When Steve Jobs walked on to the stage at San Francisco’s Yerba Buena Center in January, it capped the most remarkable comeback in modern business history. | 今年1月,史蒂夫•喬布斯(Steve Jobs)走上舊金山芳草地藝術(shù)中心(Yerba Buena Center)的舞臺發(fā)布iPad,完成了現(xiàn)代商業(yè)史上最引人注目的一次復(fù)出。 |
It wasn’t simply a matter of the illness that had sidelined him for half the year before, leaving him severely emaciated and eventually requiring a liver transplant. Little more than a decade earlier, both Mr Jobs’ career and Apple, the company he had co-founded, were widely considered washed up, their relevance to the future of technology written off both in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street. | 這不僅僅關(guān)乎半年前迫使他退居幕后的疾病。病魔一度令喬布斯嚴重消瘦,最終不得不進行肝臟移植手術(shù)。而就在十多年前,幾乎所有人認為喬布斯的事業(yè)及其共同創(chuàng)立的蘋果公司(Apple)已經(jīng)走上絕路。硅谷和華爾街都斷定,它們已經(jīng)與科技的未來無緣。 |
By the start of this year, however, the rebound was complete. The level of anticipation whipped up in advance of the January event was unusual even by Mr Jobs’ own, impressive standards. | 然而,到了今年初,蘋果已然重生。在1月份的發(fā)布會之前,即使是按照喬布斯自己的苛刻標準衡量,外界對蘋果的期望程度也是異乎尋常的。 |
Critics often talk disparagingly of the “reality distortion field” generated by the Apple boss: his ability to convince onlookers that technologies that would seem unformed in other hands have reached a peak of perfection at Apple. Generating this suspension of disbelief is essential to stirring up demand for gadgets most consumers had no idea they needed, and is an art form of which Mr Jobs has long been the acknowledged master. | 批評者總是用貶抑的口吻談?wù)搯滩妓箘?chuàng)造的“現(xiàn)實扭曲場”:他能讓觀眾信服,那些在其他廠商手中似乎尚未成形的技術(shù)已經(jīng)被蘋果完美地應(yīng)用。為了激起消費者購買他們自己也不知道是否真正需要的電子產(chǎn)品的欲望,打消他們的疑慮極其關(guān)鍵,而喬布斯則早就被公認為這種藝術(shù)形式的大師。 |
Speculation had been building in the tech world for months about what was rumoured to be Apple’s latest ground-breaking product. A touch-screen computer without a keyboard, it might even rival the impact of the iPod, introduced in 2001, and the iPhone, in 2007. In the event, the iPad that Mr Jobs carried on to the stage with him that day did not disappoint. | 在iPad發(fā)布之前的數(shù)月內(nèi),科技界對蘋果這款最新的突破性產(chǎn)品猜測紛紛。據(jù)傳它是沒有鍵盤的觸摸屏電腦,甚至可以媲美2001年的iPod和2007年的iPhone帶來的影響。在1月份的發(fā)布會上,喬布斯帶上臺的iPad沒有讓人們失望。 |
A rebuttal of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s much-quoted aphorism that there are no second acts in American life does not come more decisively than this. When Steven Paul Jobs first hit the headlines, he was younger even than Mark Zuckerberg is now. Long before it was cool to be a nerd, his formative role in popularising the personal computer, and Apple’s initial public offering on Wall Street – which came when Mr Jobs was still only 25 – made him the tech industry’s first rock star. | 對于F•斯科特•菲茨杰拉德(F. Scott Fitzgerald)廣為流傳的名言(美國人的生命中沒有第二幕)而言,沒有比這更堅決的反駁了。喬布斯首次登上報紙頭條時,甚至比現(xiàn)在的馬克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)還要年輕。早在書呆子備受追捧之前,由于在普及個人電腦(PC)中發(fā)揮的關(guān)鍵作用,以及蘋果在華爾街的成功上市(當時喬布斯年僅25歲),喬布斯就成為了科技界的第一個搖滾明星。 |
