


(本命)火星、木星、土星相位解釋;外行星相位粗略解釋 轉

發(fā)布: 2007-8-22 17:41 | 作者: 黑色的祈禱 | 來源: 中華塔羅會館



The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter produces an abundance of energy and enthusiasm. You have much confidence in your abilities to do whatever you set out to do. You are the type that refuses to accept NO as an answer. You approach challenges with a dramatic flare and utter determination. You are a confident decision-maker. This is an aspect that often produces high ambitions, wealth, and good luck. You may drive yourself much too hard sometimes.
MARS conjunct SATURN
The conjunction of Mars and Saturn shows that you can use your energies constructively. Any tendency shown elsewhere in your chart to act on impulse is tempered with restraint. You rarely waste energies on unproductive activities. You are a physical person, but you know how to control and use of your physical energies. This aspect produces the capacity for hard work, enduring strength, and resourcefulness. Often this conjunction marks a tendency toward anger or hard feelings that you must control, if you can. You must avoid the negative attitudes and resentments that sometimes develop.

MARS conjunct URANUS
The conjunction of Mars and Uranus produces an unrestricted, forceful, and energetic nature. You play by your own rules and resist compliance to any controls of society. Your impulsiveness can present any number of problems, but you continue to insist on complete freedom of action. You insist on having your way. You have a strong inclination to experiment and test your theories as you go along. A reasonable degree of prudence is often lacking in your actions. You are likely to face roadblocks unless you can attain some position in which you are completely in charge.

The conjunction of Mars and Neptune gives the personality strong psychic magnetism. Mystery and secrecy shroud the affairs governed by Mars. You have a definite talent for leadership because people will respond to you and follow you instinctively. Often, goals and energies are directed to spiritual matters. Yet sometimes the direction of this can be a little clouded. A very romantic nature can establish impractical or uncertain objectives. You must always remain open and above board. Avoid any temptation to employ secrecy or subterfuge in your actions.

MARS conjunct PLUTO
The conjunction of Mars and Pluto shows a very strong desire nature with the persistence and determination to get what you want. Your nature is to be more interested in the battle than in the fruits of the conquest. You handle extreme pressure very well, and in a crises situation you can be relied upon to manage affairs with skill and authority. In love, you are assertive and possessive. Physical needs and demands are notably strong. This is a highly emotional aspect. If not controlled, this aspect may cause you to be brutal or cruel.

The sextile formed between Mars and Jupiter suggests the effective use of the mind and physical body to meet objectives. You are at your best when confronted with competition or a challenge to overcome. You know how to assert yourself under pressure, and have developed your talent for effective communication through dramatic delivery and clever use of words. Your sex drive is expanded by this aspect, but it's necessary to restrict partners to those with whom you have intellectual rapport.

A sextile is formed between Mars and Saturn showing most of your actions to be well directed and productive. This aspect is particularly helpful in the conduct of business activities. You display sound and practical common sense. You can be relied on to take charge and assume responsibility. You are willing to do so because your ambitions are very strong.
The sextile formed between Mars and Uranus shows a gift of originality and resourcefulness in actions. You have a strong and magnetic personality that easily faces and handles difficulties. You can manage just about anything but boredom. You are adventurous, always seeking something new and exciting to do. You follow rules only when they make complete sense to your way of thinking.

Mars forms a favorable aspect with Neptune in your chart energizing your psychic nature. You have a keen sensitivity allowing you to sense insincerity in others. With this sense, you can often out-maneuver your opponents without interference or resentment. You understand your deepest biological and emotional urges, and have them under control. You are a very understanding person, and often you are called on to lend a sympathetic ear.

MARS sextile PLUTO
The sextile between Mars and Pluto produces will power and a forcefulness in your nature. You have the qualification to be a top investigator or researcher as you doggedly dig out the facts of whatever matter you are pursuing. You can stimulate action and get to the bottom of the most complex issue. You read people and understand their motives very well. You're able to present views in a very vivid and forceful way, without ignoring the ideas presented by others.
The square formed between Mars and Jupiter shows that in some ways you are an extremist. You can become susceptible to fanatical religious or social beliefs. When you gamble, it is likely to be for high stakes. You may not know when to quit. Moderation has to be learned; it's not a natural trait. Women with this placement have trouble with men. Your employers are slow to credit and advance you despite your capabilities and inclination to hard work. It is perhaps better for you to be self-employed.

