


Newcastle Upon Tyne University P/G 6.5
Newcastle Upon Tyne University U/G 6.5
Newham College of Further Education Other 6.5
Newham College of Further Education P/G 6.5
Newham College of Further Education U/G 6.5
Newman College of Higher Education Other 6.5
Newman College of Higher Education P/G 6.5
Newman College of Higher Education U/G 6.5
North East Surrey College of Technology (NESCOT) General 6.5
North East Wales Institute of Higher Education Foundation 5
North East Wales Institute of Higher Education U/G Arts and Design 5.5
North East Wales Institute of Higher Education U/G Business, Computing and Social Sciences 6
North East Wales Institute of Higher Education, The General 6.5
North East Worcestershire College General 6.5
North East Worcestershire College Other 6.5
North East Worcestershire College P/G 6.5
North East Worcestershire College U/G 6.5
North Riding College  General 6.5
North Warwickshire and Hinkley College Other 6.5
North Warwickshire and Hinkley College P/G 6.5
North Warwickshire and Hinkley College U/G 6.5
Northbrook College Sussex U/G 5.5
Northbrook College, Sussex General 6.5
Northumberland College Other 6.5
Northumberland College P/G 6.5
Northumberland College U/G 6.5
Northumbria University, Newcastle P/G Business and Economics 6.5
Northumbria University, Newcastle P/G Design, Science, Engineering 6
Northumbria University, Newcastle P/G Humanities 7
Northumbria University, Newcastle P/G Law 7
Northumbria University, Newcastle U/G Engineering, Science and Technology and Computing 5.5
Northumbria University, Newcastle U/G Health, Education, Business, Art and Design 6
Northumbria University, Newcastle U/G Law, English and Humanities 6.5
Norton Radstock College Other 6.5
Norton Radstock College P/G 6.5
Norton Radstock College U/G 6.5
Norwich City College U/G 6.5 6
Norwich City College  General 6.5
Norwich School of Art and Design Other 6.5
Norwich School of Art and Design P/G 6.5
Norwich School of Art and Design U/G 6.5
Nottingham Trent University P/G 6.5
Nottingham Trent University U/G 6.5
Nottingham Trent Universtiy  General 6.5
Nottingham University P/G 6
Nottingham University U/G 6
Oldham College Foundation 6
Oldham College General 6.5
Oldham College P/G 7
Oldham College U/G 6.5
Oxford and Cherwell College Other 6.5
Oxford and Cherwell College P/G 6.5
Oxford and Cherwell College U/G 6.5
Oxford Brookes University Engineering Foundation 5.5
Oxford Brookes University International Foundation  5
Oxford Brookes University P/G 7
Oxford Brookes University P/G MA Humanities 7
Oxford Brookes University U/G 7
Oxford Brookes University  General 6.5
Oxford University U/G 7
Paisley University  Foundation 4.5
Paisley University  Foundation B 5
Paisley University  P/G 6
Paisley University  U/G 6
Pembrokeshire College Foundation 5.5
Pembrokeshire College General 6.5
Pembrokeshire College MBA 5.5
Pembrokeshire College Pre Masters 5.5
Pembrokeshire College U/G 6
Peninsula Medical School Other 6.5
Peninsula Medical School P/G 6.5
Peninsula Medical School U/G 6.5
Pershore Group of Colleges Other 6.5
Pershore Group of Colleges P/G 6.5
Pershore Group of Colleges U/G 6.5
Perth College General 6
Perth College General 6.5
Peterborough Regional College Other 6.5
Peterborough Regional College P/G 6.5
Peterborough Regional College U/G 6.5
Plymouth College of Art and Design General 6.5
Plymouth College of Art and Design Other 6.5
Plymouth College of Art and Design P/G 6.5
Plymouth College of Art and Design U/G 6.5
Plymouth Marjon College of St Mark and St John  General 6.5
Plymouth University P/G 6.5
Plymouth University P/G 1 Year International Foundation and English Program (IFEP) 5
Plymouth University P/G 6 month IFEP and Masters qualifying program 5.5
Plymouth University P/G MA International Relations 6.5
Plymouth University U/G 6
Plymouth University U/G 1 Year International Foundation 4.5
Plymouth University U/G 6 month International Foundation 5
