The core of Mondrian is a JAR that acts as "JDBC for OLAP": providing connections and executing SQL against underlying relational databases. This can be run within a surrounding application. Mondrian comes to you as binaries packaged in a number of ways:
Both distributions contain the Mondrian source. All necessary JARs for Mondrian are contained in the WAR /WEB-INF/lib directory.
Here is how to install a binary release:
from SourceForge, and unzip it. If you are a Mondrian developer, there are additional instructions for accessing the Perforce source-control server and building the code in the Developer's Guide.
The 'FoodMart' test dataset is part of the non-embedded binary distribution. It is shipped in two formats: a Microsoft Access database (demo/access/MondrianFoodMart.mdb
) and in a SQL script of insert statements (demo/FoodMartCreateData.sql
Under Windows, using the Access database is easier to set up, because all you need to do is define an ODBC data source. If you want to test using a non Access database, or if you are not using Windows, you will need to create your own empty database and load it using the MondrianFoodMartLoader utility.
If you are using Windows, Microsoft Access is the easiest database to use for the test dataset. You just need to set up an ODBC datasource for the test dataset.
The test dataset needs to be accessed by the unit tests if you are testing with just this database, or loading into another database.
Under the 'Administrative Tools' menu, click on the 'Data Sources (ODBC)' menu item to open the ODBC Data Source Administrator. Next, create a System DSN called MondrianFoodMart
pointing to MONDRIAN_HOME/demo/access/MondrianFoodMart.mdb
. (This allows Mondrian to access this data source using the JDBC connect string "jdbc:odbc:MondrianFoodMart
If you are not using Access, you can use the MondrianFoodMartLoader utility to create a database and load data from an SQL script ([-inputFile=<file name>]
). But if you have already loaded the data into one JDBC data source (say Microsoft Access), use the -inputJdbcURL
and related options to copy the data to another JDBC database.
The loader uses the standard J2SE JDBC, relevant JDBC driver JARs, and some classes out of Mondrian that do not rely on additional JARs. It has been tested against Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Microsoft Access.
If the target is a JDBC database, you must create the necessary database or schema first. This is database-specific.
You can safely ignore any log4j warnings:
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (mondrian.rolap.RolapUtil).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
[-verbose] [-tables] [-data] [-indexes]
[ [ [-outputJdbcUser=user] [-outputJdbcPassword=password] [-outputJdbcSchema=schema] [-outputJdbcBatchSize=<batch size>] ]
| -outputDirectory=<directory name>
[ [-inputJdbcURL=<jdbcURL> [-inputJdbcUser=user] [-inputJdbcPassword=password] [-inputJdbcSchema=schema] ]
| [-inputFile=<file name>]
Option | Description |
-verbose | Verbose mode. |
-tables | Create tables in output JDBC, or generate CREATE TABLE statement file in output directory for all FoodMart tables, as appropriate for the output database type. If not given, the tables are assumed to exist, and will be deleted first. |
-data | Load data from input (JDBC, insert statement file) to output (JDBC, insert statement file). Any existing data is deleted first. |
-indexes | Create indexes in output JDBC, or generate CREATE INDEX statement file in output directory for all FoodMart tables, as appropriate for the output database type. |
-jdbcDrivers= <driver list> | Comma-separated list of JDBC drivers needed to connect to the source and target databases. The JAR files containing these drivers must also be in the classpath (the -cp argument to the java command). |
-outputJdbcURL=<jdbcURL> | JDBC URL for target database |
-outputJdbcUser=<user> | User name for target database |
-outputJdbcPassword=<password> | Password for target database |
-outputJdbcSchema=<schema> | Optional. For databases that use schemas, the destination schema. If not provided, the default schema for the user/database will be used. |
-outputDirectory=<directory name> | Optional. Directory where DB creation scripts will be placed. Statements are in a format that will work for the database type indicated by outputJdbcURL. |
-outputJdbcBatchSize=<batch size> | Size of batch for JDBC INSERT statement output. Defaults to 50. If set to 1, JDBC batches are not used. |
-inputJdbcURL=<jdbcURL> | JDBC URL for source database |
-inputJdbcUser=<user> | User name for source database |
-inputJdbcPassword=<password> | Password for source database |
-inputJdbcSchema=<schema> | Optional. For databases that use schemas, the source schema. If not provided, the default schema for the user/database will be used. |
-inputFile=<file name> | Optional. If no input DB parameters are given, assumes data comes from this file of INSERT statements. |
Here are some examples to give you a general idea how MondrianFoodMartLoader
is invoked. The command line you use will vary depending upon your operating system, and intended source and target data sources.
