Updated within the past 180 days | MIT Course # | Course Title | Term |
| 15.010 | Economic Analysis for Business Decisions | Fall 2004 |
| 15.011 | Economic Analysis for Business Decisions | Fall 2004 |
| 15.012 | Applied Macro- and International Economics | Spring 2002 |
| 15.014 | Applied Macro- and International Economics | Spring 2004 |
| 15.020 | Competition in Telecommunications | Fall 2003 |
| 15.021J | Real Estate Economics | Fall 2008 |
| 15.023J | Global Climate Change: Economics, Science, and Policy | Spring 2008 |
| 15.024 | Applied Economics for Managers | Summer 2004 |
| 15.040 | Game Theory for Managers | Spring 2004 |
| 15.053 | Optimization Methods in Management Science | Spring 2007 |
| 15.057 | Systems Optimization | Spring 2003 |
| 15.060 | Data, Models, and Decisions | Fall 2007 |
| 15.062 | Data Mining | Spring 2003 |
| 15.063 | Communicating With Data | Summer 2003 |
| 15.066J | System Optimization and Analysis for Manufacturing | Summer 2003 |
| 15.067 | Competitive Decision-Making and Negotiation | Spring 2003 |
| 15.070 | Advanced Stochastic Processes | Fall 2005 |
| 15.072J | Queues: Theory and Applications | Spring 2006 |
| 15.073J | Logistical and Transportation Planning Methods | Fall 2004 |
| 15.073J | Logistical and Transportation Planning Methods | Fall 2006 |
| 15.075 | Applied Statistics | Spring 2003 |
| 15.081J | Introduction to Mathematical Programming | Fall 2002 |
| 15.082J | Network Optimization | Spring 2003 |
| 15.083J | Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization | Fall 2004 |
| 15.084J | Nonlinear Programming | Spring 2004 |
| 15.084J | Nonlinear Programming | Spring 2003 |
| 15.085J | Fundamentals of Probability | Fall 2005 |
| 15.093 | Optimization Methods (SMA 5213) | Fall 2004 |
| 15.094J | Systems Optimization: Models and Computation (SMA 5223) | Spring 2004 |
| 15.098 | Special Seminar in Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes | Spring 2006 |
| 15.099 | Readings in Optimization | Fall 2003 |
| 15.136J | Principles and Practice of Drug Development | Fall 2005 |
| 15.220 | Global Strategy and Organization | Spring 2008 |
| 15.223 | Global Markets, National Policies, and the Competitive Advantages of Firms | Fall 2007 |
| 15.224 | Global Markets, National Politics and the Competitive Advantage of Firms | Spring 2003 |
| 15.225 | Economy and Business in Modern China and India | Spring 2008 |
| 15.269 | Literature, Ethics and Authority | Fall 2005 |
| 15.269B | Literature, Ethics and Authority | Fall 2002 |
| 15.277 | Special Seminar in Communications: Leadership and Personal Effectiveness Coaching | Fall 2008 |
| 15.279 | Management Communication for Undergraduates | Spring 2005 |
| 15.280 | Communication for Managers | Fall 2008 |
| 15.281 | Advanced Managerial Communication | Spring 2004 |
| 15.289 | Communication Skills for Academics | Spring 2002 |
| 15.301 | Managerial Psychology Laboratory | Fall 2004 |
| 15.301 | Managerial Psychology | Fall 2006 |
| 15.301 | Managerial Psychology Laboratory | Spring 2003 |
| 15.310 | Managerial Psychology Laboratory | Spring 2003 |
| 15.310 | Managerial Psychology Laboratory | Fall 2004 |
| 15.310 | Managerial Psychology | Fall 2006 |
| 15.311 | Organizational Processes | Fall 2003 |
| 15.316 | Building and Leading Effective Teams | Summer 2005 |
| 15.322 | Leading Organizations II | Fall 2003 |
| 15.328 | Team Project | Fall 2003 |
| 15.341 | Individuals, Groups, and Organizations | Fall 2006 |
| 15.342J | Organizations and Environments | Fall 2004 |
| 15.343 | Managing Transformations in Work, Organizations, and Society | Spring 2002 |
| 15.347 | Doctoral Seminar in Research Methods I | Fall 2004 |
| 15.348 | Doctoral Seminar in Research Methods II | Spring 2004 |
| 15.351 | Managing the Innovation Process | Fall 2002 |
| 15.351 | Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship | Spring 2008 |
| 15.352 | Managing Innovation: Emerging Trends | Spring 2005 |
| 15.356 | How to Develop "Breakthrough" Products and Services | Spring 2004 |
| 15.358 | The Software Business | Fall 2005 |
| 15.369 | Corporate Entrepreneurship: Strategies for Technology-Based New Business Development | Fall 2007 |
| 15.389 | G-Lab: Global Entrepreneurship Lab | Fall 2007 |
| 15.391 | Early Stage Capital | Fall 2003 |
| 15.394 | Designing and Leading the Entrepreneurial Organization | Spring 2003 |
| 15.402 | Finance Theory II | Spring 2003 |
| 15.414 | Financial Management | Summer 2003 |
| 15.426J | Real Estate Finance and Investment | Fall 2006 |
| 15.427J | Real Estate Capital Markets | Spring 2007 |
| 15.428J | Advanced Topics in Real Estate Finance | Spring 2007 |
| 15.431 | Entrepreneurial Finance | Spring 2002 |
| 15.433 | Investments | Spring 2003 |
| 15.501 | Introduction to Financial and Managerial Accounting | Spring 2004 |
| 15.511 | Financial Accounting | Summer 2004 |