Now, three decades on, he has secured his place in the foremost ranks of the West Coast tech titans who have done so much to shape the world around the turn of the millennium. Long-time nemesis Bill Gates may be richer and, at his peak, arguably exerted greater sway, thanks to his monopoly over the world’s PC software. But the Microsoft co-founder has left the stage to devote his life and fortune to good works. It is Mr Jobs who now holds the spotlight. | 如今,三十年過去了,喬布斯成為了在塑造世紀之交的世界中居功至偉的美國西海岸的幾大科技巨頭之一。他的老對手比爾•蓋茨(Bill Gates)或許更富有,而且在蓋茨的事業(yè)巔峰時期,憑借其在PC軟件領(lǐng)域的壟斷,可以說蓋茨的影響力比喬布斯更大。但蓋茨已經(jīng)離開了舞臺,將其余生和財富奉獻給慈善事業(yè)。如今,喬布斯才是焦點所在。 |
Of all the fingers that Apple has poked into Microsoft’s eyes over the years, none can have rankled as much as the early success of the iPad. Mr Gates himself championed a tablet computer nearly a decade ago, though the stylus needed to write on its screen and the PC-like interface generated little demand. | 這些年來,在蘋果針對微軟的所有打擊中,沒有一次比得過iPad的巨大成功造成的沖擊。近十年前,蓋茨自己也開發(fā)過一款平板電腦,但由于需要用筆在屏幕上寫字,并且采用與PC一樣的界面,該產(chǎn)品并未帶動多少需求。 |
The iPad is already turning out to be a different story. Extending the iPhone’s innovations of a more versatile screen and lightweight “apps” designed for specific tasks, it points to a future beyond the computer mouse – and a world without Windows. Sales of cheaper notebook computers are already suffering. | iPad則完全不同。iPad延續(xù)了iPhone在屏幕多用途以及用于具體任務(wù)的輕量級“應(yīng)用程序”方面的創(chuàng)新,代表著一個沒有計算機鼠標和沒有Windows的未來。廉價上網(wǎng)本的銷售已經(jīng)受到了沖擊。 |
It is not a vision that is universally welcomed among the digerati. By deciding which apps are available in its online store, and setting the rules for how those apps are developed, Apple rules this new kingdom more closely than Microsoft ever ruled the PC. | 不是所有數(shù)字專家都歡迎這樣的未來。通過操縱在線商店銷售的應(yīng)用程序,以及為開發(fā)這些應(yīng)用制定規(guī)則,蘋果對這個新王國的控制更勝于微軟對PC的控制。 |
To critics, this is the dark side of Mr Jobs’ perfectionism. Dependent on Apple’s good graces, new ideas could be stifled. Google, once an ally, has positioned itself as the anti-Apple: a company that has drawn on the openness of the web itself as the model for its own smartphone software. | 對批評者來說,這是喬布斯完美主義的陰暗面。依賴蘋果善意的新思想很可能會被扼殺。曾經(jīng)的盟友谷歌(Google)站到了蘋果的對立面。谷歌以web的開放性為基礎(chǔ),建立了自己的智能手機軟件模式。 |
For now, though, those fears are largely hypothetical, and millions of consumers are only too happy to buy a piece of the elegant – and elegantly simple – digital life that Mr Jobs is selling. His ability to get consumers to line up for products conjured from nothing – paying premium prices, and in uncertain economic times – draws accolades even from rivals. | 然而,就目前而言,那些擔憂很大程度上仍然是一種假設(shè),眾多消費者也非常樂意購買喬布斯銷售的設(shè)計優(yōu)雅、簡單易用的數(shù)字產(chǎn)品。喬布斯能夠使消費者在不確定的經(jīng)濟形勢下,著魔般地排隊溢價購買蘋果產(chǎn)品。這種能力甚至贏得了競爭對手的推崇。 |