The following example is a Linux command line to create a MySQL schema called 'foodmart', and create FoodMart tables from the test dataset in the SQL scripts. First, create a foodmart
database and a foodmart
$ mysqladmin create foodmart
$ mysql
mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to 'foodmart'@'localhost' identified by 'foodmart';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> quit
Now load the data:
$ java -cp "/mondrian/lib/mondrian.jar:/mondrian/lib/log4j.jar:/mondrian/lib/commons-logging.jar:/mondrian/lib/eigenbase-xom.jar:/mondrian/lib/eigenbase-resgen.jar:/mondrian/lib/eigenbase-properties.jar:/usr/local/mysql/mysql-connector-java-5.0.5-bin.jar"
-verbose -tables -data -indexes
The following example is a Windows command line to create FoodMart tables for PostgreSQL from the test dataset in the Access database:
C:\mondrian> java -cp "C:\mondrian\lib\mondrian.jar; C:\mondrian\lib\log4j.jar; C:\mondrian\lib\commons-logging.jar; C:\mondrian\lib\eigenbase-xom.jar; C:\mondrian\lib\eigenbase-resgen.jar; C:\mondrian\lib\eigenbase-properties.jar; C:\mondrian\lib\postgres-jdbc.jar"
-verbose -tables -data -indexes
The Steel Wheels data set is optional. To install the Steel Wheels data set on MySQL, run demo/mysql/SteelWheels.sql
in MySQL:
$ mysql -ufoodmart -pfoodmart < demo/mysql/SteelWheels.sql
There is no supported process to load the data set on other databases. (Contributions welcome!)
Mondrian's test suite assumes that the data set is in a MySQL database called 'steelwheels', and uses the schema definition 'SteelWheels.mondrian.xml'. If Mondrian detects the schema, the test suite will run some additional tests; if not, those tests will trivially succeed.
to TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/mondrian
and customize the mondrian.jdbcDrivers
properties for the database you set up from the instructions above. TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/mondrian/WEB-INF
and customize the two connect strings there to the same database parameters for the FoodMart database you installed as per the above instructions. That is, Provider=mondrian;Jdbc=jdbc:odbc:MondrianFoodMart;Catalog=/WEB-INF/queries/FoodMart.xml;JdbcDrivers=sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver;
becomes Provider=mondrian;Jdbc=jdbc:mysql://localhost/foodmart?user=foodmart&password=foodmart;Catalog=/WEB-INF/queries/FoodMart.xml;JdbcDrivers=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver;
, mondrian.jsp
, colors.jsp
and arrows.jsp
files in the TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/mondrian/WEB-INF/queries
folder. Modify the line <jp:mondrianQuery id="query01" jdbcDriver="sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" jdbcUrl="jdbc:odbc:MondrianFoodMart" catalogUri="/WEB-INF/queries/FoodMart.xml">
to the same database parameters for the FoodMart database you installed as per the above instructions. For MySQL, this would be something like the following:
<jp:mondrianQuery id="query01" jdbcDriver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" jdbcUrl="jdbc:mysql://localhost/foodmart?user=foodmart&password=foodmart" catalogUri="/WEB-INF/queries/FoodMart.xml">
to TOMCAT_HOME/common/endorsed
to TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/mondrian-embedded
To will setup XMLA service, follow these steps.
In WEB-INF directory of your webapp, create a file called datasources.xml
, with content like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DataSourceDescription>FoodMart 2000 Data Warehouse From MS Analysis Services</DataSourceDescription>
<DataSourceInfo>Provider=mondrian; Jdbc=jdbc:odbc:MondrianFoodMart; JdbcDrivers=sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver</DataSourceInfo>
<Catalog name="FoodMart">
<Catalog name="Marketing">
<DataSourceInfo>Provider=mondrian; Jdbc=jdbc:odbc:MarketingDB; JdbcDrivers=sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver</DataSourceInfo>
<DataSourceDescription>Test Data Warehouse On PostgreSQL</DataSourceDescription>
<DataSourceInfo>Provider=mondrian; Jdbc=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/olap; JdbcDrivers=org.postgresql.Driver; JdbcUser=pgsql; JdbcPassword=pgsql</DataSourceInfo>
<Catalog name="Test">
and <AuthenticationMode>
are ignored because the XML/A implementation currently only supports 'MDP' and 'Unauthenticated'.
