





Educational Resources Links
Developer: Educational Technology Review Center.
Access to state-of-the-art technology, in-service training, and implementation of technology into the curriculum.

Educational Technology and the Schoolhouse of Quality
Developer: Steed Hammond Paul Inc.
Gives brief information on how to plan for educational technology.

Educational Technology Network
Developer: Educational Technology Associates.
The Educational Technology Network website is the result of a collaboration of professional educators and technologists committed to realizing the potential of technology in education. This page provides recommendations, software reviews, and links.

Developer: TECFA at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, Faculty of Psychology & Educational Sciences.
A listing of a wide variety of resources for educational technology, includes links to topics, announcements, educational virtual reality, courseware, software, and institutions and people.

Teaching with Electronic Technology
Developer: Michael L. Hall, University of Maryland, Collge Park.
A good collection of links to major Internet sites covering the use of technology and the Internet in teaching.

Technology in Education Links
Developer: Philip Merill.
Links geared to the special focus of educators involved in technology research and purchase.

Texas Center for Educational Technology (TCET)
Developer: College of Education, University of Texas
Here you can find links to educational resources on the Web which are related to technology and curriculum areas, as well as links to pages of information concerning important topics in educational technology : planning, networking and technical support.

Becta‘s Home Page
Developer: BECTA
After 31 March 1998, the National Council for Educational Technology (NCET) becomes the British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTA). At this site, there are full-text documents of its publications, information about educational technology and links to relevant web sites and organisations.

Yahoo! Education:Instructional Technology
Developer: Yahoo, Inc.
Links to sites on Instructional Technology by Yahoo.


International Conference on Technology and Education
Developer: ICTE Inc.
This organisation of technologically-oriented educators meets each Spring to continue its work of fostering the exchange of ideas among those engaged in using technology in various forms in education. The site has news about the current meeting and the next scheduled one.

Yahoo! Education:Instructional Technology:Conferences
Developer: Yahoo, Inc.
Announces up coming conferences.


Educational Technology Journal
Developer: Jamie Mc Kenzie.
Free electronic journal published since 1991 with a focus upon educational technologies.

Educational Technology & Society (ISSN 1436-4522)
Developer: Dorota Mularczyk, Web Designer.
Focuses on the use of technology to enhance individual learning as well as to achieve widespread education.

e-JIST Home Page
Developer: Distance Education Centre, University of Southern Queensland, Australia 4350.
An electronic solicits articles covering a wide range of areas including foundations of instructional science, practice of instructional design in education and training, instructional delivery technologies, evaluation of instructional design input, future developments, reports or reviews of research and books. Available from Volume 1 No. 1, October 1995 onwards.

Developer: Association for Educational Communications and Technology, additional support provided by Georgetown University, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Northern Arizona University.
The Interpersonal Computing and Technology Journal (IPCT-J) is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal, published four times a year. The journal‘s focus is on computer-mediated communication, and the pedagogical issues surrounding the use of computers and technology in educational settings.

Journal of Educational Media (formerly Journal of Educational Television)
Developer: CARFAX
Official journal of the Educational Television Association. It is an international forum for discussion and reports on developments in the increasingly important and rapidly expanding field of the use of television and related media in teaching, learning and training.

Journal of Technology Education
Developer: International Technology Education Association (ITEA).
Provides a forum for scholarly discussion on topics relating to technology education. Focus on technology education research, philosophy, theory, or practice. In addition, the Journal publishes book reviews, editorials, guest articles, comprehensive literature reviews, and reactions to previously published articles.

Louisiana Educational Technology Review
Developer: Educational Technology Review Center.
Online journal available from Winter 1995 onwards.


A*DEC Distance Education Consortium
URL: http://www.adec.edu/
Developer: ADEC Distance Education Consortium, hosted by NC State University.
ADEC is an international consortium of state and land grant institutions providing distance education programmes and services. Their Program Database lists courses about Distance Education and other content areas. ADEC is also known as the American Distance Education Consortium and as AgSat.

ARIS (Adult Education Resource and Information Service) homepage
Developer: Dave Tout and Jan Kindler, ARIS Coordinators.
Non-profit information and resource service about adult education issues, focusing on adult English language, literacy and numeracy education.

Center for Distance Learning Research (CDLR)
Developer:  Center for Distance Learning Research Texas A&M University.
Texas A&M University‘s CDLR provides information on the development, application and maintenance of information technology systems through demonstration, training, publications and technical assistance.

Center for Excellence in Distance Learning (CEDL)
Developer: Site provided by Lucent Technologies.
Contains a number of links to sites related to distance learning, including some that focus on teleconferencing or collaboration by teachers. It also offers some outstanding information products (case studies, glossary, research abstracts, published articles, handbooks, etc.

Commonwealth Open University
Developer: Commonwealth Open University, Ltd.
An international institution registered and established in the British Virgin Islands (U.K.). COU provides adult continuing education. It was developed to meet the needs of adults by offering non-resident degree and other programmes on an international basis.

