SARDU creates a multiboot all-in-one USB drive, CD or DVD for free (personal and non commercial use, read the license). Hard disks, external hard disks and all removable media are supported.
The bootable device can include comprehensive collections of antivirus rescue cd, utilities and popular live distributions of Linux. Windows PE can also be included, as well as recovery disks and install media for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Seven and Windows Eight.
All one has to do is download the desired ISOs with the integrated downloader and use SARDU to add them to the multi boot menu.
SARDU is simply the best solution to combine all of your bootable ISOs into one! That in turn can be burnt to any device and make it bootable (providing that your BIOS supports it). Basically, this eliminates the need to carry around heaps of different bootable CDs.
Is all you need for troubleshooting.
SARDU does include a few utilities, but it is primarily a tool for managing any software in ISO format that you have downloaded.*personal and non commercial use, read the license.
All software has their own buttons and checkboxes. SARDU manages only these programs.
If a checkbox is disabled (grey) the ISO of that software was not found. Pressing an application's button causes SARDU to download the bootable ISO from the manufacturer's website. Once downloaded, it is made ready for use by checking the checkbox. Downloads can be done manually by disabling the function ' File -- Enable direct download'. The user can update the status of the ISO folder from File -- Refresh ISO/IMA menu (N.B.: do not change the default names of the individual ISOs because they won't be recognized by SARDU.) If a checkbox is unchecked (white) the single ISO is disabled and not-active.
SARDU builds a multi boot menu disk with multiple bootable programs, all on one single medium.
You can have more than 60 programs/ISOs on a single disk or USB stick. Everything you need to remove viruses, fix problems, test hardware, install an operating system ... all on hand even without DVD reader.
SARDU is very easy to use.
With a few clicks the media is ready. If you want to make a multiboot USB you have to press the 'Search USB' button. The software will then look for all devices with FAT32. Only FAT 32 is supported. The device can be chosen from the combo box. By default the USB device combo box is disabled, and is activated only when one (or more) devices with FAT32 are detected. In the tab `Report` you can find details about the selected USB: Type (Removable or Hard Disk), Serial, Label, Space used and free. Pressing the button with the 'USB icon' causes SARDU to extract the needed files from one ISO at a time. After a careful examination it builds the menu and makes a multiboot USB device. If you want to make a multiboot CD or DVD you have to press the button with `disk`. SARDU then extracts the needed files one ISO at a time and, after a careful examination, builds the menu and makes a multibootable ISO. The ISO must then be burned to disk using your own burning software or the burn option of SARDU.For the multiboot utility, SARDU (by default) uses Syslinux/Isolinux. If necessary, SARDU can instead use Grub4DOS and BCDW. The determination of which to use is done automatically, with no user input necessary.
With a few clicks the media is ready. If you want to make a multiboot USB you have to press the 'Search USB' button. The software will then look for all devices with FAT32 and NTFS. The device can be chosen from the combo box. By default the USB device combo box is disabled, and is activated only when one (or more) devices with FAT32 are detected. In the tab `Report` you can find details about the selected USB: Type (Removable or Hard Disk), Serial, Label, Space used and free.
Pressing the button with the 'USB icon' causes SARDU to extract the needed files from one ISO at a time. After a careful examination it builds the menu and makes a multiboot USB device.The user can load their own customized folder and/or menu iso/syslinux and GRUB4Dos. This option adds unsupported ISOs or customized folders/menus, is for advanced users, and I don't provide customer support related to its use.