The square between Mars and Saturn sets up a defensiveness in your nature, producing some difficulties in personal relationships. Fear of rejection, perhaps based on early life experiences, prompts a sense of caution in romance. You have a tendency toward melancholy and self-pity. This aspect is an impediment to happiness and the expression of optimism. In the expression of energies, there is an alternating current between assertiveness and apathy. You may be slow to reach long range goals despite much hard work and continued effort.

The square formed between Mars and Uranus shows desire for complete freedom to act without hesitation or restraint. There is too much physical energy coupled with a voracious appetite for action and excitement. You are accident prone because you're a bit careless in what you do. Avoid activity associated with racing cars, speed boats, machinery, and other dangerous activities. In dealing with others in the work place, don't expect them to perform as you do. They are not likely to have your drive. Moderation in everything should be your goal. This is a difficult aspect for fostering an out-of-control temper. Be aware of this very unappealing potential.

The square between Mars and Neptune suggests that your natural tendencies to assert yourself may cause confusion and turmoil in your life. You may experience ups and downs in your feelings and ambitions. Vague or subconscious reasons prompting you to act may conflict with your sensitive feelings. This aspect stimulates interest in spiritual issues and produces a degree of psychic energy, even spiritual delusion. It's often associated with sexual anxieties, repressed sexual urges, or some degree of deception associated with sexual affairs. This aspect is one that suggests you may do best when you are alone. You should perhaps work by yourself or with as few people as possible. Preferably, you should work in a field such as medicine where you can satisfy a need to provide human service and remain detached. Develop your abilities to plan and control, and be more willing to accept responsibility when something goes wrong.

The square formed between Mars and Pluto produces a forceful nature. Often your actions can be described only as reckless. Yet you are cautious and secretive about your projects, especially as you mature and develop. When frustrated, you may become abusive and display much temper. This aspect suggests that your sexual drive is strong, and may not be well controlled at times. This is a very physical aspect needing control and channeling. When you can control actions, this aspect can be positive as it shows a penchant for eliminating, by force, the unacceptable and unnecessary in your life. You can develop a very focused concentration on progressive issues.

The trine formed between Mars and Jupiter shows that your physical resources are applied in a well-integrated way. You have the physical and intellectual strength to get a good many projects completed with a small amount of effort. You have a knack for doing the right thing at the right time. Even with all this talent, you have an "easy come, easy go" attitude. You aren't as competitive as you could be. Yet you're are optimistic about life, and it never occurs to you to suspect that you won't do whatever it is you set out to do.
*easy come, easy go

The trine formed between Mars and Saturn shows that you are a good soldier who always finishes assigned duties. Little of your efforts are ever wasted on unproductive activities or trivial matters. You are a good person to work with or for because you keep yourself under control always, and you are tolerant and helpful to others. You respect others for what they are and accept them at their level of development. You succeed because of the way you apply yourself. You illustrate that success is something to be earned and not just an accident of birth or good fortune.
The trine formed between Mars and Uranus shows originality and enthusiasm in your actions. You are very energetic and freedom loving. You are an impatient person who always has several irons in the fire. Your impulsive and restless nature needs to concentrate more on moderation. In fact, you may demand freedom to exploit your potentials, and you actually feel sorry for those that are trapped in limiting circumstances. This is not a good aspect for someone with a boring 9-5 job. You do need to focus on learning moderation, and especially in romantic affairs, you need to be less restless and impulsive. The limiting ties of marriage and convention may not be your cup of tea.

The trine formed between Mars and Neptune suggests a successful integration of forceful action and dreams. Because you understand your deepest biological urges, you can control them. You are successfully in tune with those having less understanding than you, making you a sympathetic listener and counselor. Keen sensitivities allow you to detect insincerity in others and to grasp the emotional coloring of your surroundings. Thus, you know how and when to act. The physical and the psychic, or unconscious, sides of your nature are successfully blended. You may have interests in artistic dance, the practice of Yoga, or related activities involving physical expression.