DCDE Home Page (Colorado State University, Division of Continuing and Distance Education)
Developer: Colorado State University
Provides both credit and non-credit courses. Professional degrees and certification programmes available.

Directory of online courses
Developer: Brevard Community College.
Get your Associate degree from the comfort of your own home.

Distance Education - Canada
Developer: Marian Press.
List of institutions and centres by states in Canada that offer distance education.

Distance Learning Institutions and Courses Database
Developer: International Centre for Distance Learning.
ICDL is a documentation centre specialising in collecting and disseminating information on distance education worldwide. This site contains information on institutions world-wide teaching at a distance together with details of programmes and courses offered by some of these institutions. ICDL is part of the Open University

Globewide Network Academy
Developer: Globewide Network Academy.
Contains free online databases of distance education courses, programs, and other resources.

The Institute of Educational Technology
Developer: The Institute of Educational Technology.
Institute of Educational Technology which received world class rating in the 1992 and 1996 Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) Research Assessment Exercises. Works in collaboration with Open University Faculty and offers Open and Distance Education.

Learning over the Internet: Courses, Curricula, Programs, Syllabi, etc.
Developer: Carolyn Kotlas, MSLS Center for Instructional Tecchnology University of  North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Includes links to virtual colleges, universities, and degree programs; catalogues and directories of online courses and programs; syllabi and other curriculum materials; samples of online classes; and consortia, associations, and related professional organisations that are concerned with using the Internet for delivering higher education.

Universiti Tun Abdul Razak
Malaysia‘s first virtual university.

1999 Off Campus Undergraduate Course Guide
Developer:  Lisa Stanton, Deakin University.
The mission of Deakin University is to offer innovative and flexible high-quality courses that are informed by current scholarship, research and professional practice, to all of its students, whether studying on campus, in the workplace, or at home.

1999 USQ: Courses Offered by Distance Education Mode
Developer: University of Southern Queensland, Australia.
Fully accredited post graduate university course in Open and Distance Learning delivered entirely electronically.

NewPromise.com - Home Page
Developer: New Promise Inc.Cambridge, MA.
Has a list of online courses. Claimed to contain the most comprehensive index of undergraduate and graduate online courses.

OnLine Education (OLE)
Developer: OnLine Education.
Offers degree courses on-line. By making innovative use of the latest technology, OnLine Education introduces the simplest and most efficient way to study. Founded on 15th July, 1993 to create new distance learning opportunities for working professionals worldwide.

Open Learning Australia
Developer: Open Learning Australia.
Open Learning Australia (OLA) is an educational organisation owned by seven of Australia‘s leading universities. It is an innovative education venture offering all Australians, regardless of age, location or educational qualifications, the opportunity to study university and TAFE units leading to diplomas, degrees and other qualifications.

The Open University
Developer: The Open University, U.K..
Britain‘s largest teaching institution in open and distance learning. As part of the Open University‘s commitment to using new technology in teaching, they are now allowing selected courses to be studied from anywhere in the world using the Internet as the communications medium between students, their tutors, and the University administration.

The Open University of Hong Kong
The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) was set up by the Hong Kong Government in September 1989 as the Open Learning Institute of Hong Kong. Two characteristics set it apart from other conventional tertiary institutions: it is ‘open‘, and it is the first institution in Hong Kong to provide higher education mainly through distance learning.

Parkland College Online Courses
Developer: Parkland College.
In this site you also can visit The Distance & Virtual Learning Department, which contains links to resources related to course development, software and hardware, instructional strategies, resources, research and evaluation, separated by discipline, The Center for Virtual Learning,  Visit the New Virtual Ed Database!

The World Lecture Hall
Developer: Academic Computing and Instructional Technology Services, ACITS at The University of Texas at Austin.
Contains links to pages created by faculty worldwide who are using the Web to deliver class materials. The site contains hundreds of courses listed by category, and includes course syllabi, assignments, lecture notes, exams, class calendared, and multimedia textbooks.


Anne Villems

Karin Ekberg

  • How do we support learning by the way we communicate and interact with students? - html

Gajane Valcheuskaya

  • Key Differences between Blackboard, IBM Learning Space, ToolBook II and WebCT - ppt
  • CEENet, RuWirEd and recent developments in electronic learning in Belarus (joined paper with dr Jacek Gajewsky) - html

Merill Oates

Rolf Dalin

  • What do we need objectives for? - html
  • Goals - html

Mart Laanpere

  • Designing the learning activitiesin WebCT environment - html
  • Basics of the Instructional Design - html
  • Theories of learning and teaching - html

Satu Nurmela

  • Activating methods in training - html
  • Web-based course design - what is it all about? - html
  • Tutoring and student support in web-based environments - html


Applying Learning Theories
to Online Instructional Design
By Peter J. Patsula, Sookmyung Women‘s University, Seoul. 1999

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http://celt.cityu.edu.hk/ilt/index.htm:   Integrating Learning Technology (ILT)

http://cwx.prenhall.com/heinich/:Instructional Media and Technologies


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