Plymouth University U/G Science 6
Portsmouth University P/G 7
Portsmouth University U/G 6.5
Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh Foundation 4.5
Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh General 6.5
Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh P/G 6
Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh P/G Physiotherapy, Nursing and Research Degrees 6.5
Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh P/G Speech and Language Science 6.5
Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh U/G 5.5
Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh U/G Drama and Theatre Arts 6.5
Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh U/G Speech and Language Science 6.5
Queen Mary and Westfield College (University of London) P/G 6.5
Queen Mary and Westfield College (University of London) P/G Law 7.5
Queen Mary and Westfield College (University of London) U/G 6.5
Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London  General 6.5
Queen’s University Belfast General 6.5
Queen’s University Belfast P/G 6
Queen’s University Belfast U/G 6
Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication Foundation 6
Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication General 6.5
Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication P/G 6
Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication U/G 6
Reading College and School of Arts and Design A-Level (2 subjects) 6
Reading College and School of Arts and Design A-Level (3 subjects) 6.5
Reading College and School of Arts and Design General 6.5
Reading College and School of Arts and Design IFP 5
Reading College and School of Arts and Design P/G 6 5
Reading College and School of Arts and Design U/G 6 6
Reading University Foundation 5.5
Reading University P/G Arts and Humanities/Economic and Social Science Subjects 7
Reading University P/G Science/Life Science Subjects  6.5
Reading University U/G Arts and Humanities/Economic and Social Science Subjects 7
Reading University U/G Science/Life Science Subjects  6.5
Regents Business School P/G 7
Regents Business School U/G 6.5
Regents Business School London General 6.5
Regents International Study Centre Foundation 5.5
Richmond Adult and Community College General 6.5
Richmond Adult and Community College P/G 5.5
Richmond Adult and Community College U/G 5.5
Richmond, The American International University in London Other 5
Richmond, The American International University in London P/G 6.5
Richmond, The American International University in London U/G 6.5
Richmond, The American International University in London  General 6.5
Robert Gordon University General 6.5
Robert Gordon University Other pre-sessional English programs 5
Robert Gordon University P/G 6.5
Robert Gordon University U/G 6
Roehampton Institute  General 6.5
Roehampton University P/G research programmes 7
Roehampton University P/G taught programmes 6.5
Roehampton University U/G 6
Rose Bruford College Foundation 5.5
Rose Bruford College General 6.5
Rose Bruford College P/G 6.5
Rose Bruford College U/G 6.5
Rotherham College of Arts & Technology General 6.5
Rotherham College of Arts & Technology P/G 5
Rotherham College of Arts & Technology U/G 5
Royal Academy of Dance Other 6.5
Royal Academy of Dance P/G 6.5
Royal Academy of Dance U/G 6.5
Royal Academy of Dance / Faculty of Education General 6.5
Royal Academy of Dance / Faculty of Education P/G 6.5
Royal Academy of Dance / Faculty of Education U/G 6.5
Royal Academy of Music  General 6.5
Royal Agricultural College Foundation 6
Royal Agricultural College General 6.5
Royal Agricultural College P/G 7
Royal Agricultural College U/G 6
Royal College of Music Other 6.5
Royal College of Music P/G 6.5
Royal College of Music U/G 6.5
Royal College of Music  General 6.5
Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine  General 6.5
Royal Holloway (University of London) P/G 6.5
