ARTICLESBird flu anxiety spreads across EuropeA Portuguese man is being tested for the virus, but scientist say the real area of concern remains Asia, where China has revealed new outbreaks Breaking News - 26 October 2005 Bird flu scares prompts snake oil productionAs anxiety over avian flu grows, entrepreneurs, spammers, quacks and rip-off merchants are reaping the benefits, with a range of bogus products News - 29 October 2005 Deadly H5N1 bird flu strain reaches the UKThe virus was detected in a quarantined consignment of exotic birds, raising fears that imported pet birds could spread the disease Breaking News - 24 October 2005 Editorial: Licence to cure bird flu![]() Our defences against a possible bird flu pandemic are very weak but, finally, makers of the flu drug Tamiflu will consider letting others make it Comment - 22 October 2005 Bird flu breaking out all overIt remains unclear if the virus has reached the European Union, but it is still spreading in China and could reach Africa Breaking News - 21 October 2005 Race is on to make bird flu drugsAn Indian company says it will begin marketing a generic version of the antiviral drug oseltamivir, better known as Tamiflu News - 20 October 2005 Editorial: Licence to cure bird flu![]() Our defences against a possible bird flu pandemic are very weak but, finally, makers of the flu drug Tamiflu will consider letting others make it Comment - 22 October 2005 Bird flu: kick-start vaccination or face the consequencesThe world needs a global action plan, and fast, if we are to stand any hope of stopping a flu pandemic News - 14 October 2005 Bird flu may have reached EuropeWith dead birds found in Romania and Turkey, fears intensify that the virus could invade the continent Breaking News - 10 October 2005 Low-dose bird flu vaccine tested on humansA French company is conducting trials of a low-dose vaccine against the H5N1 bird flu virus and should have results by December Breaking News - 16 September 2005 Editorial: Killer flu is back![]() Rebuilding the 1918 virus was supposed to make the world safer. But has it? Comment - 08 October 2005 US scientists resurrect deadly 1918 fluTheir stunning success in reconstructing the virus shows how a pandemic virus can evolve ?but the work itself poses risks Breaking News - 05 October 2005 Reconstruction of 1918 flu virus prompts warnings![]() The virus that caused the deadliest global pandemic ever recorded has frightening similarities with bird flu News - 08 October 2005 Deadly dog flu jumped from horsesA virus that has made pets and racing greyhounds sick in the US jumped virtually unchanged from horses, making the outbreak unprecedented Breaking News - 27 September 2005 Bird flu claims two more lives in IndonesiaA blood test confirms that a five-year-old girl was the sixth person to die from the virus in the country Breaking News - 26 September 2005 Bird flu knocks on Europe抯 doorChief EU veterinary officials meet in Brussels to discuss what to do if wild birds carrying H5N1 bird flu bring it to Europe from Russia Breaking News - 25 August 2005 Deadly bird flu found across AsiaThe virus is identified beyond Thailand and Vietnam ?in Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia ?some outbreaks are confirmed as the H5N1 strain Breaking News - 11 August 2005 Flu pandemic: lethal yet preventableIf Asian bird flu mutates into a form that spreads easily between humans, an outbreak in just 40 people would be enough to cause a global pandemic Breaking News - 03 August 2005 Bird flu knocks on Europe抯 doorChief EU veterinary officials meet in Brussels to discuss what to do if wild birds carrying H5N1 bird flu bring it to Europe from Russia Breaking News - 25 August 2005 Editorial: Bird flu - ready or not?![]() If bird flu evolves into a deadly human strain, it still won‘t be too late to nip the pandemic in the bud, international researchers say Comment - 06 August 2005 China denies bird flu research findingsThe country is attempting to discredit research published in Nature, which concluded that bird flu was spreading within its borders News - 16 July 2005 Blood-pressure drugs could help fight flu![]() Common drugs might help protect humans against a flu pandemic by preventing the development of a lethal lung condition News - 16 July 2005 Bird flu may soon land in Europe and AustraliaHuge numbers of wild birds in northwest China are infected by a bird flu virus closely related to the killer strain - they may carry it far and wide News - 06 July 2005 China hinders bird flu researchThe Chinese government warns researchers not to conduct unsupervised tests and is insisting scientists secure a range of permissions first News - 25 June 2005 Rapid test for bird flu developedIt can detect any of the 15 known strains of bird flu in just 24 hours and will make it easier to screen wild birds for the virus without harming them News - 25 June 2005 China to stop using human flu drug on poultryThe country will prevent its farmers continuing to employ the anti-flu