運行環(huán)境:Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
開 發(fā) 商:http://tintguide.com/
PhotoMontage Guide –智能圖像調整大小,縮小圖片和對象移除,允許制作圖片拼貼.
更改圖像的大小和長寬比,移除對象而不留痕跡,使得"重要"特征完好無缺.應用背景效果 (填充、 陰影、 模糊,單色),從任意背景中分離固體物體并將之轉移到另一張照片,創(chuàng)造出蒙太奇效果.可將兩張圖片結合在一起.
PhotoMontage Guide結合了Image Resize Guide和Picture Cutout Guide兩款軟件的工具,包括兩個程序的照片處理動畫演示和照片編輯.
PhotoMontage Guide - Smart image resize, shrink pictures and objects removal, allowsto make a collage of pictures.
Changesthe image size and aspect ratio, removes objects without visible traces.Separates solid objects from an arbitrary background and transfers them toanother photo, allows combining two pictures together.
PhotoMontage Guide combines tools from Image Resize Guide and Picture Cutout Guideand includes animated demo samples of photo editing from both programs.