Royal Holloway (University of London) U/G 6.5
Royal Holloway College, University of London  General 6.5
Royal Northern College of Music  General 6.5
Royal Postgraduate Medical School  General 6.5
Royal Veterinary College General 6.5
Royal Veterinary College (University of London) Foundation 6.5
Royal Veterinary College (University of London) P/G 7
Royal Veterinary College (University of London) U/G 6.5
Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama P/G 7 6
Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama U/G 6 6
Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama General 6.5
Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama (Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru) Other 6.5
Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama (Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru) P/G 6.5
Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama (Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru) U/G 6.5
Runshaw College Other 6.5
Runshaw College P/G 6.5
Runshaw College U/G 6.5
Rushkin College Oxford Other 6.5
Rushkin College Oxford P/G 6.5
Rushkin College Oxford U/G 6.5
SAE Institute General 6 6
SAE Institute Other 6.5
SAE Institute P/G 6.5
SAE Institute U/G 6.5
Salford University Foundation 4.5
Salford University P/G 6.5
Salford University U/G 6
Salisbury College General 6.5
Salisbury College Other 6.5
Salisbury College P/G 6.5
Salisbury College U/G 6.5
Sandwell College General 6.5
Sandwell College U/G 5
School of Advanced Study (University of London) General 6.5
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, University of London) General 5.5
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, University of London) General 6
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, University of London) General 7
School of Oriental and African Studies, The, University of London General 6.5
School of Pharmacy, University of London General 6.5
School of Pharmacy, University of London P/G 6.5
School of Pharmacy, University of London U/G 6.5
School of Slavonic and East European Studies  General 6.5
Scottish Agricultural College Foundation 6
Scottish Agricultural College P/G 6
Scottish Agricultural College U/G 6
Sheffield College General 6.5
Sheffield College Other 6.5
Sheffield College P/G 6.5
Sheffield College U/G 6.5
Sheffield Hallam University P/G Engineering, Business, Leisure and Food management 6
Sheffield Hallam University P/G ESOL 4.5
Sheffield Hallam University P/G Science, Education and Computer Science courses 7.5
Sheffield Hallam University U/G Engineering, Business, Leisure and Food management 6
Sheffield Hallam University U/G ESOL 4.5
Sheffield Hallam University U/G Science, Education and Computer Science courses 7.5
Sheffield Hallam University  General 6.5
Sheffield University Foundation 7
Sheffield University P/G 7
Sheffield University U/G 7
Shrewsbury College, Lancaster; London Other 6.5
Shrewsbury College, Lancaster; London P/G 6.5
Shrewsbury College, Lancaster; London U/G 6.5
Solihull College Other 6.5
Solihull College P/G 6.5
Solihull College U/G 6.5
Solihull College  General 6.5
Somerset College of Arts and Technology Foundation 5.5
Somerset College of Arts and Technology General 6.5
Somerset College of Arts and Technology Other 5.5
Somerset College of Arts and Technology U/G 5.5
South Bank University P/G 6
South Bank University U/G 6
South Bank University  General 6.5
South Birmingham College Foundation 5
South Birmingham College Other 4
South Birmingham College U/G 6
South Cheshire College Other 6.5
South Cheshire College P/G 6.5
South Cheshire College U/G 6.5
South Devon College Access 5
South Devon College Foundation 6.5
South Devon College General 6.5
South Devon College HND 6.5
South Downs College Other 6.5
South Downs College P/G 6.5
South Downs College U/G 6.5
South East Essex College General 6.5
South East Essex College Other 6.5
South East Essex College P/G 6.5
South East Essex College U/G 6.5