| 15.514 | Financial and Managerial Accounting | Summer 2003 |
| 15.515 | Financial Accounting | Fall 2003 |
| 15.516 | Introduction to Financial and Managerial Accounting | Spring 2004 |
| 15.518 | Taxes and Business Strategy | Fall 2002 |
| 15.521 | Management Accounting and Control | Spring 2003 |
| 15.535 | Business Analysis Using Financial Statements | Spring 2003 |
| 15.561 | Information Technology Essentials | Spring 2005 |
| 15.564 | Information Technology I | Spring 2003 |
| 15.565J | Integrating eSystems & Global Information Systems | Spring 2002 |
| 15.566 | Information Technology as an Integrating Force in Manufacturing | Spring 2003 |
| 15.568A | Practical Information Technology Management | Spring 2005 |
| 15.571 | Generating Business Value from Information Technology | Spring 2007 |
| 15.575 | Research Seminar in IT and Organizations: Economic Perspectives | Spring 2004 |
| 15.578J | Integrating eSystems & Global Information Systems | Spring 2002 |
| 15.598 | IT and Business Transformation | Spring 2003 |
| 15.615 | Law for the Entrepreneur and Manager | Spring 2003 |
| 15.616 | Innovative Businesses and Breakthrough Technologies - The Legal Issues | Fall 2004 |
| 15.617 | The Law of Corporate Finance and Financial Markets | Spring 2004 |
| 15.628 | Patents, Copyrights, and the Law of Intellectual Property | Spring 2003 |
| 15.647 | Law for the Entrepreneur and Manager | Spring 2003 |
| 15.649 | The Law of Mergers and Acquisitions | Spring 2003 |
| 15.660 | Strategic HR Management | Spring 2003 |
| 15.665B | Power and Negotiation | Fall 2002 |
| 15.667 | Negotiation and Conflict Management | Spring 2001 |
| 15.668 | People and Organizations | Fall 2005 |
| 15.676 | Work, Employment, and Industrial Relations Theory | Spring 2008 |
| 15.677J | Urban Labor Markets and Employment Policy | Spring 2005 |
| 15.678J | Political Economy I: Theories of the State and the Economy | Fall 2005 |
| 15.760A | Operations Management | Spring 2002 |
| 15.760B | Introduction to Operations Management | Spring 2004 |
| 15.761 | Operations Management | Summer 2002 |
| 15.762J | Supply Chain Planning (SMA 6305) | Spring 2005 |
| 15.763J | Manufacturing System and Supply Chain Design | Spring 2005 |
| 15.764 | The Theory of Operations Management | Spring 2004 |
| 15.769 | Operations Strategy | Spring 2003 |
| 15.769 | Operations Strategy | Fall 2005 |
| 15.770J | Logistics Systems | Fall 2006 |
| 15.778 | Management of Supply Networks for Products and Services | Summer 2004 |
| 15.783J | Product Design and Development | Spring 2006 |
| 15.792J | Proseminar in Manufacturing | Fall 2005 |
| 15.795 | Seminar in Operations Management | Fall 2002 |
| 15.810 | Marketing Management | Fall 2004 |
| 15.810 | Introduction to Marketing | Spring 2005 |
| 15.812 | Marketing Management | Fall 2002 |
| 15.818 | Pricing | Spring 2005 |
| 15.821 | Listening to the Customer | Fall 2002 |
| 15.822 | Strategic Marketing Measurement | Fall 2002 |
| 15.834 | Marketing Strategy | Spring 2003 |
| 15.835 | Entrepreneurial Marketing | Spring 2002 |
| 15.840 | Special Seminar in Marketing: Marketing Management | Spring 2004 |
| 15.871 | System Dynamics for Business Policy | Fall 2003 |
| 15.874 | System Dynamics for Business Policy | Fall 2003 |
| 15.875 | Applications of System Dynamics | Spring 2004 |
| 15.902 | Strategic Management I | Fall 2006 |
| 15.904 | Strategic Management II | Fall 2005 |
| 15.905 | Technology Strategy | Spring 2007 |
| 15.912 | Technology Strategy | Fall 2008 |
| 15.928 | Strategic Management and Consulting Proseminar: Theoretical Foundations | Spring 2003 |
| 15.963 | Organizations as Enacted Systems: Learning, Knowing and Change | Fall 2002 |
| 15.963 | Management Accounting and Control | Spring 2007 |
| 15.963 | Advanced Strategy | Spring 2008 |
| 15.965 | Ethical Practice: Professionalism, Social Responsibility, and the Purpose of the Corporation | Spring 2007 |
| 15.967 | Managing and Volunteering In the Non-Profit Sector | Spring 2005 |
| 15.968 | The Sociology of Strategy | Spring 2005 |
| 15.969 | Dynamic Leadership: Using Improvisation in Business | Fall 2004 |
| 15.970 | Digital Anthropology | Spring 2003 |
| 15.971 | Developmental Entrepreneurship | Fall 2003 |
| 15.974 | Leadership Lab | Spring 2003 |
| 15.974 | Practical Leadership | Fall 2004 |
| 15.975 | Special Seminar in Management The Nuts and Bolts of Business Plans | January (IAP) 2005 |
| 15.978 | Leadership Tools and Teams: A Product Development Lab | Spring 2007 |
| 15.980J | Organizing for Innovative Product Development | Spring 2007 |
| 15.988 | System Dynamics Self Study | Fall 1998 |
| 15.990 | Architecture and Communication in Organizations | Fall 2003 |
| 15.992 | S-Lab: Laboratory for Sustainable Business | Spring 2008 |
| 15.996 | Cross-Cultural Leadership | Fall 2004 |
| 15.997 | Advanced Corporate Risk Management | Spring 2007 |