“Steve’s the last of the great builders,” says Roger McNamee, a Silicon Valley financier who led a recent, failed attempt to rebuild Palm in Apple’s image. “What makes him different is that he’s creating jobs and economic activity out of thin air while just about every other CEO in America is working out ways to cut costs and lay people off.” | 硅谷金融家羅杰•麥克納米(Roger McNamee)表示:“史蒂夫是最后一個偉大的創(chuàng)造者。他的與眾不同之處在于,當美國其他首席執(zhí)行官都在設(shè)法削減開支和裁員的時候,他卻在憑空創(chuàng)造新的就業(yè)和經(jīng)濟活動。”麥克納米最近曾模仿蘋果重建Palm,但宣告失敗。 |
The sophistication of his touch-screen devices is a long way from Mr Job’s rudimentary start in the garage of his adoptive parents in suburban northern California. It was there that the circuit boards were assembled for the first personal computers designed by co-founder Steve Wozniak. Rough wooden cases to house the boards were an optional extra. | 蘋果觸摸屏產(chǎn)品的復(fù)雜性,遠遠超過了喬布斯在車庫中鼓搗出的初級產(chǎn)品。當時喬布斯在其位于加州北部郊區(qū)的養(yǎng)父母家中,與史蒂夫•沃茲尼亞克(Steve Wozniak)用電路板組裝出第一臺個人電腦。外面套著一個做工粗糙的木盒——這是可選配件。 |
There was little in Mr Jobs’ beginnings that gave a hint of what was to come. A college drop-out with no formal engineering background, he had just returned from a trip to India when he and Mr Wozniak found a way to turn their electronics hobby into a fledgling business. | 創(chuàng)業(yè)之初,沒有任何跡象表明喬布斯能取得今日的成就。他從大學(xué)退了學(xué),沒有任何正式的工程背景,剛剛從印度旅行回來。他不過是與沃茲尼亞克一起找到了一種方法,將他們對電子產(chǎn)品的愛好轉(zhuǎn)化為了初創(chuàng)企業(yè)。 |
As told by journalist-turned-venture capitalist Michael Moritz in Return to the Little Kingdom, Mr Jobs’ spiritual aspirations left him with little use for either shoes or soap for long periods – to the distress of co-workers. A spirituality guided by his training in Zen Buddhism has played a central part in his life, even prompting him to eschew formal medical treatment for a period during his battle with pancreatic cancer. | 風險投資家邁克爾•莫里茨(Michael Moritz)在《重返小王國》(Return to the Little Kingdom)一書中寫道,喬布斯對性靈的追求導(dǎo)致在很長一段時間里,鞋子或者肥皂對他來說都毫無用處——這令與他共事的人十分痛苦。禪宗佛教教義在他的生活里扮演著中心角色,以致于在患上胰臟癌之后,他有一段時間拒絕接受常規(guī)治療,試圖通過佛教提倡的“精神力”克服病患。 |
Mr Jobs’ first stint at Apple was to last less than a decade. At the age of 30, after a power struggle with a more experienced executive who had been hired to run the upstart company, he was out. But in 1997, a floundering Apple acquired Mr Job’s second company, Next, and within the year he was back in control. | 不到10年后,蘋果聘用了一位更富有經(jīng)驗的經(jīng)理人來管理這家迅速成長的企業(yè),在一場權(quán)力斗爭之后,30歲的喬布斯選擇了離開他一手創(chuàng)辦的公司。但在1997年,陷入困境的蘋果收購了喬布斯開辦的第二家公司NeXT,這一年還沒過去,喬布斯便再度掌控蘋果。 |
The iPad is the culmination of an approach that he has seemingly been perfecting for his entire career. Those who have laboured under him describe him as a stern taskmaster who understands the art of the possible, rather than a long-range visionary. That means pushing relentlessly forward rather than milking old successes – even ones as significant as the iPod. | iPad是喬布斯日臻完美的職業(yè)生涯的巔峰之作。曾在他手底下做事的人將他描述為一個嚴厲的工頭,只理解無限可能的藝術(shù),而不是長期遠景。這意味著堅持不懈地向前邁進,而不是依靠往日的成功獲利——即使是iPod這樣的明星產(chǎn)品。 |