South Leicestershire College General 6.5
South Leicestershire College Other 6.5
South Leicestershire College P/G 6.5
South Leicestershire College U/G 5.5
South Leicestershire College U/G 6.5
South Nottingham College Other 6.5
South Nottingham College P/G 6.5
South Nottingham College U/G 6.5
South Thames College London  General 6.5
South Trafford College Other 6.5
South Trafford College P/G 6.5
South Trafford College U/G 6.5
Southampton Institute Level 3 6 6
Southampton Institute Pre-University level 3 4.5 4.5
Southampton Institute U/G 6 6
Southampton Institute of Higher Educatiuon  General 6.5
Southark College Other 6.5
Southark College P/G 6.5
Southark College U/G 6.5
Southport College Other 6.5
Southport College P/G 6.5
Southport College U/G 6.5
Sparsholt College Hampshire Other 6.5
Sparsholt College Hampshire P/G 6.5
Sparsholt College Hampshire U/G 6
St Andrews University P/G 6.5
St Andrews University U/G 6.5
St Austell College General 6.5
St George’s Hospital Medical School Foundation 7
St George’s Hospital Medical School General 6.5
St George’s Hospital Medical School P/G 6.5
St George’s Hospital Medical School U/G 7
St Helens College (An associate of Liverpool John Moores University) General 6.5
St Helens College (An associate of Liverpool John Moores University) Other 6.5
St Helens College (An associate of Liverpool John Moores University) P/G 6.5
St Helens College (An associate of Liverpool John Moores University) U/G 6.5
St John's College, Nottingham  General 6.5
St Mary’s College General 6.5
St Mary’s College P/G 6
St Mary’s College U/G 6
St Mary's College  General 6.5
St Mary's Hospital Medical School  General 6.5
St. Martin’s College P/G 6.5
St. Martin’s College PGCE 7
St. Martin’s College U/G 6
Stafford College General 6.5
Stafford College P/G 6.5
Stafford College U/G 6.5
Staffordshire University Foundation 4.5
Staffordshire University Other for specific English Language & undergraduate awards for overseas students 5
Staffordshire University P/G 6
Staffordshire University P/G Journalism 7
Staffordshire University U/G 6
Staffordshire University U/G Journalism & Media Studies 6.5
Staffordshire University  General 6.5
Staffordshire University Regional Federation Other 6.5
Staffordshire University Regional Federation P/G 6.5
Staffordshire University Regional Federation U/G 6.5
Stamford College Other A levels Vocational Intermediate 5.5
Stamford College P/G 7
Stamford College U/G 6
Stephenson College Coalville Other 6.5
Stephenson College Coalville P/G 6.5
Stephenson College Coalville U/G 6.5
Stirling University P/G 6.5
Stirling University U/G 6
Stockport College of Further & Higher Education General 6.5
Stourbridge College Other 6.5
Stourbridge College P/G 6.5
Stourbridge College U/G 6.5
Stranmills University College Other 6.5
Stranmills University College P/G 6.5
Stranmills University College U/G 6.5
Stratford College London Foundation 5
Stratford College London Post Graduate 5.5
Stratford College London Under Graduate 5.5
Stratford Upon Avon College Other 6.5
Stratford Upon Avon College P/G 6.5
Stratford Upon Avon College U/G 6.5
Strathclyde University P/G 7
Strathclyde University U/G 6.5
Strode College Other 6.5
Strode College P/G 6.5
Strode College U/G 6.5
Suffolk College General 6.5
Suffolk College  General 6.5
Suffolk College (An accredited college of the university of East Anglia) Foundation/Other 6
Suffolk College (An accredited college of the university of East Anglia) P/G 6
Suffolk College (An accredited college of the university of East Anglia) U/G 6
Sunderland University P/G 6
Sunderland University U/G 6
Surrey Institute of Art and Design University College General 6.5
Surrey Institute of Art and Design, University College Foundation 6
Surrey Institute of Art and Design, University College Foundation with English 5
Surrey Institute of Art and Design, University College P/G 6
Surrey Institute of Art and Design, University College U/G 6
