


美國口語俚語(13) 1. have a passion for鐘愛 I have a passion for blue dresses. 我鐘愛藍色的衣服。 2. pep talk打氣,鼓勵的話 The coach gave his team a pep talk at half time, hoping to lead them to victory. 教練在半場時候給球員們打起,希望將他們引上勝利之途。 3. pick someone’s brains請教某人 I don’t understand any of this medical terminology. Do you mind if I pick your brains since you’re so knowledgeable in this area? 我對醫(yī)學術語一無所知。你在這方面如此在行,我能不能請教你一下? 4. pass out醉到了 He passed out after three beers. 喝了三杯啤酒后他就醉倒了。 5. way back好久以前 We’ve been friends since way back. 我們老早就是好朋友了。 美國口語俚語(14) 1. hit someone with a problem讓某人面對問題 I’m sorry to hit you with this problem. I don’t know who else to turn to. 很抱歉把這個問題拋給你,我不知道還可以找誰求助。 2. have it bad for狂戀 He really has it bad for her, but she has no ideas. 他狂戀著她,而她卻不知道。 3. hung over宿醉未醒 Don’t disturb him. He’s still hung over from last night. 別吵醒他,他宿醉仍未醒。 4. has-been過時的人或物 Lisa is a has-been. No one will hire her any more. 麗莎已經(jīng)過時了。沒人會再雇傭她。 5. have a bone to pick with有賬要算 I have a bone to pick with you. You still owe me the fifteen dollars you borrowed. 我有賬跟你算。你向我借的十五美金還沒還呢! 美國口語俚語(15) 1. let the cat out of the bag 泄漏秘密 I won't let the cat out of the bag. 我不會泄漏秘密的。 2. in the market for 想買,積極物色 People are always in the market for something new and different. 人們總想買點新奇的且與眾不同的東西。 3. meddle in 干涉,攪和 Harold asked his boss stop meddling in his personal life. 哈羅德要求老板別再干涉他的私生活。 4. screw loose脫線,神經(jīng)不對頭 Bill must have a screw loose somewhere; he's acting really strangely. Bill一定是哪根筋不對,他的行動真奇怪。 5. sell someone on 以...說服某人 She sold me on her idea. I think it will work. 她用她的看法說服了我,我想那行得通。
美國口語俚語(16) 1. hang in there忍耐一下 Hang in there. Things will look up soon. 忍耐一下。事情很快就會好轉的。 2. hands-off無為而治,順其自然 He takes a hands-off approach when it comes to raising his children. 他用無為而治的方式教養(yǎng)小孩。 3. gag me with a spoon我快吐了 Gag me with a spoon! Please don’t tell me such disgusting stories any more. 我快吐了!請別再說這么惡心的故事了。 4. get a move on趕快 Get a move on. You can’t park your car here. 趕快!你不能在這兒停車。 5. cook up想出 He cooked up a wonderful way to surprise his wife on her birthday. 他想出一個在他太太生日時讓她驚喜的妙法。 (呵,女人心中的好丈夫?。?美國口語俚語(17) 1. roll with the punches逆來順受 You have to roll with the punches if you want to survive in this business. 如果你想在這一行生存下去的話,就得逆來順受。 2. right off the bat立刻 I was all prepared to put up a fight, but he gave in right off the bat. 我正準備和他大打一場,但是他馬上就投降了。 3. get one’s feet wet參與,開始做 It’s not good to concentrate all your efforts on just writing. You should get your feet wet and trying painting or dancing. 單單寫作對你不好。你應該涉獵一下繪畫或舞蹈。 4. get after盯著,責備 Ann’s mother gets after her to hang up her clothes. 安的媽媽盯著她,要她把衣服掛好。 5. pan out成功,奏效 Unfortunately, the deal did not pan out. I lost a thousand dollars. 這筆生意不幸沒有成功,我損失了1,000美元。 美國口語俚語(18) 1. screw someone over欺負某人 After working in the office for ten years, Alice was fired for no apparent reason. How can they screw her over like that? 愛麗斯工作了十年之后,無緣無故被炒魷魚。他們怎么可以這樣欺負她呢? 2. down to the wire等到最后一刻才開始做事 Peter always waits until the last minute to do his work. I could never leave it down to the wire like that. 彼得總是等到最后一刻才開始做事。我從不想他那樣等到最后一刻才開始干。 3. buck抗拒 You can’t buck the system. 你無法抗拒整個制度。 4. blockhead笨蛋 Arnold is a blockhead if I ever saw one. 阿諾德是我見過的最笨的人。 5. blow the lid off揭發(fā)(丑聞) That newspaper story blew the lid off the Senator’s illegal business deals. 報紙的報道揭發(fā)了參議員的非法勾當。
美國口語俚語(19) 1. round up集合 Round everybody up. It’s time for our business meeting. 叫大家集合,開會時間到了。 2. put someone up留宿某人 I can put you up for a couple of days. My apartment is big enough for two people. 你可以在我這里住幾天。我的公寓可以住兩個人。 3. take care of business負責 Who’s going to take care of business while I am away? 我不在的時候誰負責? 4. take out on拿…出氣 Don’t take your frustrations out on me. 別把氣出在我身上。 5. hot stuff大人物 He thinks he’s hot stuff. But everybody else thinks he’s a jerk. 他自以為了不得,但其他人認為他是個傻瓜。 美國口語俚語(20) 1. nitty-gritty細節(jié),基本情況 Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. I want to hear what happens next. 讓我們來認真了解詳細的情況,我想知道后來發(fā)生了什么。 2. no good很糟 This typewriter is no good. Every time I use it, the ribbon falls out. 這臺打字機很糟。每次已用,色帶就掉下來。 3. have someone’s number清楚某人的底細,看穿某人 She dare not do anything to me, I have her number. 她不敢對我怎么樣的,因為我對她的底細一清二楚。 4. hot number新鮮、迷人的人或事務,尤物 Tom thinks Sherry is a hot number. Tom認為Sherry是個尤物。 5. off the hook逃脫,溜掉,不受罰 I’ll let you off the hook this time, but don’t do that again. 這次不罰你,下次不要這樣干了。