“Other companies might try to stretch out the life of [the iPod], but they were willing to say, ‘No there’s better technology,’?” says Carl Bass, chief executive of Autodesk, a design software company that has developed apps for the iPad. “I don’t often think about CEOs being brave and courageous, but Steve is.” | 軟件設(shè)計商歐特克(Autodesk)首席執(zhí)行官卡爾•巴斯(Carl Bass)說:“其他公司可能會試圖延長iPod產(chǎn)品線的壽命,但蘋果會說,‘不,還有更好的技術(shù)。’首席執(zhí)行官們并不都是勇敢無畏的,但史蒂夫絕對是這樣的人。”歐特克是iPad的應(yīng)用開發(fā)商之一。 |
Inside Apple, it is clear who calls the shots on design and development. “You have to make one guy like what you’re doing,” said one recently departed executive, who spoke only on the condition he not be named. “He’s the customer, and he’s the marketing department too.” | 在蘋果公司內(nèi)部,喬布斯在設(shè)計和開發(fā)方面擁有最終決策權(quán)。一名不愿透露姓名的蘋果前高管說:“你必須讓一個人喜歡你的產(chǎn)品。他既是用戶,也是營銷部門。” |
That famed attention to detail can be obsessive. A lieutenant who left this year describes how the Apple boss can become more fixated in finding flaws in an icon on a screen than in the programme it represents. “You can go into a meeting with the most wonderful product in the world, and he will stare at the icon for the entire meeting,” this person says. | 喬布斯對細節(jié)的關(guān)注幾近癡迷。一名今年離職的喬布斯助手稱,這位蘋果公司的老板會對某個程序圖標的外觀缺陷念念不忘,甚至超過對程序bug的關(guān)注程度。“大家開會討論全世界最為奇妙的產(chǎn)品,他卻會在整個會議期間目不轉(zhuǎn)睛地盯著那個圖標。”這名人士說。 |
The same perfectionism is brought to his hotly anticipated public appearances. Before the lights go on, he practises every phrase. An executive at another company – who was due to share the stage for an Apple announcement – recalls that when he was brought onstage during rehearsal, breaking Mr Jobs’ concentration, he and the staffers leading him were treated to a hailstorm of invective. | 這種完美主義情結(jié)也在喬布斯每次廣受期待的公開亮相中表現(xiàn)得淋漓盡致。每次上場前,他會對每一環(huán)節(jié)進行演練。一名其他公司的首席執(zhí)行官曾與喬布斯共同登臺發(fā)布蘋果產(chǎn)品。他回憶道,他在喬布斯排練中途被帶上臺,擾亂了喬布斯的注意力,結(jié)果他和帶他上臺的工作人員都被喬布斯痛罵了一頓。 |
That makes Apple’s slips, when they occur, noteworthy. A wrap-around antenna on this year’s iPhone 4 made the device more susceptible to dropped calls. Mr Jobs, who had boasted of the elegance and technical mastery of the steel band, lashed out defensively, pointing to similar reception issues with rival smartphones – before offering Apple’s style-conscious customers ungainly plastic “bumpers” to cover the metal. The engineer in charge of the project later quietly left Apple. | 這導(dǎo)致蘋果的每一次失誤都尤為引人關(guān)注。今年發(fā)布的iPhone 4由于環(huán)形天線存在缺陷,更容易掉線。令長期鼓吹這款產(chǎn)品的精致和技術(shù)含量的喬布斯大為火光,并大力為之辯護,聲稱其他智能手機也存在類似問題。但最后,蘋果還是向時尚意識很強的用戶們免費提供緩沖手機套,暫時解決了這一問題;負責該項目的工程師稍后也悄然離職。 |
As Apple’s business has grown, Mr Jobs’ style has changed, according to people who have worked with him. “There is a lot more pragmatism,” says a veteran who left this year. With sales of more than $50bn, Apple has had to look to the mass market. | 據(jù)一名與其共事的人士稱,隨著蘋果業(yè)務(wù)的增長,喬布斯的風格也發(fā)生了變化。一名蘋果前雇員稱:“實用主義的成分越來越多。”隨著銷售額超過500億美元,蘋果已經(jīng)將目光投向大眾市場。 |
