SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Paul Saffo, Silicon Valley’s leading futurist, recently described the current wave of technology as having gone through a transition from “personal” as in the personal computer, to “intimate” with the proliferation of smartphones.
But this intimacy — having a camera phone and a connection to the Internet in your pocket — is fueling increasingly annoying behavior.
Chip giant Intel Corp. (NASDAQ:INTC) has even been conducting studies on mobile etiquette. In September, it released a study that found a lot of “oversharing.”
“At least six out of 10 adults and teens said they believe other people divulge too much information about themselves online, with Japan being the only exception,” Intel said.
Read Intel''s most recent mobile etiquette survey. This column visited the issue of smartphone etiquette over two years ago. But I regret to inform you that it appears personal behavior is getting even worse, in no small part to oversharing on social media like Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) and Twitter.
Read Silicon Valley, meet Emily Post So here are 10 tech blunders to avoid next year:
1) No more food porn.
Rex Nutting/MarketWatch
No more photos of food in restaurants. Sorry, but I don’t really care about your tower of pommes frites, your perfectly braised steak au poivre or your pan-seared sea bass. Photos of food, especially via Instragram, need to stop. I bet I am not the only one sick of food porn.
2) We don’t need to know your location every moment.
Check-ins via FourSquare or status updates at airports detailing your destinations, especially exotic locations like Fiji, so that all your friends will be jealous. Perhaps these people do deserve to get robbed after telling their 1,000 Facebook friends they are on their way out of town for a three-week vacation.
3) Medical concerns should only be ‘shared’ with a doctor.
Close-up photos of skin problems or other health issues posted in social media, in an effort to “crowd source” a diagnosis or to get sympathy from friends about an illness. Please, just go to the doctor.
4) No one cares what you’re listening to.
Sharing whatever you are listening to over Spotify. Do we really need to learn that so-and-so is listening to Bob Dylan, The Smiths, Britney Spears or Lady Gaga? Often, instead of getting ideas of new music to listen to from our friends, we end up privately laughing at them, or thinking their music choices are pathetic. Just keep your music selections to yourself.
5) Giant attachments.
Stop sending massive email attachments, especially over corporate email systems. Many people think everyone welcomes a one megabyte photo or larger of their new baby, grandson, home or pet. Public relations people are the worst, often sending giant attachments, instead of just linking to a website. Stop this rude behavior now.
6) Keep your wild side under wraps.
This is a no-brainer and has been complained about ad infinitum. But it is worth reminding everyone that you should never post drunken photos, photos of yourself chugging booze, in a drinking contest, looking drunk, or out of it. As has been written before, it is very hard to delete photos from social media, and recruiters often search social media to learn more about potential candidates. The same goes for status updates or tweets about being wasted.
7) Stop the Twitter drama.
Sending messages to individuals on Twitter in public that really should be private messages, or having public arguments over Twitter. Some self-aggrandizing types seem to think that everything they do should be chronicled and scrutinized over Twitter. We don’t care.
8) Don’t fall in love with your smartphone.
Stop acting like the smartphone is the center of your world. Do you really need to check your email, play a game, update your Facebook status, or send a tweet every minute of the day? Some people even admit to sleeping with their smartphones. A smartphone is an electronic device, not a spouse. Wake up and look at the world around you.
9) Text safely and politely.
Be considerate of others when using your mobile phone or tablet. Do not speak loudly in public, text or surf the Web while driving. If you have to make a phone call or send a text, please excuse yourself and leave the room, conversation or meeting.
Read more about mobile manners from the Emily Post Institute. 10) The train is not your office.
Stop taking up room on public transportation with your laptop-laden backpack, which remains on your back while you stand in the middle of the subway or bus. Or the clueless riders whose mobile offices occupy a seat while fellow commuters are forced to stand. Make room for others and put the bag at your feet. San Francisco is full of arrogant people whose giant bags hog public transport space and I am betting other cities have similar incidents of people with no manners.
For a New Year’s resolution in 2013, please try to think about your actions before you type, click, or share.
And visit Emily Post’s website. Please.