drug, which has already caused drug-resistant strains of bird flu virus to develop Breaking News - 22 June 2005 Mystery over Chinese denial of wildfowl flu deaths![]() Many questions still surround the deaths of thousands of waterfowl at a huge salt lake in the western Chinese province of Qinghai News - 11 June 2005 Editorial: Send in the bird flu inspectors![]() A report by "nine young people" on a Chinese website stated that 121 people had died from bird flu in Qinghai - the WHO should be allowed to investigate Comment - 04 June 2005 Can Tamiflu save us from bird flu?Amid signs that H5N1 bird flu is acquiring the ability to spread more readily among humans, health authorities are pinning their hopes on the drug News - 02 June 2005 Editorial: Send in the bird flu inspectors![]() A report by "nine young people" on a Chinese website stated that 121 people had died from bird flu in Qinghai - the WHO should be allowed to investigate Comment - 04 June 2005 Bird flu hits migrating geeseChina has reported its first outbreak of H5N1 bird flu since 2004 - this time the virus has been found in wild geese in a nature reserve News - 28 May 2005 Claims of human bird flu cases in China deniedUnconfirmed media reports suggest H5N1 bird flu has killed more than a 100 people, and made nearly 80 more sick Breaking News - 26 May 2005 Bird flu resurfaces in ChinaChina reports its first outbreak of H5N1 bird flu since its widespread epidemic in poultry in 2004 - this time, the virus is found in wild geese Breaking News - 23 May 2005 Menacing changes seen in Vietnam bird fluSeveral lines of evidence suggest the strain infecting humans in northern Vietnam might be posing a greater pandemic threat Breaking News - 19 May 2005 Vietnam in U-turn over bird flu vaccinationThe country will try vaccinating 600,000 poultry in Ho Chi Minh City against H5N1 bird flu - other methods to halt its spread have failed Breaking News - 04 May 2005 Lab slip-up could trigger next flu pandemic![]() After an astonishing blunder that may have allowed a lethal pandemic flu strain to escape from the lab, researchers call for improved biosecurity News - 23 April 2005 Bird flu identified in Indonesian pigsAs pigs can host both human and bird flu strains, experts fear the animals could act as a "mixing vessel" for a human pandemic strain Breaking News - 14 April 2005 Pandemic-causing ‘Asian flu‘ accidentally releasedThe virus that caused the 1957 揂sian flu?pandemic, which killed millions, has been sent to thousands of research centres worldwide Breaking News - 13 April 2005 North Korean bird flu outbreak not the feared strainRecent outbreaks in three large poultry farms in the secretive country are revealed as the H7 strain of the virus, but the evidence is indirect Breaking News - 05 April 2005 US flu vaccine trials may be effort wastedThe formulations that the US plans to test are thought likely to be ineffective, and even if they work will take too long to manufacture Breaking News - 25 March 2005 ‘Symptomless‘ bird flu cases raise concernsTwo relatives of patients killed by bird flu test positive for the virus, yet show no adverse effects - H5N1 may be less lethal than realised Breaking News - 09 March 2005 UK to stash 15 million anti-flu drug coursesThe order is in preparation for the next global pandemic, but the government decides against the bird flu vaccine bought by the US and others Breaking News - 01 March 2005 Vast budget boost needed to fight bird fluThe plea comes from an international crisis meeting, which warns the world is now facing the "gravest possible danger of a pandemic" Breaking News - 25 February 2005 Bird flu may be worryingly widespreadAsian doctors have been watching for respiratory illness, but bird flu may escape diagnosis by starting as a gut upset and diarrhoea Breaking News - 17 February 2005 Stockpile bird flu vaccine nowDo it before a pandemic starts, says an upcoming recommendation from the WHO, reflecting the fear that an outbreak is becoming more likely Breaking News - 17 February 2005 Editorial: Bird flu outbreak could kill 1.5 billion people![]() This is the worst-case scenario keeping virologists awake at night, yet the world‘s scientists have failed to develop a plan to protect us Comment - 05 February 2005 Interview: The virus hunterAlbert Osterhaus has a big reputation, with major credits for SARS, bird flu and seal distemper and his methods can be "unconventional" Interview - 22 January 2005 Suspected human-to-human bird flu transmission in VietnamFurthermore, recent cases suggest that many human infections may not have been diagnosed, partly because tests are not widely available Breaking News - 21 January 2005 Bird flu on the rise again in VietnamThere are now outbreaks in poultry across the country, including the capital Hanoi, and at least six people have contracted the virus Breaking News - 18 January 2005 Not that bird fluNews - 13 November 2004 Europe has close call with deadly bird fluThe virus arrived via eagles smuggled from Thailand - one