A trine between Mars and Pluto shows that the assertiveness in your nature is well aligned with your dedication to causes. You can be effective in solving problems in society because you have a deep understanding of those problems and their origins. Services are offered out of spiritual convictions. To you, romantic connections have deep meaning and interest. You display a caring nature that extends in several directions to transform those you contact, socially and emotionally.
Mars is opposing Jupiter in your chart showing extravagant tendencies and often loses through speculation. You may lack moderation where pleasures, alcohol or diet are concerned. This aspect produces very strong and sometimes biased convictions. Your aggressive promoting of philosophic or religious viewpoints may antagonize others. This is also an aspect that can show a soldier of fortune always restless and wanting travel and adventure. Guard against exaggerating your own importance. It's important to insure efforts are steady, sustained and well regulated.

MARS opposite SATURN
Mars and Saturn are in opposition in your chart. This placement suggests some conflict between your desires and your sense of responsibility. There is conflict between a need for impulsive action, Mars behavior, and the conservative apprehension associated with Saturn. There is a sense of being rejected associated with this aspect. You establish goals out of realistic reach, and then suffer feelings of futility when you can't achieve them. You may over evaluate the accomplishments of others, and undervalue yours. Like yourself a little better, and establish objectives that are attainable in a detailed process. You may be well suited to work in law enforcement, the military, industrial engineering, or conservation. Personal relationships are often disappointing to you. You may select a mate that is an extension of one of your parents. You should instead seek one who would be less demanding, more liberal, and who could compensate for the austerity of your parents. It is unlikely that your family environment will be a replay of your childhood. You will want your children to have more flexibility to enable them to become secure, independent adults.

MARS opposite URANUS
The opposition between Mars and Uranus excites to competition and arouses others to challenge you. You're demanding and authoritative. You thrive on argument, even when you aren't serious about it. Because of these assertive leanings, you can make an excellent salesperson, but you may have some problems with human relations. You don't tolerate restrictions of your freedom and mobility, needing to be constantly on the move. You may be attracted to hazardous activities such as flying, racing, exploring, or mountain climbing. Because you are accident prone, these and other similar pastimes are not recommended. You must be careful and take safety precautions. Avoid desires to throw caution to the winds, because you need not prove yourself in these ways. You may not be an easy person to live with because of periodic outbursts of temper and sometimes cantankerous attitude. A revolutionary, you are likely to oppose tradition with its limits on individuality. You want your way, and can be critical of any authority.

The opposition of Mars and Neptune can make it hard for you to relate to others emotionally. You are susceptible to deceit and becoming involved in misdeals. You may be perfectly honest and above board in your activities. Still your motives and actions will be questioned and suspected. Be careful not to become involved in any activity that is the least bit shady. Learn to reason with your intellect and not be led by your fascination for thrills and the unknown. Avoid drugs, alcohol, and the occult. These are dangerous for you because you are so susceptible to them. You are easily mesmerized by illusions and those who create them. Avoid setting unrealistic goals.

MARS opposite PLUTO
The opposition between Mars and Pluto shows a defiant attitude. Sometimes there is a lack of control over aggressive tendencies. You can alienate some people as you assert your rights, or what you believe to be your rights. You must evaluate the positive and negative aspects of any idea or plan. Always consider the values of compromise before taking any action. Both Mars and Pluto are associated with sexual drive since these two planets are the co-rulers of Scorpio. With this aspect in opposition your sexual drive will be strongly affected and in some conflict. You may be led to form extremely strong alliances, but it may as easily cause severe rifts in relationships. The drive may be to gain power over others. It is certain that you will encounter problems in your personal affairs.  
Jupiter conjunct Saturn
The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn shows a serious outlook on life and an involvement in heavy responsibilities. This aspect makes you much more conservative and practical than may otherwise be shown in the chart. You have some significant hurdles to get over before you can achieve the financial security you desire. Optimism can be drained by a series of disappointments and delays. Larger social issues may play an important part in your life. The conjunction doesn't deny success, but shows the necessity to work hard and be patient.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus
The conjunction of Jupiter with Uranus produces a good deal of restlessness in your nature. You dislike restrictions and like to be the one in charge. You are an organizer, a planner and a doer, and you do especially well when assigned to handle a big project. Your plans have a solid touch of idealism attached. Your basically very lucky, and you usually get full credit for what you do. Sudden and unexpected gains are frequently a product of this aspect.

Jupiter conjunct Neptune
The conjunction of Jupiter with Neptune shows creative imagination. You may be very artistic, and somewhat excessive in the expression of your talents. Often this aspect shows much idealism, and you may be drawn to a religious or humanitarian life. You may be an escapist, too.

