Late in the Han dynasty (beginning of the 3rd century A.D.) a branches of Taoism, such as Yellow Turban Movement and the Celestial Masters Sec, , became a popular revolutionary cults. The former, led by the three Chang brothers, promised immortality to ordinary people. Hundreds of thousands of destitute people flocked to their banner, holding great public gatherings, confessions of sins and even uninhibited orgies. Although the movement fell apart, it was one of the key factors that de-stabilized the Han dynasty and lead to its downfall.
However, even in the time of the Six Kingdoms (220 to 618 A.D.) Taoism continued to attract many refugee intellectuals, fleeing from the barbarians in the North.
Particularly important to the development of Taoism in China was the rein of the Emperor Li Lung-chi (a.k.a. Hsuan Tsung) who ruled for 44 years and was a fervent adherent of Taoism. Deeply absorbed in its study he tried to create a Taoist state in which capital punishment would be abolished and animals would be treated humanely. He established hospitals for the sick and poor and was an accomplished musician, equestrian, calligrapher and astronomer.
A true mystic Li Lung-chi once had a vision of Lao Tsu who told him where to find a true likeness of him. The image was, in fact, discovered and replicas of it were made and installed in temples across the realm. He also told his ministers that once while burning incense in a shrine he had been wafted up to Heaven.