vet is ill, but the authorities say the threat has been contained Breaking News - 26 October 2004 Editorial: The clock is ticking![]() The one thing bird flu experts were dreading looks like it has happened Comment - 02 October 2004 Bird flu transmitted between humans in ThailandAs Thai authorities confirm the outbreak‘s latest development, the UN calls the situation "a crisis of global importance" Breaking News - 28 September 2004 Lack of vaccine raises fears of flu pandemicWorries that bird flu could combine with human flu to create a deadly new strain have heightened in Thailand, where vaccines are in short supply Breaking News - 23 September 2004 Editorial: Monster in the making![]() Bird flu is back and it‘s not just chicken farmers who should worry Comment - 18 September 2004 Dutch bird flu infected hundreds of peopleDuring a 2003 outbreak, the virus infected people far more easily than originally thought, researchers reveal Breaking News - 15 September 2004 Cats can spread deadly bird fluThe fear now is that cats, and perhaps other animals, could act as a vessel for the virus to further evolve into a human pandemic Breaking News - 02 September 2004 Three people killed by bird flu in VietnamThe first human deaths are reported in the second wave of the 2004 outbreak across southeast Asia Breaking News - 12 August 2004 Wild birds caught in flu flapA fresh outbreak of bird flu in Asia is being blamed on wild birds News - 17 July 2004 Super-fit bird flu evolved in ChinaThe genetic history of 2004‘s deadly avian flu suggests it evolved recently in China - meanwhile the flu is re-surfacing in southeast Asia Breaking News - 07 July 2004 Bird flu prompts mass cull in CanadaThe slaughter of 19 millions birds is intended to stop the highly contagious virus spreading - two people have been infected so far Breaking News - 06 April 2004 Bird flu vaccination could lead to new strainsAsian countries will be carrying out an uncontrolled experiment in viral evolution that could ultimately lead to a human pandemic Breaking News - 24 March 2004 Down with the flu?![]() Experts fear that Asian bird flu will mutate into a virus as deadly as the one that killed 40 million people in 1918 Features - 28 February 2004 Editorial: Scare tactics![]() Science is a vital weapon against a deadly pandemic Comment - 28 February 2004 Superflu is being brewed in the labMany scientists say the work is vital to prevent more flu pandemics - but critics warn an escaped virus could kill millions Breaking News - 26 February 2004 Genetic analysis probes bird flu‘s historyStriking similarity between Vietnamese and earlier Chinese samples shows this virus has been widespread for several years Breaking News - 11 February 2004 Vaccination backed to help control bird fluBut the world‘s top health agencies say culling, which is expensive and unpopular, remains the recommended response Breaking News - 05 February 2004 ‘Human-to-human‘ bird flu transmission investigatedA WHO investigation of four deaths connected to a wedding in Vietnam fails to rule out this route of infection Breaking News - 02 February 2004 Bird flu outbreak started a year agoThe outbreak began as early as the first half of 2003, health experts have told New Scientist Breaking News - 28 January 2004 Bird flu epidemic is ‘worst in history‘As Indonesia admits it has a widespread outbreak and another person dies, health officials are set to meet to plan for the worst Breaking News - 26 January 2004 Thailand and Cambodia admit bird fluSuspicion of China mounts as two more neighbouring countries report the virus Breaking News - 23 January 2004 Vietnam last on flu vaccine listDrug company contracts and patents are impeding efforts to ensure the outbreak of bird flu does not result in a deadly human pandemic Breaking News - 21 January 2004 Bird flu continues to claim livesAnother person dies in Vietnam - but, as the mass poultry cull continues, the WHO warns of a threat to those killing the birds Breaking News - 19 January 2004 Bird flu linked to new human deathsAt least 10 people have died from a strain of influenza that is severely affecting poultry in Vietnam, worrying health experts Breaking News - 13 January 2004 Dutch bird flu claims first human victimThere are worrying signs that the bird virus is learning to spread among humans and cause serious disease Breaking News - 22 April 2003 Cross-breeding fear over Dutch bird fluIt has already caused eye infections in farm workers - but if the bird virus meets human virus, a deadly pathogen could form Breaking News - 14 March 2003 Flu outbreak triggers fears of global pandemic![]() A "bird flu" outbreak in a Hong Kong family who visited Fujian in China is fuelling fears that the country will be the source of the next global flu pandemic News - 01 March 2003 ‘Bird flu‘ death in Hong Kong raises fearsA family struck is down by avian influenza - scientists must urgently determine if the new virus is more contagious than that seen in 1997 Breaking News - 20 February 2003 |