Jupiter conjunct Pluto
A conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto confers the determination to achieve goals that will bring about improvements for both you and others. You have a very strong and penetrating insight, and a good deal of leadership ability. You are determined to enjoy life to its fullest. Dedicated to your ideals, you have a bit of the zealot in you.
Jupiter sextile Saturn
The sextile formed between Jupiter and Saturn shows the good business attributes of caution, prudence, and good organization, combined with optimism, enthusiasm, and expansion. You are thus able to carry through plans and fulfill your obligations, earning respect in your business or profession. You are respected for your honesty and integrity.

Jupiter sextile Uranus
The sextile of Jupiter and Uranus tends to break down orthodox tendencies and add more of a metaphysical or liberal attitude. Humanitarian goals and issues are more important with this, an uplifting aspect. Good fortune relating to ideals in life come as a bi-product of actions.

Jupiter sextile Neptune
The sextile between Jupiter and Neptune shows imagination and much hope about the future. You solve problems in theory, and some ideas may be impractical. An idealist, you are always trying to help. You are certainly one who is willing to stand and be counted. You want to believe the best can come from every situation, and of course that is not always true.

Jupiter sextile Pluto
The sextile formed between Jupiter and Pluto indicates your exuberance, enthusiasm, and ambition. Even with these characteristics, you encourage others to explore their potentials as much as you do yours. You have many organizational skills, and you are most productive in business, education, and politics. Your interests are extremely broad based.
Jupiter square Saturn
The square between Jupiter and Saturn denotes some problems with self-esteem. You question your abilities and put yourself down when you compare yourself to others. Parental influence may have contributed to this lack of confidence.

Jupiter square Uranus
The square formed between Jupiter and Uranus shows inhibiting conflicts which limit your goals and achievements. You may be expansive in your imagination and plans. There is a tendency to be impractical and too idealistic in your thinking. In some cases, eccentric religious beliefs and practices are shown by this aspect. Speculation, if allowed to get out of hand, can produce unexpected and unsatisfactory results, and you may have a tendency to go off the deep end in handling financial matters. Long-shot gambles that may tempt you, rarely work out.

Jupiter square Neptune
The placement of Jupiter and Neptune form a Square aspect in your chart. This aspect shows a tendency toward exaggeration and confusion. There is a likelihood of being deceived or deceiving others. In any event, there are emotional excesses and impractical behavior. This aspect is often associated with religious idealism lacking discipline. There is a degree of self-indulgence associated with this placement, and this can result in a failure to attain potential success.

Jupiter square Pluto
The square formed between Jupiter and Pluto suggests that you set yourself up as a law unto yourself and rarely agree with accepted code. Dogmatic and exaggerating, you could be an adventurer or a gambler. Oddly enough, you see-saw between overconfidence and self-doubt. Learn to profit from your experiences and don't exploit others for your own benefit.

Jupiter trine Saturn
The trine between Jupiter and Saturn shows serious purpose to your life which may have been influenced by a family tradition. Although you are somewhat materialistic and desire the finer things in life, you lack the motivation and drive to attain them. There is a tendency to seek and find easy ways of doing everything. Whatever success you are to achieve is apt to come in the latter part of your life. You have a bad habit of comparing yourself unfavorable to others rather than realizing your own self-worth.

Jupiter trine Uranus
The trine formed between Jupiter and Uranus shows that you are original, creative, determined and practical. You can achieve any goal set for yourself. Personal liberty is very important and you don't like to be tied down to convention. You may have strong mental energy and much staying power in work that requires you to use you intelligence.

Jupiter trine Neptune
The trine formed between Jupiter and Neptune expands your latent intuitive faculties, giving a practical application to your hunches. You may find you often gain materially by following the dictates of your intuition and what just feels good. If you have any artistic leanings, this aspect helps your expression become more salable. The personality is likely to appear very jovial and human, allowing you to make friends easily.

Jupiter trine Pluto
The trine between Jupiter and Pluto produces a powerful exuberance in your nature that allows you to inspire others to their potential, as you likewise are able to achieve your own. You have wonderful organizational skills that can be useful, especially in business, education, and public welfare.
Jupiter opposed Saturn
The opposition between Jupiter and Saturn suggests difficulty in recognizing personal limitations. In one sense this is good. You continue to plod forward in the face of just about any adversity, and you may face a good deal of adversity. This aspect often shows success coming in the later part of life. There is a tendency to compare yourself unfavorably with other people.

