University is supposed to be the most exciting time of your life right? Well, not for me – here I was, a 19 yr old, first year student, almost 800 miles from the farm I grew up on, in a big city with no one I knew. I guess that's not quite true, my sister Rene had started there the year before but lets face it – hanging out with your sister isn't the most exciting thing for a 19yr old guy. Our parents expected us to finish high school, marry someone local and keep the farm going and told us if we went to university not to bother asking them for any help. We spent the occasional evening together either at my residence (mine was co-ed, hers wasn't) watching TV, complaining about our courses or sometimes going out for the evening. On occasion we'd talk about our dates or lack thereof but all that changed when my student loans came in and I had enough left to get a computer.
We'd had a computer at home but it was an old one, on dialup and right there in the living room. Now I had a high speed connection and the privacy of my own room – you guessed it, it wasn't long before I discovered porn and it didn't take long before I was spending more time surfing sites than I was spending with my sister. She seemed somewhat pissed at first but seeing as she didn't have a lot of choice she got used to it. Sometimes she'd come over and use my system for research or chatting until she too got her own system.
The next thing I discovered were chat rooms. I guess I was what most people would call a loner – I didn't party, drink or smoke which also meant I didn't have a lot of friends but once I got into the chat rooms there were always people to talk to any time, day or night. I quickly figured out how to set up multiple accounts so depending on what mood I was in I could use my serious, intelligent profile and have great in-depth discussions with people or a wild, crazy profile and get flirty with any of the willing ladies online. I realized these chats weren't likely to go any father but at least they made for some good jerk off sessions afterwards. It wasn't like I'd never had sex – I think every small town has one or more girls that have been had by pretty much every guy with at least one leg and a heartbeat and my town wasn't any different but I'd never had sex with anyone I really cared about.
There was one girl I always looked for if I wanted to flirt or get a bit dirty online, she went by the nick of WildThang. When I first ran into her online she was taking pretty sexy with a couple of others so I joined in. In between the teasing, double meanings and downright sexual comments there was some actual conversation and I found myself getting interested in her. It must have been mutual because by the 4th or 5th time online she sent me an invite for a private chat. Of course I accepted and we continued without who knows how many other people involved & we chatted for several hours about life, liberty and what we wanted to do with our lives – and of course the innuendo's kept flying.
From then on, whenever we were both online we'd switch to private chat and over the next month or so I found out we were at the same university and she was about my age but that's about all the personal info she'd give out – when I asked her why, she said she'd had a couple of scares with people online and actually had to get a new phone # and residence because of one guy she'd met online. I was a little disappointed but told her I understood and didn't push the issue. That was likely the best thing I could have done because she started to open up a little more – still nothing to identify her but it wasn't long before I knew she didn't have a steady boyfriend, enjoyed sex but wasn't easy and often spent her evenings getting herself off with fingers or toys when her roommate was out. That last bit of information was more than enough to get me hard and I told her so.
That was the real turning point of our chats – she asked me how big I was and I told her just under 8", I found out she was shaved & loved oral sex and before we were done that night I had my cock in my hand and was telling her how I was stroking myself while she told me how she was fucking herself with one of her toys. Of course I had no idea whether she was or not but to a horny 19yr old it sounded too good not to believe.
As our chats progressed, we'd take turns describing our fantasies to each other and one night she made a comment that you never really knew if the other person was telling the truth or not & when I asked her what she meant she said she'd never seen a cock 8" long before. I brushed it off then but got thinking about it the next day so when I got home from class, I stroked myself hard and took a picture of my cock with a ruler beside it with my webcam. When she logged on later that night I asked her if she remembered what she'd said the night before & she typed back that she'd said lots, what was I referring to. Rather than type an answer, I sent her over the picture. A minute or so later I got a "wow" back on the screen followed with – "but anyone can find a picture on the web".
I thought I'd have a bit of fun so I typed back that she'd seen more of me that I had of her. I thought I'd pissed her off 'cause she went off line but came back on a few minutes later saying she'd hit the wrong button & then a picture of a smooth pussy came up on my screen. " we're equal" came up right after it. Just to keep things going I told her what she'd told me – anyone can find a picture on the internet.
