Realtek PCI /Express Family 10/100/1000Mbps Test Program Tool 1.25 1.25 09-10-2008 1.Update newer parameter of RTL8102E for CRC issue with LBK mode. 2.Update the last pg utility and odi driver for all of NIC products. PG8169 :1.28 ODI :1.24 PG8168 :1.51 ODI :1.24 PG8136 :1.50 ODI :1.24 PG8139 :6.08 ODI :3.69 3.Support for RTL8111D product. 1.Client Requirement ![]() a).Need a external connector with RJ45's pin 1<--> pin 3 , pin 2 <--> pin 6. pin 4<--> pin 7 , pin 5 <--> pin 8. b).You could modify the mplan.cfg file of content to choose which items will be tested or not. Test item num1000=50000 ;1000Mbps send counter num100=3000 ;100Mbps send counter num10=1000 ;10Mbps send counter ;if you want test this item ;set true else false ; 1.PG =true/false ;programming EEPROM data for LAN information. 2.Reg_R/W =true/false ;simple read/write register test 3.speed1000 =true/false ;force 1000fullMbps to test on TX/RX ;if your is 8101E/8100E which item will be ignored. ; 4.speed100 =true/false ;force 100fullMbps to test on TX/RX 5.speed10 =true/false ;force 10fullMbps to test on TX/RX 6.debug =true/false ;show some counters for debugging mode. 7.AutoRun =true/false ;true:All of devices will be finished the test item ;by MP program. ;false ![]() ;will be test. 8.Adapter =0/1/2.. 8 ;Which one of LAN device will be test. ;8100C is up to 8 , other nic is up to 4. 9.Bypass =0/1/2...8 ;If set to 0 which will be not ignore any adapter for testing due to ;application may be not LAN port. ;If set to 1 - 12 which will be ignore previous setting of LAN port for ;testing by MP LAN. 10.Loop N ;test N times. If all of test items were pass , it will show "ooo " & return 0. If one of test item was failed , it will stop and show "xxx" & return 1. Note1: Please kindly check the following parameters on DOS environment of config.sys and autoexec.bat if you can't succeed in running on MP program. For Example of config.sys and autoexec.bat are necessary following parameter: Config.sys DEVICEHIGH=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS /TESTMEM:OFF DOS=HIGH,UMB FILES=100 BUFFERS=50 STACKS=9,256 LASTDRIVE=Z FCBS=16,8 Autoexec.bat PATH=C:\DOS;C:\ SET COMSPEC=C:\COMMAND.COM |