原 文
譯 文
(陳譯1)(CH'ENG I)Someone asked: "In the school of Confucius there were threethousand pupils. Yen Tzu alone was praised as loving to learn.
(陳譯2)Itis not that the three thousand scholars had not studied and mastered the SixArts such as the Book of Odes and the Book of History? Then whatwas it that Yen Tzu alone loved to learn? "
(陳譯3)MASTERI-CH'UAN(CH'ENG I)SAID: "It was to learn the way of becoming a sage."
(陳譯4)"Canone become a sage through learning?" "Yes."
(陳譯5)"Whatis the way to learn?"
(陳譯6)"Fromthe essence of life accumulated in heaven and earth, that which receives theFive Agents in their highest excellence becomes man.
(陳譯7)Hisoriginal nature is pure and tranquil. Before it is aroused, the five moralprinciples of his nature, called humanity, righteousness, propriety, wisdom,and faithfulness, are complete.
(陳譯8)Ashis physical form appears, it comes into contact with external things and isaroused from within.
(陳譯9)Asit is aroused from within, the seven feelings, called pleasure, anger, sorrow,joy, love, hate, and desire, ensue.
(陳譯10)"Asfeelings become strong and increasingly reckless, his nature becomes damaged.
(陳譯11)Forthis reason the enlightened person controls his feelings so that they will bein accord with the Mean. He rectifies his mind and nourishes his nature.
(陳譯12)Thestupid person does not know how to control them. He lets them loose until theyare depraved, fetter his nature, and destroy it.
(陳譯13)"Inthe way of learning, the first thing is to be clear in one's mind and to knowwhere to go and then to act vigorously in order that one may arrive atsagehood. This is what is meant by 'sincerity resulting from enlightenment.'
(陳譯14)Theway to make the self sincere lies in having firm faith in the Way. As there isfirm faith in the Way, one will put it into practice with determination. Whenone puts it into practice with determination, he will keep it securely.
(陳譯15)"Thenhumanity, righteousness, loyalty, and faithfulness will never depart from hisheart.
(陳譯16)'Inmoments of haste, he acts according to them. In times of difficulty andconfusion, he acts according to them.' And whether he is at home or outside,speaking or silent, he acts according to them.
(陳譯17)Ashe holds on to them for a long time without fail, he will then be at home withthem.
(陳譯18)Inhis movements and expressions, he will always be acting in a proper manner, andno depraved thought will arise in him.
(陳譯19)"Thisis the reason why Yen Tzu, in his behavior, 'did not look at what was contraryto propriety, did not listen to what was contrary to propriety, did not speakwhat was contrary to propriety, and did not make any movement which wascontrary to propriety.'
(陳譯20)Confuciuspraised him, saying, 'When he got hold of one thing that was good, he claspedit firmly, as if wearing it on his breast, and never lost it.'
(陳譯21)Healso said, '(Yen Tzu) did not transfer his anger; he did not repeat a mistake.'
(陳譯22)'Wheneverhe did anything wrong, he never failed to realize it. Having realized it, henever did it again.'
(陳譯23)Thisis the way he earnestly loved and learned.
(陳譯24)"However,the sage 'apprehends without thinking and hits upon what is right withouteffort.'
(陳譯25)YenTzu had to think before apprehending, and had to make an effort before hittingupon what is right.
(陳譯26)Thedifference between him and the sage is as little as a moment of breathing.
(陳譯27)Whatwas lacking in him was that he held on to ( goodness ) but was not yetcompletely transformed ( into goodness itself ).
(陳譯28)Sincehe loved to learn, had he lived longer, he would have achieved transformationin a short time.
(陳譯29)"Notunderstanding the true meaning of this, in later years people thought thatsagehood was basically due to inborn knowledge (of the good) and could not beachieved through learning. Consequently the way to learn has been lost to us.
(陳譯30)Mendo not seek within themselves but outside themselves and engage in extensivelearning, effortful memorization, artful style, and elegant diction, makingtheir words elaborate and beautiful. Thus few have arrived at the Way.
(陳譯31)Thisbeing the case, the learning of today and the learning that Yen Tzu loved arequite different."
通 解
1. 朱高正:本條系橫渠先生請教明道先生如何才能定性,故稱為《定性書》,當時明道先生年約二十二三歲。橫渠年長明道十二歲,乃明道的表叔,即明道父親的表弟。明道首先指出性無內(nèi)、外之分,且天下無性外之物。其次,明道申論“天地無私心,圣人無私情”的道理,強調(diào)“君子之學,莫若廓然而大公,物來而順應”。而一般人則患在“自私而用智”,故不能順乎事物之理。最后,明道提出“圣人之喜怒,不系于心,而系于物”的定性論,以凸顯常人自私用智之喜怒的荒謬。
2. 張習孔:先生此篇教人為學入圣之方,詳矣盡矣。學者茍能體而行之,斯圣人可學而至矣。其大要則有三焉:一曰情熾而性鑿,當約其情使合于中;一曰信道篤,則行之必果,當效顏之拳拳服膺;一曰圣人從容中道,賢人則必藉于思勉。能由守而達于化,則亦至于圣人矣。其言雖有先后,其理則實一貫。……學者茍從事于先生之言,則其學亦同乎顏子之學矣。
3. 張紹價:學圣人之道,須就性情上做工夫,工夫不外敬義。此段明揭性情,暗含敬義,未發(fā)而五性具,必敬以直內(nèi),而后有以養(yǎng)其性。中動而七情出,必義以方外,而后有以約其情。程子不言敬義,而言知行者,致知力行,于學者入手工夫,為尤切也。知行并進,學之大端,必致知格物,而后能明諸心,知所往。誠意正心修身,則力行以求至也。博文,致知之事;約禮,力行之事。“自明而誠”,乃此卷一篇大旨。學圣人之道,求進于誠而已。以《中庸》言之,明諸心,知所往,擇善之功也。力行求至,固執(zhí)之功也。擇善,則可進于明;固執(zhí),則可進于誠矣。
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