he minds - it’s thetaxation).
Let’s get back to the West Coast. What is onereally trying to do in the investment world? Not pay the leasttaxes, although that may be a factor to be considered in achievingthe end. Means and end should not be confused, however, and the endis to come away with the largest after-tax rate of compound. Quiteobviously if two courses of action promise equal rates of pre-taxcompound and one involves incurring taxes and the other doesn’t,the latter course is superior. However, we find this is rarely thecase.
It is extremely improbable that 20 stocks selectedfrom, say, 3000 choices are going to prove to be the optimumportfolio both now and a year from now at the entirely differentprices (both for the selections and the alternatives) prevailing atthat later date. If our objective is to produce the maximumafter-tax compound rate, we simply have to own the most attractivesecurities obtainable at current prices. And, with 3, 000 ratherrapidly shifting variables, this must mean change (hopefully“tax-generating” change).
It is obvious that the performance of a stock lastyear or last month is no reason, per se, to either own it or to notown it now. It is obvious that an inability to “get even” in asecurity that has declined is of no importance. It is obvious thatthe inner warm glow that results from having held a winner lastyear is of no importance in making a decision as to whether itbelongs in an optimum portfolio this year.
If gains are involved, changing portfoliosinvolves paying taxes. Except in very unusual cases (I will readilyadmit there are some cases), the amount of the tax is of minorimportance if the difference in expectable performance issignificant. I have never been able to understand why the tax comesas such a body blow to many people since the rate on long-termcapital gain is lower than on most lines of endeavor (tax policyindicates digging ditches is regarded as socially less desirablethan shuffling stock certificates).
I have a large percentage of pragmatists in theaudience so I had better get off that idealistic kick. There areonly three ways to avoid ultimately paying the tax: (1) die withthe asset - and that’s a little too ultimate for me—even thezealots would have to view this “cure” with mixed emotions; (2)give the asset away certainly don’t pay any taxes this way,but of course you don’t pay for any groceries, rent, etc. , either;and (3) lose back the gain - if your mouth waters at thistax-saver, I have to admire you - you certainly have the courage ofyour convictions.
So it is going to continue to be the policy of BPLto try to maximize investment gains, not minimize taxes. We will doour level best to create the maximum revenue for the Treasury - atthe lowest rates the rules will allow.
An interesting sidelight on this whole business oftaxes, vis-a-vis investment management, has appeared in the lastfew years. This has arisen through the creation of so-called “swapfunds” which are investment companies created by the exchange ofthe investment company’s shares for general market securities heldby potential investors. The dominant sales argument has been thedeferment (deferment, when pronounced by an enthusiastic salesman,sometimes comes very close phonetically to elimination) of capitalgains taxes while trading a single security for a diversifiedportfolio. The tax will only finally be paid when the swap fund’sshares are redeemed. For the lucky ones, it will be avoidedentirely when any of those delightful alternatives mentioned twoparagraphs earlier eventuates.
The reasoning implicit in the swapee’s action israther interesting. He obviously doesn’t really want to hold whathe is holding or he wouldn’t jump at the chance to swap it (and paya fairly healthy commission - usually 4% up to $100, 000) for agrab-bag of similar hot potatoes held by other tax-numbedinvestors. In all fairness, I should point out that after allofferees have submitted their securities for exchange and had achance to review the proposed portfolio, they have a chance to backout, but I understand a relatively small proportion doso.
There have been twelve such funds (that I know of)established since origination of the idea in 1960, and several moreare currently in the works. The idea is not without appeal sincesales totaled well over $600 million. All of the funds retain aninvestment manager to whom they usually pay ? of 1% of asset value.This investment manager faces an interesting problem; he is paid tomanage the fund intelligently (in each of the five largest fundsthis fee currently ranges from $250, 000 to $700, 000 per year),but because of the low tax basis inherited from the contributors ofsecurities, virtually his every move creates capital gains taxliabilities. And, of course, he knows that if he incurs suchliabilities, he is doing so for people who are probably quitesensitive to taxes or they wouldn’t own shares in the swap fund inthe first place.
I am putting all of this a bit strongly, and I amsure there are some cases where a swap fund may be the best answerto an individual’s combined tax and investment problems.Nevertheless, I feel they offer a very interesting test-tube tomeasure the ability of some of the most respected investmentadvisors when they are trying to manage money without paying(significant) taxes.
The three largest swap funds were all organized in1961, and combined have assets now of about $300 million. One ofthese, Diversification Fund, reports on a fiscal year basis whichmakes extraction of relevant data quite difficult for calendar yearcomparisons. The other two, Federal Street Fund and WestminsterFund (respectively first and third largest in the group) aremanaged by investment advisors who oversee at least $2 billion ofinstitutional money.
