一 Registration類的介紹
name: 用戶名稱
first: 用戶的姓
last: 用戶的名稱
email: Email地址
city: 所在城市
state: 所在的州
zip: 郵編
phone: 手機號
url: 用戶的個人主頁
date: 注冊日期
misc: 相關(guān)的文字信息
remove: 賬戶是否停用的標志
Represents registration packets. An empty GET query will cause the server to return information about it's registration support. SET queries can be used to create accounts or update existing account information. XMPP servers may require a number of attributes to be set when creating a new account. The standard account attributes are as follows:
·name -- the user's name.
·first -- the user's first name.
·last -- the user's last name.
·email -- the user's email address.
·city -- the user's city.
·state -- the user's state.
·zip -- the user's ZIP code.
·phone -- the user's phone number.
·url -- the user's website.
·date -- the date the registration took place.
·misc -- other miscellaneous information to associate with the account.
·text -- textual information to associate with the account.
·remove -- empty flag to remove account.
二 常用方法
public Map<String,String> getAttributes() Returns the map of String key/value pairs of account attributes.
Returns:the account attributes.
public void setAttributes(Map<String,String> attributes) Sets the account attributes. The map must only contain String key/value pairs.
Parameters:attributes - the account attributes.