Ok...she typed back how about this...set up your webcam and point it at your stomach & I'll do the same – that way we both know it's live. Once we can see each other's images we'll start moving it lower – if you stop moving then I do too.
Rather than answer, I adjusted my cam and invited her to view. Within a couple of minutes I was looking at her smooth bare stomach so I started moving my cam lower. We took turns dropping our cams until I could see her pussy and she could see my cock. Just to see how far she'd go, I reached down and started stroking myself and sure enough I could see her fingers come into view as she started playing with herself. Up till now the only time I'd seen a girl masturbating was some of the porn I'd downloaded but knowing that this was live was way more exciting and it didn't take long for me to cum. I figured it would be a big one but even I wasn't prepared to see spurt after spurt after spurt of cum jet from my cock. Thankfully I was far enough back that I didn't have to worry about any keyboard problems!
We repeated this on a couple of other occasions before I decided to take a chance and ask her if we could meet because I really wanted to see her masturbate in person and would love to go down on her and possibly have sex. The first time I asked I got a definite 'no' but she didn't seem upset by my asking so over the next couple of weeks I asked a few more times, each time making sure I told her how much I wanted to kiss and lick her smooth pussy. Each time I asked I got a 'no' and had pretty much given up but figured I'd try one more time a little differently. This time I shot a quick video with the camcorder of me stroking myself (still no audio on the webcam) and told her how much I wanted to feel her pussy lips against my mouth, lick and suck on her clit and feel her cum against my tongue & then when we were online that night I sent her the video. I knew she was watching it because it was a few minutes before anything else came up on my screen. I was totally surprised when she said 'maybe but I'll have to think about it'. Well, a 'maybe' is a whole lot better than a 'no' so I left it at that & didn't bring it up again.
We continued our chats, usually with the webcam on and by now I'd seen her masturbate with fingers, toys and once when she said she'd been drinking she fucked herself with a cucumber. It was always close enough to her that I couldn't see much around her and never saw her face. I couldn't do quite as much for her but stroked myself off regularly and she really liked it when I set the webcam up behind me on the couch looking down my chest so she could see me stroking and the jets of cum when I exploded. It was right after one of those nights that the words "what are you doing Friday" flashed up on my screen.
"Likely jerking off while I watch you do the same" I typed back.
"How'd you like to do it in person?"
Well I damn near fell off the couch I sat up so fast! "Yes!"
"K...but I'm still leery of meeting anyone online so it'll either be my way or not at all."
I hesitated but not for long before I sent, "how about you let me know what your way is and then I'll let you know if it sounds ok to me."
It was a few more days before she emailed me & I had a chance to read it over. Basically she didn't want me to know anything that I could use to find her unless she decided otherwise so I had to trust her. The deal was that I'd go to her residence at midnight Friday night and go to the back entrance. From there someone would meet me, blindfold me and take me up to her room.
...Ok so far, I'd pretty much figured out which residence it would be as she'd mentioned it was a girl's only residence and there were only 2 of them and one was just for grad students which she wasn't. I wasn't sure about the blindfold but figured I could take it off in a hurry if things went too far so I kept reading....
Once I was there I'd be led inside & to her residence. If I took the blindfold off before she told me to then it would stop there. Her roommate would be out in the living room if there was any trouble.
Well, it didn't sound too bad so I agreed and waited until Friday. Right at midnight I was at the back door and just as I knocked it opened and a hand reached out with a blindfold and a note. The note said – "put the blindfold on and come inside. If my friend thinks you can see then she'll leave you there otherwise you'll be brought up". It was a big blindfold & once I got it on, there was no way I could see so I groped for the door and opened it. As I stepped inside I could feel a hand against my chest and fingers checking the blindfold. Apparently I'd done a good enough job because I was led into the building and I'm pretty sure into the service elevator.
When we got off, I was turned around several times until I didn't know which way I was facing and then led down the hall and into a dorm room. I heard some whispering and then I was led into what turned out to be a bedroom. Once there I felt myself being undressed until I was standing there with nothing but a huge erection. As much as I listened I couldn't hear anything that led me to think anyone else was in the room so I tried to relax and enjoy what was happening. I was gently pushed against the bed and could tell she wanted me to lie down on my back so I did. I felt her hands travel all over me, gently caressing and teasing me from head to toe and back until I finally felt her fingers close around my cock. She stroked it several times before removing her hand and grabbed mine, wrapped it around my cock and started stroking again. I quickly got the idea and started masturbating for her just like I had online. While I was stroking myself, I could hear her moving around and what sounded like clothing being removed.
