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<script language=javascript>
function get_cookie(name_to_get) {
var cookie_pair
var cookie_name
var cookie_value
// Split all the cookies into an array
var cookie_array = document.cookie.split("; ")
// Run through the cookies
for (counter = 0; counter < cookie_array.length; counter++) {
// Split the cookie into a name/value pair
cookie_pair = cookie_array[counter].split("=")
cookie_name = cookie_pair[0]
cookie_value = cookie_pair[1]
// Compare the name with the name we want
if (cookie_name == name_to_get) {
// If this is the one, return the value
return unescape(cookie_value)
// If the cookie doesn't exist, return null
return null
// Get the bgColor cookie
var bg_color = get_cookie("bgColor_cookie")
// Did the cookie exist?
//if (bg_color) {
// document.bgColor = bg_color
function set_color(color_val) {
// Get the currently selected color
//var color_list = color_form.color_name
//var selected_color = color_list.options[color_list.selectedIndex].value
// Change the color of the background
//opener.document["bgColor"] = color_val
// Save it in a cookie
set_cookie("bgColor_cookie", color_val, 365, "/")
function set_cookie(cookie_name, cookie_value, cookie_expire, cookie_path, cookie_domain, cookie_secure) {
// Begin the cookie parameter string
var cookie_string = cookie_name + "=" + cookie_value
// Add the expiration date, if it was specified
if (cookie_expire) {
var expire_date = new Date()
var ms_from_now = cookie_expire * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
expire_date.setTime(expire_date.getTime() + ms_from_now)
var expire_string = expire_date.toGMTString()
cookie_string += "; expires=" + expire_string
// Add the path, if it was specified
if (cookie_path) {
cookie_string += "; path=" + cookie_path
// Add the domain, if it was specified
if (cookie_domain) {
cookie_string += "; domain=" + cookie_domain
// Add the secure Boolean, if it's true
if (cookie_secure) {
cookie_string += "; true"
// Set the cookie
document.cookie = cookie_string
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