美國口語俚語大全3 美國口語俚語(21) 1. hunky-dory沒問題 Everything here is hunky-dory. Don’t worry. 別擔心,這里一切都沒問題。 2. I kid you not我不騙你 I kid you not. I saw this woman talking to her hand. 我不騙你。我看見這個女人跟她的手說話。 3. pop one’s cork大發(fā)脾氣 I’ve never seen Teresa pop her cork before. I always thought she was a very laid-back person. 我從來沒見過Teresa發(fā)脾氣。我原來一直以為她是個好好小姐。 4. poke one’s nose into something多管閑事 Gladys is always poking her nose into other people’s business. I don’t see how she has time to take care of her own affairs. 格拉迪斯總是愛管閑事,我不知道她怎么會有時間處理她自己的事。 5. pull a fast one欺騙 He tried to pull a fast one on us, but we caught on before he got away with it. 他想要欺騙我們,但在他陰謀得逞之前我們就知道了。 美國口語俚語(22) 1. beats me我不知道 Beats me. We haven’t learned that. 我不知道。我們還沒學過那個。 2. beat it走開 Beat it! I’m busy right now. 走開!我現(xiàn)在正忙著。 3. beat a dead horse白費口舌,白費力氣 I’ve already made up my mind. There’s no sense beating a dead horse. 我已經(jīng)下了決心,不要再白費口舌了。 4. John Hancock簽名 Put your John Hancock right here. 請在這里簽名。 5. keep it under raps保密 Don’t tell anyone about the party. Let’s just keep it under raps. 不要吧晚會的事告訴任何人。這件事情不要泄漏出去。 美國口語俚語(23) 1. kick around討論;多考慮一下 Let’s kick around a few more proposals before we come to a final decision. 我們最后決定之前多考慮幾個方案吧。 2. junkie吸毒者 The junkie stole money in order to buy more drugs. 這名吸毒者為了買更多的毒品而偷錢。 3. put away大吃大喝 I’ve never seen anybody put away so much food and still look so thin. 我從未見過這么能吃的人還這么瘦。 4. put a move on挑逗 He tried to put the moves on her, but she turned him down. 他想要挑逗她,但她拒絕了他。 5. put one’s ass on the line兩肋插刀,不惜一切 I put my ass on the line for you. I know you’ll do the same for me someday. 我為你兩肋插刀,我知道有朝一日你也會為我這么做。
美國口語俚語(24) 1. drag討厭 What a drag! There’s nothing to do here! 真是討厭!這里沒什么可干的! 2. a drop in the bucket滄海一粟 The amount of money Mr. Howell spent on a new Rolls-Royce was just a drop in the bucket compared to his annual salary. 豪威爾先生賣一輛辛勞斯萊斯汽車的錢和他的年薪相比不過是滄海一粟。 3. drop dead去死 Suzy told Mike, “Drop dead!” when he kept teasing her about her weight. 麥克不停的取笑蘇齊的體重時,蘇齊說:“你去死吧!” 4. down and out窮困潦倒 Sarah was down and out after losing her job and her apartment. 薩拉丟掉工作和房子后變得窮困潦倒。 5. all that jazz諸如此類 He only cares about basketball, TV, girls, and all that jazz. 他只關心籃球、電視、女孩這一類事情。 美國口語俚語(25) 1. know-it-all萬事通 Grace is always correcting other people. She thinks she’s a know-it-all. 格雷斯總是在糾正別人,她覺得自己是萬事通。 2. kooky古怪的 That man is really kooky. He has fifty-three cats! 那個人真怪。他養(yǎng)了53只貓! 3. let someone have it讓某人好看 Next time I see Rick, I’m going to let him have it. 下次我看到李克時要他好看。 4. a leg up占上風 All Jeff’s hard work is paying off. He’s a leg up on the rest of his competitors. 杰夫的努力是有報答的。他在競爭對手中占了上風。 5. low-life落魄潦倒的人 Chris is such a low-life. He sleeps on the park bench and drink booze all day. 克利斯真是落魄潦倒。他睡在公園板凳上而且整天喝酒。 美國口語俚語(26) 1. call it quits不干了 After being in the used car business for 40 years, Harry finally called it quits. 做了40年舊車生意后,哈利終于洗手不干了。 2. chip in出錢 We all chipped in to buy Jennifer a going-away present. 大家都出錢買一個送別禮物給Jennifer. 3. a chip off the old block一個模子印出來的;酷似(父母的人) Scott certainly is a chip off the old block. He reminds me so much of his father when he was that age. 斯克特酷似他爸爸。他讓我想起他爸爸在他這年齡時的許多事。 4. clean up one’s act信心革面,重新做人 You’d better clean up your act if you want to go to a good school. 如果你想金好學校就要洗心革面,奮發(fā)圖強 5. cliffhanger吊人胃口的東西 TV series like Dallas usually end the season with a cliffhanger. 象《達拉斯》這樣的電視連續(xù)劇經(jīng)常以吊人胃口的方式結束一個時節(jié)。
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