Surrey Roehampton, University of General 6.5
Surrey University Foundation 6
Surrey University P/G 6
Surrey University U/G 6
Sussex Downs College General 6.5
Sussex University Foundation 5
Sussex University P/G 7
Sussex University U/G 6.5
Sutton Coldfield College Foundation 5 5
Sutton Coldfield College Other 4.5 4.5
Sutton Coldfield College U/G 5.5 5.5
Swansea Institute of Higher Education Foundation 6
Swansea Institute of Higher Education General 6.5
Swansea Institute of Higher Education P/G 6
Swansea Institute of Higher Education U/G 6
Swindon College FE Courses 5.5
Swindon College General 6.5
Swindon College HND 6
Swindon College P/G 6.5 6
Swindon College U/G 6.5 6
Tameside College Foundation 6
Tameside College General 6.5
Tameside College P/G 6
Tameside College U/G 6
Teeside University P/G 6.5 6.5
Teeside University U/G 6
Thames Valley University  General 6.5
Thames Valley University (TVU) Foundation 5
Thames Valley University (TVU) Other 6
Thames Valley University (TVU) P/G 6.5
Thames Valley University (TVU) U/G 5.5
The Arts Institute at Bournemouth Other 6.5
The Arts Institute at Bournemouth P/G 6.5
The Arts Institute at Bournemouth U/G 6.5
The Bournemouth and Poole College Foundation 6
The Bournemouth and Poole College Other 5
The British American College General 6.5
The British American College P/G 7
The British American College U/G 6
The British Institute in Paris (University of London) Other 6.5
The British Institute in Paris (University of London) P/G 6.5
The British Institute in Paris (University of London) U/G 6.5
The British School of Osteopathy General 6.5
The Liverpool Institute for performing Arts Other 6.5
The Liverpool Institute for performing Arts P/G 6.5
The Liverpool Institute for performing Arts U/G 6.5
The North East Wales Institute of Higher Education Other 6.5
The North East Wales Institute of Higher Education P/G 6.5
The North East Wales Institute of Higher Education U/G 6.5
The Peoples College Nottingham HND 6
The Scottish Agricultural College Foundation 6 6
The Scottish Agricultural College PG 6 6
The Scottish Agricultural College UG 6 6
The University of Hull Foundation 5
The University of Hull P/G 6
The University of Hull U/G 6
The University of Manchester  P/G 7
The University of Manchester  U/G 7
The University of Wale, Lampeter Other 6.5
The University of Wale, Lampeter P/G 6.5
The University of Wale, Lampeter U/G 6.5
Totton College Other 6.5
Totton College P/G 6.5
Totton College U/G 6.5
Trinity College Carmarthen Other 6.5
Trinity College Carmarthen P/G 6.5
Trinity College Carmarthen U/G 6.5
Trinity College of Music Other 6.5
Trinity College of Music P/G 6.5
Trinity College of Music U/G 6.5
UHI Millennium  Foundation 5
UHI Millennium  P/G 6
UHI Millennium  U/G 6
UKeU General 6.5
Ulster University Foundation 6
Ulster University P/G 6
Ulster University P/G Physiotherapy 7
Ulster University U/G 6
Ulster University U/G Nursing 6.5
Ulster University U/G Speech and language therapy 7.5
University College Chester General 6.5
University College Chichester General 6.5
University College Dublin Foundation 5
University College Dublin Other 6
University College Dublin P/G 6.5
University College Dublin U/G 6.5
University College London PG 6.5
University College London UG 6.5
University College London UPSCE 5.5
University College London (University of London) Foundation 5.5
University College London (University of London) P/G 6.5
University College London (University of London) P/G Law 7.5
University College London (University of London) U/G 6.5
University College London (University of London) U/G Law 7.5
University College London (University of London) U/G Medicine 7
University College London, University of London General 6.5
University College Northampton Foundation 4.5 4.5
University College Northampton General 6.5
University College Northampton P/G 6.5 6.5
University College Northampton U/G 6 6