Jupiter opposed Uranus
The opposition between Jupiter and Uranus suggest that you are more enthusiastic, independent, outspoken and willful than may otherwise be shown in your chart. You tend to bite off a bit more than you can chew, and you want to start at the top without due preparation. Speculation and gambling should be avoided. Learn moderation in everything, and try not to be hypocritical.

Jupiter opposed Neptune
The opposition between Jupiter and Neptune shows a tendency to promise more than you can fulfill. You are creatively talented, but you must develop self-discipline to channel your energies in a productive direction. This aspect showing a lack of practicality damages business and financial affairs. You are extremely generous and kindhearted, but you may lack discrimination in this regard. You are somewhat revolutionary and may be over-emotional in your personal involvements. This aspect often denotes difficulty with drugs or alcohol.

Jupiter opposed Pluto
The opposition of Jupiter and Pluto shows questioning of social ideology. You challenge dogma by asserting your own views, which may often be out of step with those of society. Autocratic attitudes and a lack of humility can cause a loss of popularity. This is a powerful placement for Jupiter, the planet associated with religious and philosophic issues. You may have much to offer in correcting social injustices.

Saturn Conjunct Uranus
The combination of Saturn and Uranus shows that great discipline is needed in the way you develop your ideas. You have an inclination to ‘go your own way’ and can often find yourself at odds with the views of others; you may suffer from disappointment and frustration as a result. But you possess remarkable self-will and when you apply discipline and maturity to your actions, you are capable of destroying boundaries and making breakthroughs that are of lasting value to yourself and others.

Saturn Conjunct Neptune
When this aspect is used to its best effect, the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune gives the ability to apply structure and form to ideals and personal dreams. Along the way, you will be called upon to look critically at your own illusions and separate false impressions from reality. This aspect often shows that insecurity and dissatisfaction must be overcome in the battle between your idealistic and material self. You are always ready to make personal sacrifices but can sometimes be too quick to give in to the needs of others when you would be better to stand your own ground.

Saturn Conjunct Pluto
The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto shows amazing reserves of tenacity and self-discipline. Be careful that it doesn’t result in too much of self-denial and severity. The combination offers great strength of will and an inclination to dig hard and deep into your interests. Once your mind is committed, you are capable of incredible resolve. This gives you a talent for successfully performing difficult hard work under tiring circumstances.
Saturn Sextile Uranus
This aspect offers a good balance between the need to be independent and self-aware, and the need to work with convention and acknowledge external limitations. It promotes a healthy, questioning attitude and inclines towards originality, but allows due thought and reflection to underpin actions. This aspect promotes an interest in intellectual challenges, and can offer a real talent in mathematics and sciences. Brilliant breakthroughs can emerge as a result of hard work and disciplined effort.

Saturn Sextile Neptune
Saturn sextile Neptune gives the ability to bring realism and idealism together for constructive aims. It fosters patience and responsibility tied to altruistic motivations. Those born with this aspect are willing to work hard to make their dreams reality and can usually find a sense of satisfaction and higher purpose in the tasks that appear mundane to others.  

Saturn Sextile Pluto
Saturn sextile Pluto offers great strength of purpose and the ability to hold tightly to principles and beliefs. Those born with this aspect see beneath superficial surfaces and have a good grasp of the reality behind any situation. There is an aptitude for political intrigue and the deeper mysteries of life. Emotions are deeply felt but not easily expressed.

Saturn Square Uranus
The square between Saturn and Uranus denotes some sense of conflict between the urge to be independent, and the conservative restraints that appear to prevent self- expression. Maintaining a consistent sense of purpose is often difficult to achieve, and thus problems arise through alternating periods of seeking to preserve the status quo, and willingness to risk everything by radical and disruptive actions. Those born subject to this aspect are often very sensitive to perceived limitations and can react violently against them. Great personal contact is needed to bring the best that this aspect offers - when usefully employed it can provide the means to stabilize explosive environments as well as conquer and destroy destructive and inhibitive situations.

Saturn Square Neptune
Saturn square Neptune suggests some difficulties between accepting life as it is, and how it is wished to be. This aspect dilutes the ego, making those subject to it all too aware of the thoughts and feelings of others, often to the detriment of the self. It can indicate deep-rooted - or sometimes groundless - fears or anxieties, or a resistance to pursuing objectives when the going gets tough. Those with this aspect are often tireless workers for a cause belonging to someone else and may need remainders that their own needs are precious and worth fighting for.

