I was born in 1979.
When I was growing up, I remember everyone around me saying that I NEED a university education if I don’t want to have a terrible life. I believed it. Almost everyone I knew believed it too.
At that time, university wasn’t SOOO expensive. Students could pay for school with a good part time job. They didn’t graduate with a huge debt and crazy student loans.
Things are very different now. University is unbelievably expensive, and more and more students are going to school. It seems that everyone believes that having a university degree will somehow just “magically” give them a good job when they graduate. Well, with so many people having degrees, the “good jobs” are getting harder and harder to find. Students in the US are paying an average of $27 000 USD per YEAR just to go to school. Some students are paying a lot more. When they graduate, they have an insane amount of pressure to pay back a crazy student loan, and it’s harder and harder to find a high paying job just by showing people your degree. A lot of employers now realize that A) too many people have the same thing, and B) It’s really just a “fancy” piece of paper.
With technology changing so fast as well, colleges and universities aren’t really able to “keep up” with it all, and really prepare students with the proper knowledge they will need for the jobs of the future.
Chinese students have been going to the US in HUGE numbers over the past 10 years or so. They are growing so fast. I just read in a really interesting article from the Wall Street Journal that about 70% of them return to China after graduating to find a job, and less and less of them can find a good job. They’ve almost “wasted” their parent’s hard earned money, and it’s not their fault either.
The price of education is going up fast, the quality is going down fast, and more and more people are joining the workforce with the same degree, the same piece of paper.
They have a huge debt/loan to pay off. It’s almost like they have a mortgage, but NO HOUSE!
Students in America owe a total of over 1 trillion dollars in student loans. That is $1 000 000 000 000. Insane. Thousands and thousands of students in the US owe more money just in student loans, than the price of a pretty decent house! I’m not joking.
REAL skills (like learning high level English, computers/internet, and networking) are becoming more important (and not expensive)
Anyway…… Do I think that it’s a terrible idea to get a university education? Of course not! But I absolutely think that you should really think about this carefully, and don’t just be a sheep and think that your insanely expensive piece of paper will just magically help you. You need to think ahead and think “smarter” than most of the other people who just believe whatever they are told by society.
I’d love to know where you are from, how old you are, and what your thoughts are about this topic. Please share your thoughts about this important topic in the comments below.
I also just watched an AWESOME documentary about this situation and I put that video and the article about international students studying in China here in the VIP community for you guys to enjoy. You will love both. There is a lot of great stuff in there that is both really interesting AND will help your English. I spend so much of my time looking for this kind of stuff for you guys. I’m sure you’ll love it

Again, please let me know your situation, and your exact opinion on this. If you completely agree or totally disagree with me, that’s totally fine. It’s great practice for your English to get your thoughts down in writing, and it’s great for all of us (including me) to learn and think about different perspectives. We can all learn from each other.
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