University College of Chichester Foundation 5.5
University College of Chichester P/G 6
University College of Chichester U/G 6
University College of Swansea  General 6.5
University College Salford  General 6.5
University College Worcester Foundation year 4.5
University College Worcester General 6.5
University College Worcester P/G 6.5
University College Worcester U/G 6
University of Aberdeen  General 6.5
University of Bath  General 6.5
University of Birmingham General 6.5
University of Bolton Other 5
University of Bolton Post Graduate 6.5
University of Bolton Undergraduate 6
University of Bradford A-level Humanities 6 5
University of Bradford A-level Sciences 5.5 5
University of Bradford Foundation 4.5
University of Bradford Foundation Law 5
University of Bradford P/G 6.5
University of Bradford P/G Education, Law 7
University of Bradford U/G 5.5
University of Bradford U/G Law etc. 6
University of Bradford  General 6.5
University of Brighton MA &TEFL 7
University of Brighton P/G 6.5
University of Brighton U/G 6
University of Brighton  General 6.5
University of Bristol  General 6.5
University of Buckingham  General 6.5
University of Cambridge  General 6.5
University of Central England in Birmingham  General 6.5
University of Central England in Birmingham Foundation 5
University of Central England in Birmingham P/G 6
University of Central England in Birmingham U/G 6
University of Central England, Birmingham P/G 6
University of Central England, Birmingham U/G 6
University of Central Lancashire Foundation 6
University of Central Lancashire Other - Further English courses 2.5
University of Central Lancashire P/G 6.5
University of Central Lancashire P/G Engineering, some science 5.5
University of Central Lancashire P/G Journalism, Nursing 7
University of Central Lancashire U/G 6
University of Central Lancashire U/G Engineering, some science 5.5
University of Central Lancashire U/G Journalism, Nursing 7
University of Central Lancashire  General 6.5
University of Derby  General 6.5
University of Dundee  General 6.5
University of Durham  General 6.5
University of East Anglia  General 6.5
University of East London  General 6.5
University of Edinburgh General 6.5
University of Edinburgh  General 6.5
University of Essex  General 6.5
University of Exeter MBA 7
University of Exeter P/G 6.5
University of Exeter P/G Science, Engineering 6
University of Exeter U/G 6
University of Exeter U/G Law, Humanities 6.5
University of Exeter  General 6.5
University of Glamorgan  General 6.5
University of Glasgow Foundation 6.5 5.5
University of Glasgow Law, Financial studies 7 7
University of Glasgow P/G 6.5
University of Glasgow U/G 6
University of Glasgow  General 6.5
University of Greenwich  General 6.5
University of Hertfordshire  General 6.5
University of Huddersfield  General 6.5
University of Hull  General 6.5
University of Humberside  General 6.5
University of Keele  General 6.5
University of Kent at Canterbury  General 6.5
University of Lancaster  General 6.5
University of Leeds  General 6.5
University of Leicester  General 6.5
University of Lincoln P/G 6
University of Lincoln U/G 6
University of Liverpool  General 6.5
University of Luton  General 6.5
University of Manchester  General 6.5
University of Manchester UMIST - Institute of Science and Technology  Management Studies 7
University of Manchester UMIST - Institute of Science and Technology  P/G 6.5
University of Manchester UMIST - Institute of Science and Technology  U/G 6.5
University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology  General 6.5
University of Newcastle  General 6.5
University of North London  General 6.5
University of Northumbria at Newcastle  General 6.5
University of Nottingham  General 6.5
University of Oxford General 6.5
University of Paisley General 6.5
University of Plymouth  General 6.5
University of Portsmouth  General 6.5
University of Reading  General 6.5
University of Salford  General 6.5
