The Windows Media Player HTML5 Extension for Chrome is anextension that enables Chrome users to play H.264-encoded videos(aka MP4) on HTML5 pages by using the built-in capabilities foundin Windows 7.
Supported PlatformsWe are working on getting the extension submitted to the Chromestore, for now you can install the extension following theseinstructions:
1. Download the extension from here (right click and"Save Link As...") and save it on your local machine.
2. in Chrome, select the Chrome menu/tools/extensions.
3. Drag&Drop the extension file on the extensions page.Chrome will ask you to install the extension.
Windows Media PlayerHTML5 Extension for Chrome Release Notes
A copy of the license agreement is available here (A copy of the file isalso installed with the Add-on).
Release Notes forDevelopers
This Extension is based on a Chrome Extension that parses HTML5pages and replaces Video tags with a call to the Windows MediaPlayer plug-in so that the content can be played in the browser.The Extension replaces video tags only if the video formatsspecified in the tag are among those supported by Windows MediaPlayer. Tags that contain other video formats are not touched.
The Extension also checks if the browser version alreadysupports MP4 (H.264) video codec, if so the extension is notused.
The current version of the Extension still uses the Windows MediaPlayer Plug-in APIs to control video playback, so there are somedifferences between the methods/properties defined in the emergingHTML5 standard and those available in the Windows Media Playerplug-in. We are working to fix this limitation in the nextrelease.