Don’t ever take away someone’s hope, it may be all they have to hold on to.
Don’t make decisions when you are angry
Take care of your physical body
Don’t pay for a job until it is finished
工作未完成 不能先付錢
Be careful of those who have nothing to lose.
Learn to say “no”, but do so with kindness and caring
Don’t expect life to be fair
Don’t be worried about losing a battle, if this helps you win the war
Don’t put things off. Do what is needed to be done in the moment.
專注眼前工作 不要再拖延
Don’t be afraid of saying, “I don’t know” or “I am sorry”.
該說:”我不知道” 或是”抱歉”時,不要猶豫
Contemplate the dawn hours at least once a year.
每年至少一次 在破曉時分作深思
Look into the eyes of people
Loneliness is a state of mind. You don’t need other people to love yourself
孤單 正是給你思考的良機 不需要他人的打擾
There is nothing good or bad in life, it is all about choices…So choose wisely
生命之中並沒有”好“與”壞“ 只不過是如何作出選擇...所以要聰明的選
Treat everyone as you would like to be treated
己所不欲 勿施於人
Live in the moment. Don’t rush ahead… There is much to taste of life in the “now”.
不要橫衝直撞的生活 要活在當下 因為”此刻”就有多少東西 值得您細細品嚐
Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’ve come to this life to learn all about who you are. So enjoy the experience
不要苛薄自己 活到當下你應該了解自己了 快去享受過去的經驗中帶來的歡欣 永遠說實話
Always tell the truth
Don’t believe all that you hear and don’t say all that you think.
耳之所聽 絕不全當真 自己說話 也要留三分
Much of your growth as a person will come through hardships and challenges. Embrace those and know you will be better, stronger and wiser because of them
成長過程中勢必經歷不少挑戰(zhàn)與艱困記取那些能幫你 更聰明 更健康更愉快體驗
Learn to listen, it is an art.
學著聽人說話 這是一種藝術
Life is all about energy. Try to feel it around you, through you and in you. Distinguish the positive from the negative.
生命就是活力試著從自己四周與內心中找出它更重要的是 能從悲觀與無望中找出樂觀與希望
Enjoy the beauty of this Earth all around you.
Choose your partner well, for there is derived a lot of happiness
慎選朋友 這能帶給你無限的幸福
Don’t get out of control at any time, breathe deeply.
深呼吸 這能隨時助你恢復自主
There are no coincidences and no accidents in life. Everything big and small is for a reason. Pay careful attention
處處用心 生命之中 便沒有意外或是巧合 因為每一件事的發(fā)生 都有原因
Meditate at least thirty minutes a day.
Enjoy times of rest
休息與放鬆 就是享受
Nurture and maintain your friendships
最好的朋友 也需要 經常滋潤與維護
Live more in your heart and less in your head
心靈生活 遠比物質生活重要
You have a right to be happy!
心中常養(yǎng)一點春 這是義務 也是權利
Ged rid of hatred and bitterness, they do you more harm.
丟掉憎恨與憂傷 這對你生命傷害的太大啦
There are those things in life that can never be recaptured: the spoken word, time passed and opportunities.
機會 光陰 與說出去的話 都是永遠無法再找回來的
Do one thing at a time and do it well
心無旁鶩 一個時間 只做一件事 並且把它做好
There are two dominant energies in life, love and fear. Love overcomes all. Stay out of fear. There is nothing to fear, it only brings chaos
愛與懼 是生命中兩個最大的能量 愛最珍貴 它能主導一切 不要恐懼 因為它只能擾亂生活
Love your body. It knows what you think. From your emotions spring health or illness. Send yourself positive thoughts all the time..
愛你的身體 因為身體會由你的健康與病痛中 知道你的思想與情緒 讓自己永遠保持積極思想
Be thoughtful and careful what comes out of your mouth since with those words you create your reality
一言既出 駟馬難追 說話之前要三思 因為 有了說出去的話 才會造成現(xiàn)在的你
One day you will look back over all that you did in this life and you will die with laughter
當那一天來臨時 回顧這一生 吐出人生最後的那口氣時 依舊是開朗的笑聲 哈... 這人生才是最棒的