Classroom Management on High School
---A Note on Educational Psychology
During the holiday time, I read “Educational Psychology” (10th Edition) written by Antia Woolfolk in order to promote my knowledge of this area. Based on my reading, I would like to share the following reflection in terms of the classroom management.
How to create a social and physical learning environment is one of the main concerns of teachers, especially the beginning teachers. As a cooperative school teacher, I would say it’s even more important than how knowledgeable the teacher is.
1. Background of our school
First, I would like to give a short introduction about some students-related information. Some people and students whom we work with the most of time are as the following.
There are 313 students, 178 boys and 135 girls, at Grade 10, which is divided into 10 classes. Their classrooms locate at the section one, the first floor of the academic building. The Grade level supervisor is Mr. Luo.
There are 343 students, 200 boys and 143 girls, at Grade 11, which is divided into 12 classes. Their classrooms locate at the section one, the second floor of the academic building. The Grade level supervisor is Ms. Ma.
There are 320 students, 158 boys and 162 girls, at Grade 12, which is divided into 10 classes. Their classrooms locate at the section two, the second floor of the academic building. The Grade level supervisor is Mr. Niu.
2. Introduction about the classroom rules and situations.
Classroom management is one of the most important factors that contribute to the efficiency of the learning and teaching activities. Efficient classroom management can be achieved when the following three conditions are met: A. The teacher plays appropriate roles; B. The students are grouped in a way suitable for the learning activities; and C. There is discipline and harmony in the class.
I am going to touch the 3rd issue because it needs to be dealt with most of the time by us together. Factors in an English classroom, such as culture, age, sex, motivation vary so greatly that I can’t guarantee you that what I am going to say is 100% right.
By the way, an undisciplined act frequently occurring in one culture may rarely occur in another. A management skill effective in one class may be fruitless in another. In most cases, we have to search for and develop our own strategies.
We divided the students’ problems and misbehaviors in classroom into 2 categories, namely, A. Passive situation, including sleeping, listening to music, coming to classroom without necessary materials, failing to do any work, not paying attention and so on. And B. Active situation, including arriving late for class, making noises, refusing to cooperate with peers, causing disturbances and so on.
When discipline issue does occur, we should take the most appropriate measures to put things right. School rules are very clear, we have 5DOs and 5DON’Ts in the classroom:
l 5 DOs:
1.Do get ready for the next period at the first class bell; stand up and greet each other after the teacher says, Class begins; protect all of the teaching facilities and keep your valuables safe at all times. keep the classroom and your personal space clean and tidy at all times. show your respect to your teacher and fellow classmates and wear the school uniform according to teacher’s instructions.
l 5 DON’Ts: food or beverage during the class (except plain water). irrelevant materials be carried into classroom, i.e. MP3, walkmans, radios or cellphones etc. sleeping during the class. electronic notebooks/laptops or unrelated reading materials to be used during the class unless you are required to do so by the teacher. social chatting or leaving the classroom without teacher’s permission.
Students are subject to expulsion from the classroom for a violation of the above regulation and are subject to the consequences spelled out in the school's regulations. Please follow the regulations above and create a wonderful environment for everyone. Thank you for cooperation!
3. Consequences, which is the supplemental explanation for the classroom regulation.
DOs: With regard to NO.1---students enter into the classroom after the second bell are LATE. Those over 15minutes will be regard as ABSENT. Write down the student’s name and SAO will clarify and check out the reason.
With regard to No.2---Before class, each homeroom/classroom teacher should appoint a student to announce, “stand up”.
With regard to No. 3, 4 and 5 will be dealt with according to school rules.
DON”Ts: With regard to No.1---food or drink is allowed with the exception of a covered drinking cup, which is to be on the floor. It is not allowed to be consumed during the teaching time.
With regard to No.2, 3, 4, and 5---Students who violate the regulations shall be dealt with according to the following 5 steps:
①. Teacher’s warning; ②. If the teacher’s warning doesn’t work, student’s name and misbehavior will be recorded on the class attendance form. Any students whose names had been written down on the classroom report sheet will be deprived of the right to take any extra-curriculum activities. If it getting worse, he/she shall be sent to the nearest supervising teachers such as homeroom teachers, grade-level supervisors, or the principal. ③. As for using MP3s, WALKMANS OR CELLPHONES during class, the teacher shall confiscate them, sent them to Canadian or SAO for safekeeping, and recorded on the attendance form. For a serious case, the student shall be expelled from the classroom. The period of confiscation shall be one month for the 1st offence and a semester for the 2nd offence. At the end of each confiscation period, the parents must claim the electronic device. ④. After initial investigation by the teachers, the student shall be sent to the grade consulting room to discuss the incident with the moral education teacher. At this time the student is to do his work and reflect upon his unacceptable behavior. (The SAO will record the incident). ⑤. The student is to return to participate in the next period. If the student wants to participate the same class in future, a request letter by the student to permit himself/herself to return to the class is necessary. After that the teacher and the SAO will make the official approval to accept him/her to return to classroom.
4. Special advice about situation happened in classroom: Problem-making students are not necessarily ‘bad’ boys, and sometimes students are not aware of their problems. So when the teacher is trying to act against in discipline, he\she should be careful not to hurt the students. The following are some advice in dealing with some students’ problems.
①. Deal with it quietly. If the problem involves only one student, the teacher’s action should be a quiet response so that it will avoid other students’ attention. For example, if a students has not opened (or closed) the textbook in response to an instruction, it is better for the teacher to go up to him and open the book than draw the attention of the whole class by a reprimand or loud, repeated instructions.
②. Rearrange the seats. If troublesome students are sitting together, you can talk to the homeroom teacher to separate them. Beside, if students are moved to the front of the class they may behave better.
③. Change the activity. If the class seems to be getting out of control, or if indiscipline occurs due to inappropriate of the activity, a change of activity will often restore the class.
④. Act immediately. If possible, undisciplined acts should be immediately stopped so that less damage is caused. The longer a discipline problem is left unchecked, the more difficult it is to take action. Of course, the teacher’s action on a particular student’s indiscipline (which should be done carefully) should not be done at the expense of other students’ time and attention.
⑤. Stop the class. If the indiscipline is so disruptive as to hinder the progress of the whole class, the teacher should stop the class and make it clear what is wrong.
⑥. Talk to students after class. If a student is continually making trouble, the teacher should talk to that student after class. The student should be given a chance to explain why he\she behaves in this way.
⑦. Use the institution. When problems become extreme it will be necessary to use the institution-the school or institute-to solve the problem.
⑧. Don’t take things personally. When something happens, the teacher should try to address the problem rather than the student as the object. Besides, the teacher should relate to the problem impersonally even if the criticism is meant is meant personally.
⑨. Don’t use threats. Threats are never constructive measure against indiscipline. In most cases, threats cause a negative state and resistance to cooperation.
⑩. Reconstruct the relationship with students. Ask the student to do your a favor, or ask him/her to do a task, then give a positive comments on that. Focus on the student’s behavior instead of student’s personal moral judgment.
Last but not least, please always see the positive side of the matters happened in school. If we can have more cooperation, we will have less complaint, and we have more communication, we will encounter less frustration.