University of Sheffield  General 6.5
University of Southampton Arts 6
University of Southampton Biology, Chemistry, Environmental 6.5
University of Southampton Engineering, Humanities, Management, Social Sciences 5.5
University of Southampton International Foundation 5
University of Southampton P/G 6.5
University of Southampton P/G Engineering, Mathematics, Science 6
University of Southampton P/G English, Education, Film, Law 7
University of Southampton U/G 6.5
University of Southampton U/G English, Medicine 7
University of Southampton  General 6.5
University of St Andrews  General 6.5
University of Stirling  General 6.5
University of Strathclyde  General 6.5
University of Sunderland  General 6.5
University of Surrey  General 6.5
University of Sussex  General 6.5
University of Teesside  General 6.5
University of the West of England, Bristol Foundation 6 6
University of the West of England, Bristol Other P/G 6.5 6.5
University of the West of England, Bristol Other postgraduate level e.g. postgraduate certificate 6.5 6.5
University of the West of England, Bristol Other U/G or Foundation 6 6
University of the West of England, Bristol Other undergraduate or foundation level 6 6
University of the West of England, Bristol P/G 6 6
University of the West of England, Bristol P/G 6.5 6.5
University of the West of England, Bristol U/G 6 6
University of the West of England, Bristol U/G 6.5 6.5
University of the West of England, Bristol  General 6.5
University of the West of England, Bristol Foundation 6 6
University of the West of England, Bristol PG 6.5 6.5
University of the West of England, Bristol UG 6 6
University of Ulster P/G 6
University of Ulster U/G 6
University of Ulster  General 6.5
University of Wales College of Medicine MSc Anaesthesia & Intensive Care  7
University of Wales College of Medicine P/G 6.5
University of Wales College of Medicine U/G 6.5
University of Wales College, Newport General 6.5
University of Wales Institute, Cardiff  Foundation 5.5
University of Wales Institute, Cardiff  General 6.5
University of Wales Institute, Cardiff  P/G 6
University of Wales Institute, Cardiff  U/G 6
University of Wales, Aberystwyth General 6.5
University of Wales, Bangor Foundation 4.5
University of Wales, Bangor Other Pre-masters English 5 month program 5.5
University of Wales, Bangor Other Pre-masters English 6 month program 5
University of Wales, Bangor Other Pre-masters English 9 month program 4.5
University of Wales, Bangor P/G 6
University of Wales, Bangor U/G 6
University of Wales, Bangor  General 6.5
University of Wales, College of Cardiff General 6.5
University of Wales, College of Medicine  General 6.5
University of Wales, Lampeter General 6.5
University of Wales, Newport Foundation 6.5
University of Wales, Newport P/G 6.5
University of Wales, Newport U/G 6.5
University of Wales, Swansea General 6.5
University of Wales, Swansea P/G 6.5
University of Wales, Swansea U/G 6.5
University of Warwick  General 6.5
University of West England, Bristol  Foundation 6 6
University of West England, Bristol  P/G 6.5 6.5
University of West England, Bristol  U/G 6 6
University of Westminster  General 6.5
University of Wolverhampton  General 6.5
University of York  General 6.5
Universtiy College of Wales  General 6.5
Universtiy of Paisley  General 6.5
Uxbridge College General 6.5
Uxbridge College U/G 6.5
Wakefield College Foundation 6
Wakefield College Level 3; A- Level /Access 5.5
Wakefield College P/G 7
Wakefield College U/G 6
Wales University, Aberyswyth  Foundation 5
Wales University, Aberyswyth  P/G 7
Wales University, Aberyswyth  Pre-sessional Courses 6
Wales University, Aberyswyth  U/G 6.5
Walsall College of Arts & Technology Foundation 5.5
Walsall College of Arts & Technology General 6.5
Walsall College of Arts & Technology Other 7
Walsall College of Arts & Technology U/G 6
Warrington Collegiate Institute  General 6.5
Warwick Business School General 6.5
