Place this .kmm file in your kmeleon/macros directory. Then, start/restart k-meleon and check the Tools menu for Greasify.
- Workaround to prevent certain scripts from applying to pages more than once.
- Addition of toolbar (activate option in the Advanced menu and restart browser).
- Note: integration not working since they changed their code. May not be possible now.
Fixed User Interface (thanks Jujuland)!
Expanded/Fixed Icon Behavior
- Download and install wget.exe and you can then install scripts directly off
- Fixed Duplicate Application workaround.
- Boolean Pref interaction still not working with K-Meleon 1.50 so toggling on/off via the menu does not work.
- When loading pages in the background, greasify does not apply to the correct page. This bug was evident in earlier 1.5beta versions as well.
- It looks like these problems are with K-Meleon 1.50.
To get Greasify working with K-Meleon 1.5 and 1.6, manually set the follownig preferences:
user_pref("", "C:\\scripts\\directory");
user_pref("kmeleon.plugins.macros.greasify.enable_toolbar", true);
user_pref("kmeleon.plugins.macros.greasify.enablednew", true);
user_pref("kmeleon.plugins.macros.greasify.statbarnew", true);
- Download and install wget.exe and you can then install scripts off
- Boolean Pref interation still not working with K-Meleon 1.50 so toggling on/off via the menu does not work.
- When loading pages in the background, greasify sometimes does not apply to the correct page. This bug was evident in earlier 1.5beta versions as well.
- It looks like these problems are with K-Meleon 1.50.
- Double-application workaround maybe not working in 1.5 version.
- Integration
- Integration
- Now supports 16 include URLs and 8 exclude URLs. Maximunm script limit upped to 500 (not tested to 500 but theoretically should work).
- New Modal window to show "Scripts in Repository" since dialog popup is un-scrollable and at a certain point the dialog becomes unreadable. (see pref in advanced menu).
- Macro names updated to be more specific.
- Added Disable Script in Repository feature. ( Fixed)
- Various updates and fixes.
- Note: menu interface not working correctly with K-Meleon 1.5.
Same as but unworking 'Disable Script' feature
Syntax fixes
Test version for 1.5a here - You may need to manually set the pref kmeleon.plugins.macros.greasify.enablednew to true.
- Make sure to run Greasify -> Advanced -> Generate Includes and Excludes if upgrading from any version prior to
- Better include/exclude generation when adding/removing scripts.
- Make sure to run Greasify -> Advanced -> Generate Includes and Excludes if upgrading from any version prior to
- The manual generation option now inclusively clears the scripts.
Switched over to prefs for includes/excludes. Now there won't be x number of file reads with the loading of every page. This should greatly speed up performance. Go to Greasify -> Advanced -> Generate Includes/Excludes in order to use this.
Added support for @exclude URLs.
Added support for http://* https://* and ftp://* for include/exclude URLs.
Fixed support for https (secure) locations.
Rewrote some evaluation code.
Fixed problem where newline characters in the include URLs were preventing application of scripts.
Menu enhancements & a "Help" menu popup. (reminder: this is still beta.)
Added NoScript Compatibility Mode - be sure to enable it if using NoScript. Otherwise scripts will only apply to sites on the NoScript white list. (reminder: this is still beta.)
Added rebuildmenu to menu function.
Added "Copy Applied Scripts To Clipboard For Testing" to verify the javascript content applied to a page.
Added "View Script Source In Browser" to view a script source in the browser window.
Major re-write of internal location evaluations. Should work much better now with @include URLs. Support for @exclude in the works. Not all scenarios yet tested with this version so consider it alpha. Tested with the newest version of K-Meleon.
With the new version of K-Meleon (found here) you simply place this file in the K-Meleon "Macros" subdirectory.
All configuration is now done through the K-Meleon GUI
After installing the .kmm file, go to the Tools -> Greasify menu to set it up.
1. You must Set Userscripts Directory to where you have your UserScripts. (i.e. the directory containuing the .user.js files.) This can be any directory, for instance, create a "gm" subdirectory in your K-Meleon dir and copy your scripts there.
2. You must Add User Script(s) To Repository via the GUI. The scripts contained in your "gm" directory will not be active until added into the repository with this step. You can check to see which ones are loaded by selecting Show Userscripts In Repository.
Show Actively Applied Scripts To Page will verify which userscripts have been applied to the current page.
NoScript Compatibility Mode allows the userscript to apply to pages even if they are not on the NoScript whitelist (only enable if you are using the NoScript extension installed as well.)
Other notes: Certain internal Greasemonkey functions like GM_xmlhttpRequest, and GM_setValue are not yet recognized. For a script to apply on all pages you must use http://*, https://* or ftp://* rather than just *. If you are having trouble getting a script to apply, try changing the include URL to a simple http://**
Userscript headers that don't conform to the "official" standard may prevent the script from being applied (see the greasemonkey XPI in subdir chrome/chromeFiles/content/template.user.js)
Does not support ".dom" for includes/excludes.