Compromise seems too strong a word, but the greater sense of expediency reflects Apple’s new place in the world. Its iPads are now on sale at mass-market retailers – a world away from the high style of Apple’s own retail stores. | “妥協(xié)”一詞也許過于強烈,但這種更強烈的利害意識代表了蘋果在全世界的重新定位。如今,大眾市場零售商也開始銷售iPad,而這些零售商與蘋果專賣店的高端形象格格不入。 |
In this new phase of his life, Mr Jobs is no longer the underdog. Buoyed by the iPad, Apple’s shares finally surpassed Microsoft in May to make it the world’s most valuable technology concern. Others now have Apple in their sights, forcing Mr Jobs into the competitive moves that would once have seemed out of character. Apple has acknowledged its rivalry with Facebook, for instance, by releasing Ping, a me-too social network for iTunes users that a prouder Steve Jobs would not have let out the door. | 在人生的新階段,喬布斯不再是一個失敗者。5月,在iPad熱銷的推動下,蘋果市值終于超越微軟,成為全球最具價值的科技公司。而其他公司也都在盯著蘋果,迫使喬布斯采取了一些以往看起來不符合其風格的競爭手段。例如,在意識到Facebook的威脅后,蘋果面向iTunes用戶推出了類似的社交平臺Ping。換作當年那個傲氣十足的史蒂夫•喬布斯,這是萬萬不可能的。 |
And he has adopted a dismissive tone towards Google, a former ally. He called the smaller, 7in tablets running Google software “useless unless you include sandpaper so users can sand their fingers down” – though some speculate that Apple will counter with a similar gadget of its own. | 此外,面對曾經(jīng)的盟友——谷歌,喬布斯表現(xiàn)出一種輕蔑的態(tài)度。他將搭載谷歌Android操作系統(tǒng)和7英寸顯示屏的平板電腦稱為“毫無用處,除非附送砂紙,好讓用戶磨細手指”。盡管有人猜測,蘋果有可能也推出一款類似尺寸的平板電腦與之抗衡。 |
The attention of regulators is also new. After antitrust authorities took an interest this year, Mr Jobs backed off a requirement that forced developers to use Apple’s software tools to create apps, barring rival Adobe’s technology – though the reversal also seemed calculated to appease developers who might otherwise turn more attention to creating apps for phones running Google’s software. “They have to be less arrogant than they have been,” says one former executive. | 監(jiān)管機構(gòu)的關(guān)注也是喬布斯沒有遭遇過的。今年,在反壟斷機構(gòu)表達關(guān)切后,喬布斯作出了讓步,不再強制要求開發(fā)人員使用蘋果軟件開發(fā)各種應(yīng)用,或禁止使用競爭對手Adobe公司的技術(shù)。不過此舉似乎另有所圖——防止開發(fā)人員轉(zhuǎn)而為使用Android操作平臺的手機開發(fā)應(yīng)用。一名業(yè)界高管稱:“他們不得不比之前稍微謙遜些。” |
For all that, Mr Jobs has set a daunting standard for rivals. “They have no predators at this point,” says Mr McNamee. “I think they could bring out a dishwasher and people would buy it.” | 盡管如此,喬布斯仍然為對手設(shè)立了一個令人生畏的標準。麥克納米說:“目前,他們沒有天敵。蘋果就算推出一款洗碗機,人們也會去購買的。” |
In his autobiography, John Sculley, the former PepsiCo executive who once ran Apple, said this of the ambitions of the man he had pushed out: “Apple was supposed to become a wonderful consumer products company. This was a lunatic plan. High-tech could not be designed and sold as a consumer product.” How wrong can you be. | 曾擔任蘋果首席執(zhí)行官的前百事可樂(PepsiCo) CEO約翰•斯卡利(John Sculley)在自傳中如此評價曾被他趕走的喬布斯的野心:“喬布斯認為,蘋果的目標是成為一家極為出色的消費品公司。這是一個狂熱的計劃。高科技不可能被當作消費產(chǎn)品進行設(shè)計和銷售。”如今的一切已經(jīng)表明,斯卡利你大錯特錯了。 |