As I stroked, I felt the bed shift and could feel the warmth of her body up against mine as she got onto the bed. I wasn't quite sure what she was doing and must have stopped stroking myself because I quickly felt her hand on mine again stroking up and down. As I resumed my masturbating, she moved some more but I wasn't sure where until I felt her take my other hand and guide it from her hard nipples down to her pussy and back a few times. When she released my hand, I realized I was on my own so I started caressing her and was rewarded with small gasps whenever I touched an especially sensitive area. Soon I had one and then two fingers sliding in and out of her pussy at the same speed my other hand was sliding up and down my cock. She was definitely smooth and the warmth and wetness were incredible. This went on for several minutes until I felt her shift again and I lost contact with her pussy. I really wanted to see her but when I reached up for my blindfold her hand gently stopped me, pulled my hand away and I heard her whisper, "no, not yet."
This was the first time she'd said anything and even though it was just a whisper, it was incredibly erotic. I wasn't sure what she was doing and suddenly I was startled to hear my voice describing how I'd like to touch her, lick her pussy and make her cum against my mouth. Just as I realized that it was the video I'd sent her that I was listening to, I felt soft skin against my face. As I stuck out my tongue to explore two things came to me at once – the scent of pussy and the feel of her slit against my tongue. I'd wanted this for months now and here it finally was. I'd only eaten pussy once before (and then only because I was told it was the only way I'd get a blowjob) but I was determined to do the best I could. I licked, I nibbled, I sucked and I kissed, trying everything I'd seen in videos, read online or heard about & something was working because she got wetter and wetter and was soon thrusting down against my mouth.
I must have forgotten to keep stroking myself again but this time instead of her hand on mine it was her mouth on my cock that I felt as she leaned forward. Up to now I'd been too afraid to try touching her unless she indicated she wanted me to but with both hands free I grabbed her hips and pulled her even tighter down against my mouth. Her soft gasps had turned into a rhythmic panting and I hoped she was close to cumming because I knew I was. Just as I was trying to figure out a way to keep from exploding I felt the most amazing thing – her pussy started to spasm around my tongue, her whole body tensed and relaxed and I felt a stream of her juices against my already wet face.
That was too much for me and I started to cum. I could have tried to warn her but I wasn't thinking too clearly right then and after the first spurt I knew she'd figured it out. Unlike the town girls I'd been with who seemed to dislike blowjobs and hated guys cumming in their mouth, she kept sucking and I could feel her throat muscles contracting as she swallowed. When the last spurts had been swallowed, I felt her shift again and quickly figured out that she was straddling my waist. Good luck, I thought – I might be 19 but I'd just let loose the load of my life. When I felt her slowly sink down on my cock I realized that I hadn't gone soft which immediately gave me a boost of energy and I was soon meeting her thrust for thrust.
We went fast, we went slow, she took me deep and I teased her with just the tip until I felt another orgasm building. We were both moaning and groaning and then she lay forward and started kissing me. As her tongue parted my lips, my cock was parting hers and we both came together. As spurt after spurt shot into her hot depths, I couldn't take not seeing her any longer and reached up to take the blindfold off, half expecting to feel her stop me again but there was no interference. As it came off and my eyes adjusted to the light, I was totally stunned to be looking into the eyes of my sister – Rene.
As we both came down from the adrenaline rush she looked at me and said, 'sorry to fool you like this but you're the only one I ever wanted and I was sure if I'd told you then you'd never have let things go this far. When I was on your computer I saw your nickname and thought I'd take a chance."
As she leant closer and closer our lips and tongues met again and I knew she was right, I wouldn't have let it happen and now that it had I knew she was right about something else – she was the only one I wanted too. There hadn't been anyone in the living room and she was the one that had led me up from the back door. I really hadn't liked the big city until now but it has it's advantages, no one knows you and no one cares. To all our friends we're just another couple that met at university and got an apartment together, when we graduate in a few more months we're looking at moving even further north & starting the rest of our lives together.