If you intend to use Mondrian with Microsoft's ADOMD.NET client library or , the data sources file must have precisely one <DataSource>
element. These clients will ignore all but one data source. Other XML/A clients, such as Rex, work fine with multiple data sources.
Note that each catalog has a name attribute, and the URI (path) of an XML schema file. The name of the catalog must match the name attribute in the schema file (for example <Schema name="FoodMart">
Whether you use one data source or several, the catalogs in the datasources.xml
file must have unique names.
For example:
Properties are described in the Configuration Guide.
You will need to specify the amount of memory available to the cache using the -Xms Java VM option, for example -Xms256m for 256 megs of ram for the Java VM.
Mondrian is known to run on the following databases.
Mondrian can work on almost any JDBC data source, so even if your database doesn't appear in the above list, give it a try. Mondrian can generally figure out the capabilities of the database from the JDBC driver, and generate SQL accordingly.
If you get Mondrian working on another database, drop us a line. Let us know which driver you used, the version of your database, property settings, and any other tweaks which were required. You can find examples of connect strings and driver paths for most database in
For sample connect strings, look in
. There are are sample connect strings for most databases in there.
Infobright is a variant of the MySQL system. In fact, Infobright uses the regular MySQL driver, and even reports its product name as 'MySQL'! Mondrian detects Infobright by looking in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.engines
table; if there is an engine called "BRIGHTHOUSE", mondrian assumes the Infobright dialect.
First download and install Infobright Community Edition (ICE). To create and populate the FoodMart schema, most steps are the same as for MySQL. ICE does not support the INSERT
command, so MondrianFoodMartLoader automatically uses the LOAD DATA INFILE
If the JDBC driver gives the error Unknown character set: 'usa7'
, try adding &characterEncoding=UTF-8
to the end of the JDBC connect string.
Andy Grimm writes:
In addition, I had to run a perl script against the demo sql file:
>perl -pi -e "s/:00\.0/:00/g" FoodMartCreateData.sql
That drops the ".0" off each timestamp to make it a valid DATE. Our next release will support timestamps, so this is a short-term fix that could go into Release Notes.
See the MySQL example.
See PostgreSQL example.
To install PostgreSQL 8.2 and its JDBC driver on Ubuntu, I typed:
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql libpg-java
The JDBC driver can be found at /usr/share/java/postgresql.jar
Change password:
$ sudo -u postgres psql postgres
# ALTER USER postgres WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD ' <***password***> ';
# \q
Create a user and a database:
$ sudo -u postgres createuser -D -A -P foodmart
$ sudo -u postgres createdb -O foodmart foodmart
I tried some solutions to get mondrian (I used 2.1RC) connected with a Sybase ASE [version 12.5] server. Finally I found this solutions:
I modified the parameters line in this way:
- Downloaded a jdbc3 compliant driver like jtds-1.2.jar from sourceforge.
- Placed the driver in TOMCAT_HOME/common/endorsed
- In configuration files like
- mondrian/WEB-INF/datasources.xml
- mondrian/WEB-INF/web.xml
(The datasources.xml doesn't need to be modified if you are only testing the db, but if you are using something like OPENI you have to.)Provider=mondrian; JdbcUser=userName; JdbcPassword=userPass; Jdbc=jdbc:jtds:sybase://; JdbcDrivers=net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver; Catalog=/WEB-INF/queries/myCatalog.xml
Weblogic 6.1 ships with an older, incompatible, version of Xerces. The symptom is the error
java.lang.VerifyError: (class: org/eigenbase/xom/wrappers/XercesDOMParser, method: parse signature: (Lorg/xml/sax/InputSource;)Lorg/w3c/dom/Document;) Incompatible object argument for function call
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(
at org.eigenbase.xom.XOMUtil.createDefaultParser(
at org.eigenbase.resgen.Util.load(
The solution is to place xml-apis.jar
and xercesImpl.jar
before weblogic.jar
on your class-path.
Generally, Mondrian uses whichever JAXP-compliant XML parser is provided by the system. Unfortunately Weblogic's parser cannot be set to non-validating mode, and Mondrian needs this. Therefore, in a Weblogic environment, Mondrian explicitly uses Xerces. Fyi, this note describes how to change Weblogic's default XML parser.
The Mondrian WARs come packaged with a version of log4j.jar. This may conflict with your app server, such as JBoss, and cause errors in the log about log4j appenders. The fix is to remove the log4j.jar from the Mondrian WAR.
Author: Julian Hyde and others; last updated March, 2009.
Version: $Id: //open/mondrian-release/3.2/doc/install.html#1 $ (log)
Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Kana Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Julian Hyde and others