Here’s how they shape up for all full years ofexistence:
Year | Federal Street | Westminster | Dow |
1962 | -19.0% | -22.5% | -7.6% |
1963 | +17.0% | +18.7% | +20.6% |
1964 | +13.8% | +12.3% | +18.7% |
Annual compounded rate | 2.6 | 1.1 | 9.8 |
This is strictly the management record: Noallowance has been made for the commission in entering and anytaxes paid by the fund on behalf of the shareholders have beenadded back to performance.
In the December 21st issue of AUTOMOTIVE NEWS itwas reported that Ford Motor Co. plans to spend $700 million in1965 to add 6,742,000 square feet to its facilities throughout theworld. Buffett Partnership, Ltd., never far behind, plans to add227 ? square feet to its facilities in the spring of1965;
Our growth in net assets from $105,100 (there’s noprize for guessing who put in the $100) on May 5, 1956, when thefirst predecessor limited partnership (Buffett Associates, Ltd.)was organized, to $26,074,000 on 1/1/65 creates the need for anoccasional reorganization in internal routine. Therefore, roughlycontemporaneously with the bold move from 682 to 909 ? square feet,a highly capable man is going to join our organization withresponsibility for the administrative (and certain other)functions. This move will particularly serve to free up more ofBill Scott’s time for security analysis which is his forte. I’llhave more to report on this in the midyear letter.
Bill (who continues to do a terrific job) and hiswife have an investment in the Partnership of $298, 749, a verylarge majority of their net worth. Our new associate (his name isbeing withheld until his present employer has replaced him), alongwith his wife and children, has made an important investment in thePartnership. Susie and I presently have an interest of $3,406,700in BPL which represents virtually our entire net worth, with theexception of our continued holding of Mid-Continent Tab Card Co., alocal company into which I bought in 1960 when it had less than 10stockholders. Additionally, my relatives, consisting of threechildren, mother, two sisters, two brothers-in-law, father-in-law,four aunts, four cousins and six nieces and nephews, have interestsin BPL, directly or indirectly, totaling $1, 942, 592. So we allcontinue to eat home cooking.
We continue to represent the ultimate in seasonalbusinesses—open one day a year. This creates real problems inkeeping the paper flowing smoothly but, Beth and Donna continue todo an outstanding job of coping with this and otherproblems.
Peat, Marwick, Mitchell has distinguished itselfin its usual vital role of finding out what belongs to whom. Wecontinue to throw impossible deadlines at them—and they continue toperform magnificently. You will note in their certificate this yearthat they have implemented the new procedure whereby they nowpounce on us unannounced twice a year in addition to the regularyearend effort.
Peat, Marwick和Mitchell在平凡的崗位做出了突出的成績,他們的工作是找出哪些資產(chǎn)屬于誰。我們持續(xù)的給他們一些對他們來說不可能的截止日期——他們表現(xiàn)出了持續(xù)的卓越。今年你們會注意到他們的證書,
Finally - and most sincerely - let me thank youpartners who cooperate magnificently in getting things to uspromptly and properly and thereby maximize the time we can spendworking where we should be - by the cash register. I am extremelyfortunate in being able to spend the great majority of my timethinking about where our money should be invested, rather thangetting bogged down in the minute that seems to overwhelm so manybusiness entities. We have an organizational structure which makesthis efficiency a possibility, and more importantly, we have agroup of partners that make it a reality. For this, I am mostappreciative and we are all wealthier.
Our past policy has been to admit close relativesof present partners without a minimum capital limitation. This yeara flood of children, grandchildren, etc., appeared which calledthis policy into question; therefore, I have decided to institute a$25,000 minimum on interests of immediate relatives of presentpartners.
Within the coming two weeks you willreceive:
(1) A tax letter giving you all BPL informationneeded for your 1964 federal income tax return. This letter is theonly item that counts for tax purposes.
(2) An audit from Peat, Marwick, Mitchell &Co. for 1964, setting forth the operations and financial positionof BPL as well as your own capital account.
(3) A letter signed by me setting forth the statusof your BPL interest on 1/1/65. This is identical with the figuredeveloped in the audit.
(4) Schedule “A” to the partnership agreementlisting all partners.
(2)對Peat, Marwick, Mitchell 和公司1964年的審計(jì)報(bào)告,列明BPL公司的運(yùn)營和財(cái)務(wù)狀況和每個(gè)合伙人的資金賬戶。
(4) A計(jì)劃表:給合伙企業(yè)協(xié)議內(nèi)列示的所有的合伙人寄出。
Let Bill or me know if anything needs clarifying.Even with our splendid staff, our growth means there is more chanceof missent letters, overlooked instructions, a name skipped over, afigure transposition, etc. , so speak up if you have any questionat all that we might have erred. My next letter will be about July15th, summarizing the first half bf this year.
Warren E. Buffett