Warwick University Foundation 5.5
Warwick University P/G 7
Warwick University U/G Arts 6.5
Warwick University U/G Business, Computer & Social Studies  7
Warwick University U/G Faculty of Sciences excepting MORSE 6
Warwickshire College Foundation 6.5
Warwickshire College General 6.5
Warwickshire College Other 4.5
Warwickshire College P/G 5.5
Warwickshire College U/G 5
Welsh College of Horticulture Other 6.5
Welsh College of Horticulture P/G 6.5
Welsh College of Horticulture U/G 6.5
Welsh College of Music and Drama Foundation 5
Welsh College of Music and Drama Other 6
Welsh College of Music and Drama P/G 6.5
Welsh College of Music and Drama U/G 7
West Cheshire College Other 6.5
West Cheshire College P/G 6.5
West Cheshire College U/G 6.5
West Herts College, Watford General 6.5
West Herts College, Watford PET Intensive 4
West Herts College, Watford Associate College of University of Hertfordshire Other 6.5
West Herts College, Watford Associate College of University of Hertfordshire P/G 6.5
West Herts College, Watford Associate College of University of Hertfordshire U/G 6.5
West Suffolk College Other 6.5
West Suffolk College P/G 6.5
West Suffolk College U/G 6.5
West Surrey College of Art and Design  General 6.5
West Sussex Institute of Higher Education  General 6.5
West Thames College General 6.5
West Thames College Other 6.5
West Thames College P/G 6.5
West Thames College U/G 6.5
West Thames College Vocational courses (BTEC) 6
Westhill College  General 6.5
Westminster College  General 6.5
Westminster Institute of Education General 6.5
Westminster Kingsway College Other 6.5
Westminster Kingsway College P/G 6.5
Westminster Kingsway College U/G 6.5
Westminster University Foundation 5.5
Westminster University Other Bas in English Literature Language, Linguistics 7
Westminster University Other MA in Journalism (international) 7
Westminster University P/G 6.5
Westminster University U/G 6
Weston College General 5.5
Weston College General 6.5
Weymouth College General 6.5
Weymouth College U/G 5
Weymouth College  Foundation 4
Weymouth College  Other 4
Weymouth College  P/G 5.5
Weymouth College  U/G 4.5
Wigan and Leigh College Foundation 4.5
Wigan and Leigh College General 6.5
Wigan and Leigh College HND 5.5
Williams College Postgraduate 6
Wiltan International College Foundation 4.5
Wiltan International College Other 6
Wiltan International College P/G 6.5
Wiltan International College U/G 5.5
Wiltshire College Access 4.5
Wiltshire College General 6.5
Wiltshire College U/G 6
Wimbledon School of Arts Other 4.5
Wimbledon School of Arts P/G 7
Wimbledon School of Arts U/G 6
Winchester School of Art  General 6.5
Wirral Metropolitan College Foundation 4
Wirral Metropolitan College General 6.5
Wirral Metropolitan College U/G 6.5
Wolverhampton University BA English Language 6.5
Wolverhampton University M Philosophy 7
Wolverhampton University P/G 6
Wolverhampton University PhD 7
Wolverhampton University U/G 6
Worcester College of Technology General 5.5
Worcester College of Technology General 6.5
Writtle College Foundation 5.5
Writtle College Further Education 5.5
Writtle College Post Graduate 6.5
Writtle College Under Graduate 5.5
Writtle College Foundation and Other 5.5
Writtle College General 6.5
Writtle College P/G 6
Writtle College U/G 5.5
Wye College  General 6.5
York College Foundation 5.5
York College General 6.5
York College Other 5.5
York College U/G 6
York St John College General 6.5
York St John College  Foundation 4.5
York St John College  P/G 6
York St John College  U/G 6
York University  P/G 6 5.5
York University  U/G 5.5
Yorkshire Coast College of Further and higher Education Other 6.5
Yorkshire Coast College of Further and higher Education P/G 6.5
Yorkshire Coast College of Further and higher Education U/G 6.5
Ystrad Mynach College Other 6.5
Ystrad Mynach College P/G 6.5
Ystrad Mynach College U/G 6.5
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