Saturn Square Pluto
Saturn square Pluto can indicate self-will and persistence to the point of ruthlessness. There is often exposure to some very difficult emotional experiences, and these may set up a defensive stance that makes the ability to forgive and forget hard to maintain. People with this aspect have the ability to perform difficult work and possess great commitment. Self-restraint can be almost obsessive at times and when motivated by a challenge, their drive and endurance is remarkable.

Saturn Trine Uranus
This aspect offers a good balance between the sense of determination and the willingness to adapt to change. There is an easy bridge between the old and new, past and future. Saturn trine Uranus promotes the ability to use initiative and originality, whilst applying common sense and knowledge gained from applied commitment. There is usually talent for relating easily to people of all ages and all walks of life. It offers vibrancy and enjoyment of challenges but with a mature judgment and sense of responsibility to others.

Saturn Trine Neptune
Realism and idealism merge easily under the influence of Saturn trine Neptune, to foster constructive efforts to achieve inspirational plans. There is a good balance between intuition/ receptiveness, and the self-preservation instincts. Those born with this aspect are capable of pursuing profitable and worthwhile pursuits that benefit themselves and others. They are blessed with the gift of remaining critical to easy promises made by others, whilst keeping an open mind that allows for the possibility of miracles.

Saturn Trine Pluto
Great resilience is offered by Saturn trine Pluto, and the ability to maintain a focused effort with consistency and rigor. The mind is attracted to complex issues which resound with profundity and emotional depth. Those born with this aspect can often attract fervent opposition to their views, because those who like to ‘just leave things as they are’ are disturbed by the way they will uproot problems and seek to expose their basis. But the aspect also offers great strength of character and purpose, so they are not easily dissuaded from their path.

Saturn Opposition Uranus
The opposition between Saturn and Uranus often indicates a state of discomfort between the old and the new. It can represent a battle between placing security and comfort against excitement and creative challenge. This can often take the form of conflict between a traditional upbringing and modern lifestyles. Attention should be given to finding ways to compromise in disruptive situations, and finding a worthwhile outlet for the tensions that arise. People with this aspect can become effective leaders in provocative actions aimed at disturbing negative apathy.

Saturn Opposition Neptune
Those born with Saturn opposite Neptune often swing between the extremes of hard materialism and uncritical idealism. They are naturally susceptible to overblown promises made by others and when reality creeps in their response is to seek protection in distorted mistrust. This aspect is equally prominent in the charts of fervent believers and fervent skeptics. Great effort should be made to maintain sensitivity and maturity in the decision-making process.

Saturn Opposition Pluto
Saturn opposite Pluto often brings considerable changes that require hard work and dedication. Those born with this aspect usually have great strength of reserves, but need to be wary of obsessiveness and self-restraint that borders on unnecessary self-sacrifice. On a personal level there is difficulty in expressing deep emotions, but they can have deep empathy for others. Often, there is an acute awareness of the pain and hardship that accompanies life and many people with this aspect are well suited to working hard for the benefit of those that have suffered genuine hurt.
The Ptolemaic Aspects of Uranus and Neptune
This is a ‘generational’ influence that is most noticeable in charts where it contacts the angles or Sun or Moon. Uranus fosters change and innovative breakthroughs. Neptune relates to mass consciousness. When these planets are in contact with each other, collective ideals will be shaken and disturbed in order to allow new models of thought and collective expression to emerge.

The Ptolemaic Aspects of Uranus and Pluto
This is a ‘generational’ influence that is most noticeable in charts where it contacts the angles or Sun or Moon. Uranus fosters change and innovative breakthroughs. Pluto relates to political powers. When these planets are in contact with each other, political ideals will be shaken and disturbed in order to allow new methods of government regulatory principle to emerge.

The Ptolemaic Aspects of Neptune and Pluto
This is a ‘generational’ influence that is most noticeable in charts where it contacts the angles or Sun or Moon. Neptune relates to mass consciousness. Pluto relates to political powers, global organizations, focused energy or ‘underground’ institutions. When these planets are in contact with each other there is often widespread conflict or focus upon political issues and collective ideals.
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